Can anyone recommend a good fish oil brand?

Heh I wish, so far the brands I see that are enteric coated have soy, the ones that don't have soy are not enteric coated and the ones that are enteric coated and don't have soy have a low amount of omega 3 in each tablet, which means I have to go through twice the aount of tablets.

I seem to be stuck with twice the amount of tablets, ah well...better than nothing.
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Have you looked at vitamin world and other places like that? I am sure there are a ton of alternatives out there. Get what you can, take extra if you have to until you get your debit card in oder, then order the ones you want.
I think alot of T-nation products are only available through them. Just make sure the DHA & EPA amounts account for at least 30% of the total.

Example: your pill is 1000mg, it should be at least 250mg DHA and 50mg EPA.

Fish oil is fish oil after that IMO. This is one product that I dont care where I get from (Walgreens, Drug Fair, doesnt matter.
Ok I finally found a brand that is non soy and enteric coated.

I am still burping up taste, but its a medicinal taste this time.

Anyway, I am just going to finish up this one until I find another one to try out.

P.S - The softgels in this brand I am using were stuck to each other when I opened it, sign of a bad product? They were easily released from their pasty fate for individual use though.
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I finally bought some fish oil too. It's enteric coated, which is good, but I burp up fish taste, which is bad. I should also mention that it's the Spring Valley brand from WalMart, which probably explains a lot.

I believe I'm going to try a different brand.

- you have no burpy problems with that one from Walgreens right? I think I'm going to try that one. If it bothers me too, then I might move on to more expensive stuff. I figure you research the heck out of everything, so if you recommend it, then I trust it.
Fish is an excellent source of fish, tastier than pills too.

you don't say.:p

Fish is just so inconvenient. When cooking for a family, and dealing with two small children all day, something like fish is hard to work in - it's not like meatloaf that makes enough for 2 nights of supper plus a lunch or two for my husband, you know? plus, it's more expensive than ground turkey, chicken, etc. - you wouldn't think it would be considering I live in a coastal area.
The problem with taking fish oil is that real fish has so much more than just omega acids to offer. So many things that simply can't be put in a bottle it's ridiculous. That's the problem with relying too heavily on any sort of supplement; the supplement should be a supplement, not a replacement.

In the end:

fish, oranges, milk... > fish oil, vitamin C, calcium...
has anyone tried...

Something like this?

It says it has 0.05 g omega-3 DHA and EPA per 1 cup serving.

oops my math sucks, 0.05 grams... so you would have to drink way to much each day to rely in this for omega 3...
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The problem with taking fish oil is that real fish has so much more than just omega acids to offer. So many things that simply can't be put in a bottle it's ridiculous. That's the problem with relying too heavily on any sort of supplement; the supplement should be a supplement, not a replacement.

In the end:

fish, oranges, milk... > fish oil, vitamin C, calcium...

That's just it. The hard part is balancing between what we know we should be eating, and the reality of what our daily lives allow for. Yes, I should be going to a farmer's market and paying twice as much for organic produce, and I should be buying fresh fish and grilling it twice a week, and so on.

I would really enjoy that. In reality though, dressing, packing, loading and unloading my children alone turns a 10 min trip to the store into a 1 hour one. Dealing with two small kids basically takes normal activities and at least doubles the amount of time it takes to complete them - from shopping, to cleaning, to cooking. For non-parents, well, I can't speak for them.