Calm down folks, its only a fitness forum

I wasn't gonna post for a while (due to me trying to run a mile in 20 mins :D) but I take a peek at the forum and it looks like a war zone or sumthin. I realise there were cliques and people didn't like some people etc but it happens just like in real life. This is a frickin fitness forum, so just calm down an stop frothin at the mouth. Snap out of this thing, whatever it is. :violent:


* Off to trying to run a mile in 20 minutes.
dang, this almost makes me want to take you off ignore.

good subject line thouigh

ok - I peaked!

good work man. And you're headed out to sweat too. NO way ;)

anyhow- a typical walk pace is 17 minutes. You'll make it - lol
THIS IS ONLY A FITNESS FORUM!!!!?!??!?!?!? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No jk, but yeah we have battles every once in a while. Let's see. Most memorable was the one about barn yard animals. That was hilarious. I still laugh about it. This forum should be called "Barnyard Confessions" or something.
THIS IS ONLY A FITNESS FORUM!!!!?!??!?!?!? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No jk, but yeah we have battles every once in a while. Let's see. Most memorable was the one about barn yard animals. That was hilarious. I still laugh about it. This forum should be called "Barnyard Confessions" or something.

Its not a laughing matter when people are fighting, others are leaving, others want someone banned, others want someone banned not to return. We should all hold hands and sing a song round the fire dude. :p
THIS IS ONLY A FITNESS FORUM!!!!?!??!?!?!? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No jk, but yeah we have battles every once in a while. Let's see. Most memorable was the one about barn yard animals. That was hilarious. I still laugh about it. This forum should be called "Barnyard Confessions" or something.

Oh dear, when Dallen tells me I'm over reacting then I should really take a look in the mirror ;) (just yankin' yer chain)

LMAO, you're right, I have over reacted, I'm a lot calmer now but things have been handled badly recently. I've invested too much in this place and in my friendships on here to see it as 'just a forum'

It's just one of those things, if the power is left in the hands of many then a balls up is inevitable. A camel is just a horse designed by a committee after all, one person should have said 'this is what's gonna happen' and left it at that. And going back on decisions is never a good idea, a clean break is always quickest healed

So I'm gonna be moving residence simply because I want to keep in contact with the people I rely upon for support and advice so I need to be where they are.

I'll still post every now and again in here (if I'm still allowed) but I'll be moving to a new forum from next Monday when I'm back in the office

No hard feelings to anyone, especially not to AllCdnBoy, he had an impossible job to do and he tried his best to please everyone

Peace love and hugs to everyone
Typh, atleast tell me/us where everyone is going. Or PM me. Im just curious bro. And please tell me its not

Not sure as people haven't decided a definate place, I also wouldn't want to openly post somewhere out of respect for AllCdnBoy but my email is[/email]. If you email me directly I'll keep you updated
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Not sure as people haven't decided a definate place, I also wouldn't want to openly post somewhere out of respect for AllCdnBoy but my email is If you email me directly I'll keep you updated

Thanks man, just remember though. Your sayin now what I said last week. This will all blow over man.
Has anybody else noticed that the number of active users had been steadily over 20 today ? Thats a good sign. New blood = new key members.
Hell, they could make me a mod and ill solve all the problems in one day !!! I take bribes aswell ! :)
Thanks man, just remember though. Your sayin now what I said last week. This will all blow over man.
Has anybody else noticed that the number of active users had been steadily over 20 today ? Thats a good sign. New blood = new key members.
Hell, they could make me a mod and ill solve all the problems in one day !!! I take bribes aswell ! :)

Haha, no wonder it's been over 20 will all this kicking off;)
Wait did Chillen left too? And NBS ? Man, this sucks. If FF and NoLoveLost leave, I'm probably going to have to bail out too. lol.
Wait did Chillen left too? And NBS ? Man, this sucks. If FF and NoLoveLost leave, I'm probably going to have to bail out too. lol.

Chillen was banned, but then allowed back, and then banned again

From what I understand he'll never be back again so every cloud has a silver lining