Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?????

Hi everyone, I have been really obsessed with my weight problem. I am a 33 year old female and have gained 90lbs which makes the count to 210. I recently took out some of my summer clothes and they don’t fit me anymore!!! This is a real tragedy for me. How can I not wear the ones I adore...moreover the new look is getting me mad (with the comments from my friends). I know quite a few ways to start losing weight…….but I don’t really feel that, with so many people failing using these methods that I will make it through. Does anyone know a proven way to reduce the weight?

Please help me…..this is killing me!!!
The only foolproof method to weight loss would be to get some limbs amputated, any other method requires will power and is therefore prone to failure. Only YOU can make your own success when it comes to dieting and exersize.
The only foolproof method to weight loss would be to get some limbs amputated

You totally win.

Anyone considering this method should bear in mind that you can only do this 4 times. So you're still going to need some willpower to avoid regaining more than 4 times.
there are plenty of pretty useless internal organs you can get rid of - appendix - an extra kidney - how many lungs does a person really need... you can get rid of part of your liver - gall bladder -eh not so really neccessary...

Shaving the head and all body hair would be good too..
Yeah, but those organs don't weigh a tremendous amount. Plus internal organs are pretty metabolically active, so getting rid of them could be penny wise and pound foolish. So to speak.
hey - we don't care about long term results..

we want immediate changes in the scale :)

that's all we care about donchaknow :D
In that case, I can't in good conscience recommend either amputation or organ removal, at least not professionally done. Major surgery with general anesthetic and a saline drip will just cause water retention (which will really make that scale jump!), offsetting the weight you removed, at least in the short term.

For quick results, shaving all your head / body hair and/or bloodletting will give you some loss with no water weight gain. After that, home amputations would be my first choice as "least likely to puff you up in the short term." The average person could probably skip the initial bloodletting and jump straight to DIY amputations. Two birds with one stone!
that was my first solution the first time they posted - but they didn't seem to like that idea because they created a brand new login and asked the identical question all over again..

So now -we're going with alternatives..

Stop making sense now -proven means we need some sort of gimmick :D
Have all your teeth pulled so there's no way of chewing food. You'll have to stick with liquids and it will be very hard to over-consume.
gall bladder -eh not so really neccessary...

I beg to differ there. Well, not that's it not so necessary, but that it will help you lose weight. I had mine out in January. And that's why I'm on this forum now. Gained 20+ pounds during recovery. Ouch. You'd be better off losing a limb I think...but it might hamper your ability to exercise...better make it an arm first and see how you can cope...
Please don't take anything but this quote seriously. :piggy:

Hey now! Don't be badmouthing my FatBusting Home Amputation Kit*! Just because you don't think it's the right choice for you doesn't mean that others won't be very satisfied with their results. This is a free country, you know, and not everyone can lose weight your way - if they could, no one would be overweight!

Just to prove to you what an upstanding, honest person I am, with the best interest of forum members at heart, I'll even send a free** FatBusting Home Amputation Kit to the first 5 people to PM me. Give it a try, and report back on how much you lost!

*The statements regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your condition.

** Plus $19.95 shipping and handling. You can't really expect me to pay out of pocket just so you can lose weight, can you?
Hey now! Don't be badmouthing my FatBusting Home Amputation Kit*! Just because you don't think it's the right choice for you doesn't mean that others won't be very satisfied with their results. This is a free country, you know, and not everyone can lose weight your way - if they could, no one would be overweight!

Just to prove to you what an upstanding, honest person I am, with the best interest of forum members at heart, I'll even send a free** FatBusting Home Amputation Kit to the first 5 people to PM me. Give it a try, and report back on how much you lost!

*The statements regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your condition.

** Plus $19.95 shipping and handling. You can't really expect me to pay out of pocket just so you can lose weight, can you?

Kthx. You do it first. Pix or It's not True. No photoshopping allowed.:svengo:
exsqueezeme -

the very first post I offered legitimate information from the very first time the question was asked.. but whent he question gets asked again -hilarity ensues :D

:eek: is it possible she made a second thread by accident?