Sport Cant afford food. : (

Sport Fitness
Isn't it about time people stopped attacking BL? It's starting to sound like bullying to me. Her food philosophies certainly aren't ones that I subscribe to but there are plenty of people out there who think the same as her and lead very healthy lives following those rules. Maybe a little more tolerance needed?

To the OP - From what I remember as a student, the key to cheap healthy eatting is to find out when the local supermarket closes, go about 30 minutes before and look for all the reduced stuff. Vegetables are always in the clearance sections.
This would probably mean you have to go every day though
The short on the spicy food/metabolic raise...

It can increase your metabolic rate for a short period of time at a SMALL %. It in no way though is enough to effect fat loss.

All these common metabolic raise talks (spicy food, cold water, green tea, etc.) all end in the same answer. Too small of a percentage to make a difference in the overall scheme of things if overall diet and exercise aren't in place.
Bullying and pointing out sheer idiocy is ridiculous. I don't even see anyone really attacking what BL has done interms of the dieting as opposed to the typing capabilities. It has entirely HURT to read through those posts and I can't even understand like 50% of the crap out of them. How is confusion beneficial to an already confused individual? This is just ridiculous. Ontop of it all there is no sound backing to any of it.The request after request made for SOME found backing to this has been blown off like it was an inconvenience to cite a source of reference; this usually indicates horse ****. Trust me, I majored in that for many years, unfound bs without a solid ground to stand on.