Sport Cant afford food. : (

Sport Fitness
I love to stay in shape. I shadow box, run, and love to jump rope. I also do alot of other things. The reason I am not rip and cut up (or I think) is because of my diet. I dont eat right at all. I eat this, then this. I feel weak one day, hyper the next. Can your diet cause you to not gain muscle. I feel like no matter what I do I dont get any stronger. I hope someone can let me know. Also should I just wait until I have a steady income to start worrying about my diet. I am broke in college so if you have a diet for me it would help if its cheap.
Well if you aren't pushing your body's physical limitation you AREN'T going to gain muscle. Same stuff, day in day out, without an increase in needed performance from your muscles will amount to no need for you to get stronger.
I had the same prob with affording food until I started to actually use portion control. A chicken breast from my local grocer ussually weighs in at a hefty 8-12 oz. Well 1 serving is only 4 oz. So one chicken breast is 2-3 meals. Also canned tuna is great for protein and super cheap. 60 cents per can and each can has 2.5 servings. Not bad at all.
Try to use portion control and see if it helps ya out.
That is such a huuge problem! .. not just for athletes or people who want to fuel exercise while doing other things to change their situations but for just so many ppl in general.

Particularly with so many funny ideas of what good nutrition looks like out there, I don't think there really iis enough information for people on how exactly tooo have enough to eat on a bugdet.. which unfortunately deters sooooo many people from ever studying or breaking away from bad relationships or lifestyle rutts or convinces them to comprimise their health or fitness or whathaveyou.
It's a sad thing.

To answer the question though, and this isf rom myself coming from a past of 2and4 thousand dollars a week dancing and $520 000 modeling offers breaking away from thaat to take a better temporarily more poor course ( because of other goals about real life that came up in the meantime),

and I think the key to being able to soundly pull that off is in your fluid intake.. ( juices / potassium / heat of your fluids / protein / bioavailablity / glyco impact / ph ( like nuetrals and acids and bitters / etc etc ) ) for which I normally just buy around 1-1.5 - 2 litres no fat milk with vitamin D for each day ( to which I might add some protein powder or juiced fruits or veg or some artifical sweetener,), I buy orange juice / I buy apple / I buy rice crackers, I buy tomatoes/lettuce/ no fat cheese / I buy celery / I buy a bag of frozen maybe asian veg with waterchestnuts / I sometimes buy potatoes / I buy chilli / I buy garlic / I buy ginger sometimes ( all fresh jarred) , I buy equal ,I buy peas and corn/ I buy carb bars ( or a low complex muesli bar .. or half a sachet of instant oats with heeaps of milk usually does it) ,low sodium tomatoe sauce / i buy lettuce / I buy fresh juices / I buy vitamins and coffee , I buy watermelon, I buy a fibre supplement, I buy a guarana and vit b tab formula, I buy a protein powder and for my main meal most days , I usually do egg whites any number of ways and with either fruit or vegetables and a glass of short black coffee and a cpl of rice crackers sometimes or juices or soda water and then once a week or fornight I buy either a cpl of pieces of lean lamb or a bag of high protein low salt fish or maaybe some tuna to throw in my chilli tomatoe ginger lemon and scrambled egg white at times aswell. and then for times I need an extra carb I usually have some wholemeal bread in the freezer or some wholemeal pasta or a quick low salt alfredo or macaroni and cheese stashed away in the pantry somewhere.

I can buy alll of that for around Aus $ 180 a fortnight .. and that might even be with a few girly extras on top. aand I buy 4l of dry red wine at atime for a glass to 2 ( 125ml serves ) for each day aswell. .. to help break the protein down and protect my heart ...and my liver from having to produce so much bile of it's own..

If you want wardobe pimping you'll likely have to work a few hrs but usually that's ammple to get by on.

There arre ways to acheive the best health avaailable to people but you have to really be prepared to just not muck about, stick to the budget, eat only what is petrol and what is most effiiicient petrol ( as the main point) and be prepared to go bland and to stick to it.. which funnily enough on the bland issue.. turns out that these things all taste like stuff just by themselves anyway! ;).

You can also throw in some no fat yoghurt or ice-cream if you reeally want but as long as you be creative and change the ways you put your pallet together from those ingredients and you get enough protein and carbs to break it all down and stabilise your nerves( mainly fromm your fruit and veg so your bowels dont end up like the inside of a sausage from all the gooey proteins you're eating ), and can keep up with a multi vit for the fall-out.. you really will be on a winner!

I was training 12 hrs a day and studying for a Ph.D living on this alone and I was by no means big, but I did train my way into a World Heavy Weight Martial Arts Title fight offer and am back at it ( both training andstudy in lieu of settling where I was) for a whole other round.

I really wish you well on sticking in there to put it all together. Don't listen when ppl say you can't have both because it's a great lie people tell themselves so they don't have to try. ..aand ppl who have done it, know that it's just not true.
You caan have both and again I wish you the best of luck.

Blooming tianshi Lotus
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No. It was centred on how worthwhile it is to some of us. yah but hellpful gibberish is the difference. ;).

Of course you look to ppl who've produced results before to know how much merit something has.. particularly when it's scary and your whole life direction could bank on it.

well shuckx.:).

. No-onel else has offered any thing better to help him out and this is the stuff that changes ppl's whoole outlook on life.. ppl can get pretty hunrgy or pi**ed off by the end of a degree period.. or fat or lazy or desperate or whatever. imagine if youu were in a ****ty situation and thought youu couldn't bail yourself out and keep training and eating enough.. but you kneeew if you could you'd stay hot and feel good and be able to keep at it or whathaveyou.

Some of you men here are harsh.

P.s. try the milk overnight even and see how much you go through and how good you feel in the morning ;). take it to bed icey and throw in some quick. wake up to juice and cold water. ahhh.:). no baloney. Awesome way to top up at the end of day aand prep for your early am.
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-Top cheap foods for any goal-

-Chicken Breast (bulk)
-Eggs/Egg whites
-Peanut Butter
-Cottage Cheese (% of fat based on goal)
-Frozen fruit (Bulk)
-Frozen veggie (Bulk)

All you need right there for any goal.
speaking of whole concise and specific..
I knOw that alone wouldn't be enough to sustain me to 100% health and fitness.
and the peanut butter is rubbish!

I'd like to be nicer but being that we're talking about reeal health, I think you're misleading him.

Blooming Lotus.
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Not evvery day!! .. but somedays it really helps.

a sweet black coffee in the morning helps for the hot fluid we sometimes need ( as does boiling the bejeezus out of some boneous chicken for broth ( and aspic later btw for connective tissue and bowels and skin and joints etc ) or a few cups of hot water or light tea ) and to get bowels moving and metabolism kickstarted. and again at 4 ish after the 3 pm carb load ( biggest carb of theday time) to recover from the 2pm bio-rythmic slump and to prep for a good several hr pm workout.

I don't believe ( in fact my experience tellls me ) that you don't need more than 4-12 -15 grms of grains a dayy ( most days ) with enough fruit and veg and simple sourc ed sugars through your day to train hard and be nourished and optimally fed..

It's only worthless to someone without motivation to do it . It's something that ii did and for yrs and have found works from a similar situation and with similar goals and that's all I'm saying.

If it'll help him out, then it's something I've used and had work.
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Boneous - containing some bones
Aspic - the jelly stuff you get from chicken marrow when cooked and cooled .. more made when boiled .. ancient 'chinese ' ' secret' for good skin and healthy joints and connective tissue integrity and repair... also can get from pig skin .. when you add hot water or hot food plus a colld viscousy fluid ( like milk for example ) and a dry carb ( like something made from a grain :- bread pasta / ..rice crackers .. ) is good for spleen function and bowel function .
suggestion :- because of syrupy nature , follow this up with astringents like lemon juice and salad greens..

why do we neeed hot fluids and foods ?? - because otherwise our thyroids go into understimulated immobility slowing our metabolisms down and causies digestive and elimination difficulties.

biorythmic slump - the dive in energy levels human bodies typically experience around 2-3 pm every day.

triple / dbl / quadruple up of letters or pauses in connection of letters in words - 'cute' ( but effective) grammatic drama to imply intonation stress and personality.

the rest I'm just going to just have apologize for because I don't understand what else isn't clear to you.

Hope you read through the colour and take something useful away with you . Boneous - containing some bones
Aspic - the jelly stuff you get from chicken marrow when cooked and cooled .. more made when boiled .. ancient 'chinese ' ' secret' for good skin and healthy joints and connective tissue integrity and repair... also can get from pig skin .. when you add hot water or hot food plus a colld viscousy fluid ( like milk for example ) and a dry carb ( like something made from a grain :- bread pasta / ..rice crackers .. ) is good for spleen function and bowel function .
suggestion :- because of syrupy nature , follow this up with astringents like lemon juice and salad greens..

why do we neeed hot fluids and foods ?? - because a. it heats up the consistency of things sticking and flowing through our bodies to remove more and mobilise more rubbish ready to metabolise and eliminate and otherwise our thyroids go into understimulated immobility slowing our metabolisms down and causes digestive and elimination difficulties for the same reasons just described. Also " melts " difficult pre-plasmas and heavy sugars into a more managable form.

biorythmic slump - the dive in energy levels human bodies typically experience around 2-3 pm every day.

triple / dbl / quadruple up of letters or pauses in connection of letters in words - 'cute' ( but effective) grammatic drama to imply intonation stress and personality.

the rest I'm just going to just have apologize for because I don't understand what else isn't clear to you.

Hope you read through the colour and take something useful away with you . With so many diverse sources of knowledge and information place to place.. it's a good skill to hone.

Blooming Lotus.
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what isnt clear? you rant, you cant spell, you fragment sentences, you think '.....' is valid punctuation, you repeat yourself, you use '/' to such a degree that you appear to be creating some sort of html code, "imply"ing anything by using additional letters in words just makes you sound more stupid than you really are, you've created 'boneous' when boney already exists.

if what you say deserves as much attention as you say and think it does you're going to have to be a lot more coherent before anyone will listen.
Well back when I was a test pilot for the intergalactic federation, I barely had enough credits to buy anything but Danovian bread and recycled water.

But as soon as I get a promotion to supreme dictator of Alpha Centari, I'll be able to afford flank steak.


Yes, to the OP, your diet is the reason you aren't gaining. Food is the building block we use for EVERYTHING in the body. Not enough protein = no way to build more muscle.
Stick to unprocessed foods. Raw meat, chicken, fish (that you cook yourself), veggies, fruits, rice, oats....limit the boxed foods, frozen meals, and fast food.
There's some really good and cheap foods out there. Some of my faves:

- Fruit and veggies
- Eggs (just make sure to cook them!)
- Chicken (definatley cook that!)
- Tortilla chips and salsa for a snack
- Low sugar breakfast cerials, i.e. Kix, Cheerios
- Oreos (just kidding)

It's not a complete list, but it will getcha started ;)
what isnt clear? you rant, you cant spell, you fragment sentences, you think '.....' is valid punctuation, you repeat yourself, you use '/' to such a degree that you appear to be creating some sort of html code, "imply"ing anything by using additional letters in words just makes you sound more stupid than you really are, you've created 'boneous' when boney already exists.

if what you say deserves as much attention as you say and think it does you're going to have to be a lot more coherent before anyone will listen.

Lol@Malkore firstly, but if I had've meant 'boney' , then that's what I would have said. I saaid I have been in the same circumstance with the samish budget and beef and thaat is how I dealth with it.
If my copping rubbish for sharing that with him is what I need to do, then that's what I chose.

If you doo eat like Ii suggested ( co-incidently supported by the moderators here ) you wiill not only retain what you've alreeady earnt musclewise but you 'll also and imprrove your rip aand your density!.

p.s. go easy on the meat!.. there's not reeally much of a budget for that but you can love milk and egg whites ( for grm/ dollar protein value) and the very occassional bit all you like.Don't be pressured into thinking you have to spend more or comprise the total nourishment you get. it gets tricky but I promise this has worked and kept me training hard for yeears !

that boneous chicken is a luxurry and so is the aspic!.. the meat from it isn't the besst bit aanyway so don't missit. eggs have muuch more protein and when you eat them with milk, you also complete your b.c.a.a. profile.
Choose you're veg to do that aswell and you shoould be powering;).

Blooming Lotus.
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I'm curious about this hot foods and fluids claim...
Do you have a source for that information?

You're talking about actual temperature, right, and not spicy foods?

I couldn't find any information on the link between food temperature and thyroid issues that wasn't based in Chinese tradition (and the article I did find was nearly mythological instead of scientific) but I'd like to hear more about it.

I'm talking about both actually. I have to go shower and workout but until I get back whenever i do, if I do, maybe you can try googling under traditional chinese medicine + food ( TCM + food) + the 16 temperatures and tastes .
Apparently, according to them, at best health there are 16 that we need to cover every 2 days. It's quite cool when you get the hang of it and if you also understannd it, it shows what assists what to digest how and so on.
Interesting read. good luck finding something.

Blooming Lotus.
This is all so interesting...I wish I could stick around to hear more

I've read that eating spicy foods only briefly does anything to your metabolism; that it's not a lasting effect or anything (though peppers and things are really healthy and otherwise beneficial.)

But the whole thing with traditional Chinese medicine's suggestions for eating (the 3 "types" of food, 5 "flavors," etc.) seems really hokey and completely unproven... I was wondering if you had any information that scientifically backed that up, because I think it's an interesting theory. Not sure if I believe it, but I'd rather find out for sure.

I'm probably about to get voted back off the island or something any moment but maybe if more women woould start listening then these men would stop producing so godam ming much cortisol and progesterone when they masturbated !
Oh for a perfect world.

I really don't have time to do your query right now, but think max. I'll try to get back you if I can and see what I can do for some reference sites or something.

erm.. thanks for wanting to be informed.

Blooming Lotus.