Burning Calories

The one I use is digital settings with very comfortable seat, monitors pulse as well which is cool. The Vulcan one I bought is $649AUD retail price, but my brother works as manager at a sports shop where they sell gym equipment & other things, and he got that in for me for $180AUD. The ones ranging from 350-700 were all pretty much the same, it seemed they all had the same options and **** but the more expensive were a lot more comfortable...like the one I have...my butt cheeks / legs never hurt after using it lol.
is it a vertical bike?
Ok, ok, I think you have some confusion about burning calories.

First you have to figure out your Basal Metobolic Rate. This is the amount of calories you burn when you are sleeping, sitting watching TV etc . . .ie. when you are not exercising or otherwise physically exerting yourself. This will give you the amount of calories that you burn each day without any exercise at all.

This site has a calculator which also lets you estimate your caloric needs based on your activity level:

here's another that just give the BMR:

Then you need to figure out how many calories you are burning beyond that. And adjust your caloric intake accordingly.

This site will give you a general idea of what your caloric intake should be to maintain your current weight.

These are all estimates. If the calculator says you should eat 2750 calories a day but you gain weight when you eat that much then lower your food intake.

Instead of trying to exercise to the justify your food intake, adjust your food intake to your activity level.

I hope this is helpful.
Thanks for the calculators...
It says my BMR = 1955.

Another question: How effective is HITT on a treadmill?
Thanks for the calculators...
It says my BMR = 1955.

Another question: How effective is HITT on a treadmill?

An elliptical or bike would be better, or just going out and running on a track.

The problem with a treadmill it that it takes several seconds to ramp up from 5.0 mph to 9.0 mph and several seconds to ramp back down to 5.0 that half of your HIIT session is going to take place in between high intensitiy and your rest.

With an eliptical or a bike, you are in control of the speed so it takes less than two second to go from slow to super fast. The only way to do this while running is to get off the treadmill and hit a track/street/trail.
When I first started it was hard. I would increase my time a little bit each time. I also (still do this sometimes) take a break, then get back on it. I now can walk 2mils without stopping and am trying to increase my speed gradually. It just takes time. Your body is not use to it. Eventually I will add incline (but not for awhile, I already hate the machine enough, lol). Keep at it...
no pain no gain buddy

if you stop cause it hurts, you're not going to get anywhere