buttocks enlargement

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Unfortunately I can't help you there...I'd like for mine to get smaller. I guess climbing stairs and squats should build the muscle in that area, but I don't know how much size would increase.

Thanks Liza but how many squats are necessary every day to achieve large buttocks.................or how many a week and should I use weight when squatting such as dumb bell ...............love to hear from you and by the way I envy you for having such a big ass .........lol
I wish it is mine though................lol

Originally posted by Lisa
Unfortunately I can't help you there...I'd like for mine to get smaller. I guess climbing stairs and squats should build the muscle in that area, but I don't know how much size would increase.
Ok...................let me re-frame my question again may be this will make it easier
How to increase or build muslces bulk on my thighs and buttocks? naturally that will make my ass look bigger so what excercises or intakes are recommended for this purpose
ok, squats and lunges are very good. I would start with a about a 10-15 lb bar for lunges and about 25-45 lb bar for squats. For best results, do these exercises on seperate days and twice a week each. However, you will still see good results doing them on the same day, but I wouldn't recommend doing it less than twice a week.
How many times per session?

Originally posted by AllCdnBoy
ok, squats and lunges are very good. I would start with a about a 10-15 lb bar for lunges and about 25-45 lb bar for squats. For best results, do these exercises on seperate days and twice a week each. However, you will still see good results doing them on the same day, but I wouldn't recommend doing it less than twice a week.

Thanks a lot of your advise but how many lunges should I do each time and how many squats.................and when do I expect to see enlargements of my hips and thighs.............I know minimum you said is 2 times a week but for how long until I can see the result and should I take any special nutrition to help build up my buttocks and my thighs during excercises.
Thanks again for help
I would do about 10-15 reps for 2-3 sets ... start low and work your way up until you find a weight that is good for you. If you are just starting on it, do lighter than what you think, even if it's easy because you will feel it the next day and it may interfere with further workouts. As for results, it depends on how hard you work at it. If you push yourself you should expect results in 3-4 weeks and continue for a couple months. Once your body starts to adapt, the results will decrease and you will have to add other exercises and continue to increase the weight.
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