Sport Caffeine - Friend or Foe?

Sport Fitness
I recently read that some people have reported that they lost more weight when they drank black coffee before a workout. The article said that nutritionists speculate that the caffeine in coffee makes the body rely more on fat for fuel during the work out.

Anyone hear this? What are your opinions? I drink tea, personally, which has caffiene, but much less than coffee.
I use caffeine every day. It definitely helps in a variety of ways.

First off all, caffeine is a CNS stimulant, making your body use more energy in a day than it normally would.
Second, by stimulating the CNS, caffeine acts as an energy booster, giving a noticeable increase in strength and endurance during a workout.
Third, caffeine has been proven through studies (I think there is a link in the research/article forum) to increase the speed at which your body recharges its blood glucose levels.

Good shtuff :)
There is plenty of evidence that prior-exercise caffeine ingestion can be beneficial. A few of my bookmarked studies on this....
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I love caffeine. But I put coffee cream in it ;) I'm not sure what that does to its fat burning qualities ...

That's because it's espresso. I don't like coffee. But the darker the roast, the less caffeine there is left in the bean. So I'm really not getting that much caffeine.

I tried caffeine pills once, but they actually put me to sleep.
Caffiene can be "both" a friend and foe.

And, you decide which it is.

Embrace the the King of Kings: The Calorie.

Embrace the decision maker: Manipulating the three nutrients (Carbs, Protein, and Fats)

Embrace the "stimulant" GOD: Fitness Training.

All three are: The Metabolism Enhancers.


Coffee without anything added to it, has "nearly" no calories (1 to 2 calories or so per cup). Being selective and buying certain additions to coffee will keep the calories low and still bring the taste and enjoyment one seeks.

For those interested in some views of caffiene:

And, a "view" on the effects on the CNS:

Since Tea is in the simular territory, Information on tea and caffiene here: (as well as the caffiene content in coffee and varieties of tea types)

Best wishes to all forum members--be your best every day!

Keep tweaking the almighty, calorie-v-activity-o-meter for the results you want! ........> :p

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Thats the key ingredient in the ever so used to be popular and legal ECA stack. There is no doubt to the power of caffeine in the gym, just beware that too much will make you jittery and nervous and will also make your heart rate elevated.
For some reason I always thought caffiene pills were not good for you. Are there any negative effects, worse than having the caffiene in coffee? :confused:
Easier to OD with them.
Could contain additional chemicals due to manufacturing needs/processes?

Other than that its should have the same benefits and negatives that regular caffeine found in coffee has.

But there are health benefits from coffee that have nothing to do with the caffeine.
i pop like a million ephedrine and caffeine pills every day now. :)

I assume you have not read the medical statistics of persons who have died taking ephedrine, and this being the catylist of ephedrine being banned in the U.S by the FDA (Fucked-up Data Administration).

Diet and exercise can never fail when applied persistently and constantly and backed by personal education and adapting to bodily feed back.

There is no replacement for the "human machine" when properly motivated, and it doesn't come from artificial stimulants. Motivation and dying energy are improved within...but..not from a pill.

Best wishes

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Caffeine is actually just adrenaline. Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors (the receptors that regulate your CNS) and they shock them. Then your brain sends a signal to your pituitary gland (the gland directly under your brain) to tell your adrenal glands to release adrenaline. So, think about what adrenaline does to your body and how adrenaline works and you will find out how you will react to caffeine.

IMO there are much better ways to tone oneself. such as dieting and cardiovascular exercise.
are you sure caffeine is just adrenaline?

No one is saying its better than cardio etc, caffeinne can and does increase fat oxidation. In actuall fact, green tea burns even more fat!
are you sure caffeine is just adrenaline?

No one is saying its better than cardio etc, caffeinne can and does increase fat oxidation. In actuall fact, green tea burns even more fat!

From my knowledge. I've also heard that caffienes role actully stops at the adenosine receptor. Since adenosine is the chemical that makes you tired caffeiene takes the place in adenosine receptors so adenosine cannot play it's sleepy effect role.
BUt what I believe is more correct is my first statement and to add on to it caffiene triggers neurotransmitters such as
Adrenaline (giving you the wide awake effect)

and yes, there have been studies showing green tea is superior in oxidizing fat and having a higher thermogenic effect. I believe methylxanthine is the caffiene chemical in green tea and that is a methylated form of caffeine. I could be wrong however.
The superior effects of greentea over coffee is unrelated to caffeine.