Weight-Loss Can someone please tell me some good snacks

For me the Kashi bars are part of a healthy diet because they give me protein, good fats, and whole grains. :)

Yeah, i had a hard time deciding whether to add that to the healthy section or not. But, Generally i consider a "health" food to do something beneficial to the body. Think of it as a number line. <-5-4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4-5->. 0 would be neutral in that it likely does not make you less health but does not make you healthier. Getting some extra protein through a bar will not necessarily make you "healthier". So long as your already getting your daily protein needs. However, compared to fresh berries which are full of anti-oxidants and vitamins as well as other micro nutrients(phyto As well). IN all honesty I Don't believe they can even begin to compare if you know what i mean;).

If we were to put it all in some arbitrary rating system then of course kashi would get a positive vote. But we are talking in absolutes here so yeah...
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but whole grain goldfishies taste so good and they're fun foods :) you need fun foods otherwise it's well boring :)
[Squall];260408 said:
Yeah, i had a hard time deciding whether to add that to the healthy section or not. But, Generally i consider a "health" food to do something beneficial to the body. Think of it as a number line. <-5-4-3-2-1-0-1-2-3-4-5->. 0 would be neutral in that it likely does not make you less health but does not make you healthier. Getting some extra protein through a bar will not necessarily make you "healthier". So long as your already getting your daily protein needs. However, compared to fresh berries which are full of anti-oxidants and vitamins as well as other micro nutrients(phyto As well). IN all honesty I Don't believe they can even begin to compare if you know what i mean;).

If we were to put it all in some arbitrary rating system then of course kashi would get a positive vote. But we are talking in absolutes here so yeah...

Fair enough. :) I think the neutral-healthy range is really what I was going for.
i think that you have to have some fun food or the very occasional not so healthy snack. as long as i eat right for the majority of the time i dont worry. however there are certain snacky type foods i have had to ban myself from, cos once i start i cant stop - dorritos and creamy dip being one.
snacks i enjoy - hummous, baked crisps, pineapple, multigrain ryvita with lf cottage cheese, fitnesse bars (so yummy, i did eat a whole box of 6, one after the other once :eek: ) slim
i just noticed ive graduated from a newb to a junior member
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My favorite snack is a can of soda with a popcorn or a packet of chips.I also love French fries.You can only snack on them once in a while as they are fatty foods. I have them once in 4 days.To me it tastes great.
The best way to increase protein in your diet is have extra milk and a couple of eggs whenever you feel that you are low in energy.Not all protein bars are sweet and contain bad ingredients .So shop in for a better brand
even if you dont follow the south beach diet, the SB meal bars, snack bars, and 100 calorie bars are really good, and they are packed with fiber and protein. i feel like if i am going to "spend" calories on something, i want some nutritional impact.
Wasa crispbread (any flavor) with chicken salad (if you make it with fat free miracle whip, mustard, celery and dill pickle) is only about 3 grams of fat and less than 200 calories. I LOVE this snack/lunch. I've been eating it almost every day.

You can find Wasa crispbread (really they are extra large crackers) in the health food section of the grocery store.
I can have a sting cheese and be find for a couple of hours but I could eat an entire BAG of chips and still be hungry.

Isn't that the truth! I find a big difference between Carbs & proteins when it comes to staying filled up.
(Although fiber works well for me too.)
Wasa crispbread (any flavor) with chicken salad (if you make it with fat free miracle whip, mustard, celery and dill pickle) is only about 3 grams of fat and less than 200 calories. I LOVE this snack/lunch. I've been eating it almost every day.

You can find Wasa crispbread (really they are extra large crackers) in the health food section of the grocery store.

wasa crackers are the greatest thing since -umm - sliced bread :) high fiber, low calories, satisfying, and only about 4 items on the ingredients list and every single item you could find elsewhere int he grocery store :)

they are awesome with soome goat cheese and sliced tomatoes or cucumbers...
wasa crackers are the greatest thing since -umm - sliced bread :) high fiber, low calories, satisfying, and only about 4 items on the ingredients list and every single item you could find elsewhere int he grocery store :)

they are awesome with soome goat cheese and sliced tomatoes or cucumbers...

Or you could just leave off the goat cheese and actually enjoy eating them!!:) I think goat cheese is icky!!! But to each his own huh!! No offense Mal!!!:)
savoury snacks

i know that the healthiest snacks are fruit and veg but does anyone have any tips for a slightly more savory option. at the moment i eat oat cakes. there real healthy but taste lik cardboard lol.

any tips would be much appreciated
anything can be a snack - just watch your portion sizes...

search this forum for snack ideas there's already a bunch of threads
Quick & easy snacks

Hi all,

I'm trying to come up with some ideas for quick and easy snacks that I can bring to work. Over the last two weeks, I've mainly been snacking on the following:

Handful of almonds
Low fat string cheese
Dried plums
Low fat cottage cheese

I'd like to put some more variety in my snacks so I'm looking for some help. Any suggestions?


If you need some quick protein, Starkist has come out with these Light Tuna snacks that come with sweet relish, reduced-calorie mayo, and wheat crackers.

Yogurt is good, too.
I would avoid dried plums as they are gonna be high in sugar/calories (any dried fruit is gonna have that "problem"). apples/oranges have good fiber. Grapes are too high in sugar. A little messy would be 1/2 avocado, save the other 1/2 for the next day (eat with a sprinkle of salt, 100 calories, good source of fat).

If there is room in the freezer you could buy a bag of frozen, pre-cooked, grilled chicken breasts (to prepare: 1 min on each side in a 1000-watt microwave).

Toasted high fiber bread (40 cals/slice with 3g+ fiber) with spray-on fat-free parkay/butter.

Natural (no sugar added) peanut butter to go on the toast.

At worst, you could leave the bread & PB at your desk if you have the room (but then it stares at you all day). Or you could bring 2 tbsp of PB in a small container along with bread in a sandwich bag.

Low fat yogurt. I prefer Stony Field for the abundance of bacteria and they don't pasteurize too harshly.

(I'd love to bring Steam Fresh veggies to work, but they stink up the joint when cooked)

Hmmm, bag of baby carrots... Carrots are somewhat sugary but they have lots of fiber and vitamins to balance it out.
I'm with Pay on the grilled chicken breasts. You can make up a mess of them at a time and leave them in the fridge, and they're very satisfying.

Tyson's grilled chicken strips (the kind made to put on salads and stuff) are real good for a pick-me-up, too.
A handful of baby carrots or some celery sticks with a little bit of peanut butter.
A handful of raw almonds without salt is another. Any fresh fruit should be ok.