They are small and effectual bastards
We all know the body can reduce it's energy output..
Yes, the body can metabolically shift, which is another variable in the equation.
but regardless.. this is very complicated and discussing it this deep, making assumption after assumption probably holds no purpose

In the end, one must experiment and do what experience tells you works.
There is a point in all of this: That manipulation of carbohydrates is powerful tool in ones arsenal, when they learn to apply it in a manner that works for them.
Another example: If one is lean-enough (but still believes tissue is thick), one can cut carbohydrates, reduce water (as an example, using it as a mild diuretic), and leave
calories UP toward your personal target (SEE carbohydrates "effect" tissue).
Maybe its just too much water. Reduce it and find out. If not back to the drawing board. I have wrote on these types of manipulations before.
Additionally, (again dependent on the person) one could theoretically set themselves up in the diet sense (through calorie, macro-nutrient, and activity manipulation) to be more tolerant.......for some of our forum members tendency to abuse their diets (through excessive alcohol consumption on the weekends), and lesson its impact (not eliminate it, but lesson it a great deal, by actively participating prior, during, and after). Are their pros and cons? Of course. But if one can learn to properly manipulate their diet/activity, they can effectively deal with their problem weekend (weekend used as an example). People need to open up their perception and definition of: DIET, and put it work for them, instead of against them.
Personally, I can reduce carbohydrates for about a week (say sub 30g per day, for example), and then eat reasonably over MT, and not gain one once of physical tissue (yes some water comes back, after about two days). But, I can "feel" and look even leaner than before.
In other words, manipulating carbohydrates can effectively make one look physically leaner. Thus learning about what they do or can potentially do (both the pros and cons) is important in my opinion.
I am off to train,,,,,,,should have been there a half hour ago, lol
Off to friggen.......make the iron wimp out........
Best wishes