Calm down folks, its only a fitness forum

Thanks man, just remember though. Your sayin now what I said last week. This will all blow over man.

I agree, most users involved in this shiat do not realise it but they would not realise how bad they look if they took a break of a week or two and read their comments "cold". We could do with ghost busters or somethin. :p
another reason why i come and go over the years
I love you BB, and you right it's only a forum as i always say.

Though Typhon does have a point that it can go beyond just being a forum. Spending a few years here bring's you some good friendships etc.
I love you BB, and you right it's only a forum as i always say.

Though Typhon does have a point that it can go beyond just being a forum. Spending a few years here bring's you some good friendships etc.

The key is to remain focused, like if you have to drive in the Paris-Dakar rally, there are going to be distractions, but remain focused you will get there in the end. A few wheels may come off and you may lose a fingernail or two but keep focused. :D

The thing that brought people together was pursuit of fitness goals, other asides should remain asides. :p
Oh well, it's all done now and in the past. And anyway, we have a new member here now that bears an uncanny similarity (but of course is in no way the same person :)) as Chillen, so not much has changed around here. Just a few more trolls logging in to post abuse while hiding their identity. What kind of sad low life would do that is beyond me though
Oh well, it's all done now and in the past. And anyway, we have a new member here now that bears an uncanny similarity (but of course is in no way the same person :)) as Chillen, so not much has changed around here. Just a few more trolls logging in to post abuse while hiding their identity. What kind of sad low life would do that is beyond me though


So, you guys decided to go for a kind of "forum divorce"? Who got the cat and who got the dog then? :p I was looking this up and the following came up on Yahoo Answers :-

Q said:
What is the most hardest part of a divorce?
i would like to know i am considering getting a divorce from my husband after nearly 4 years of marriage what is the hardest part to getting a divorce?

The answer
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters said:
the hardest part is
1.) letting that person go, even though they are mean, rude and evil lol it's hard and
2.) seeing them treat someone else better than you that just sucks

Well, we are here for all of you to lean a shoulder on. I'm not taking sides. :D