Burning Calories

How do you burn alot of calories. Im at the gym and on the treadmill, and i do about 10 minutes sometimes a bit more, and then i just cant continue. It's only 100 calories?

How do you burn those 1000's you consume a day?

Im also on the bike for a bit, but thats like 50 calories.
10 minutes on the treadmill is not that long to be honest. i usually walk / slow jog on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes even before starting my "run". if you can't run on the treadmill for too long, try increasing the incline and just power walking. it is actually much harder than it sounds.

i'm guessing you are trying to lose weight?? even so, aiming to burn "1000's" of calories in one sitting is unrealistic
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I had a 51KM bike ride yesterday , 123minutes total, with 1163 calories burnt....mixed tension settings, minimum of level 5 out 8, put it upto level 6 for some time, then level 8 at the end for 2KM. I split that 51km in 2 and do half at a time, with 15-30min break in between the two rides, with a average pulse of 140-160...but I'm 19 and 69kilograms, 170cm tall. This is just an example of what I do...you could be younger/older or weigh less/more and it would be different.
Im 5'9" 5'8" ish... Im 175ish pounds.
Im trying to trim off the beer gut and like belly fat and stuff...

I realize that 10 minutes isn't alot... which is why im asking. Even cycling my legs start to hurt after more then 10 minutes... how many RPM do you do?
Im 5'9" 5'8" ish... Im 175ish pounds.
Im trying to trim off the beer gut and like belly fat and stuff...

I realize that 10 minutes isn't alot... which is why im asking. Even cycling my legs start to hurt after more then 10 minutes... how many RPM do you do?

Between 68-71 normally, can reach upto 85-90 going all out. My legs feel ****ty for the first few minutes even with stretching before...but it passes before I even notice it. I think the legs just have to get used to it each time you get on, but once you get going it stops...at least for me it does.

You might be stopping yourself mentally because of the pains you feel at the start...next time you get on the bike, don't think bout it..just keep going chances are it's going to stop and you be going long distance at a fast RPM in no time.
i dont think the tension level is that important for you right now. you need to improve your stamina b/c 5-10 minutes on the bike won't do much for you
95-100 RPMs?
What tension level do you use? 0 out of (x) ?
9 out of 20 on LifeCycle Exercise Bikes. It Varied becuase of the "Cardio" Program button I clicked. But at some point it stayed at 9 for awile... then jumped down a bit and went back up.

Just got back from the gym and here's what I did:
  • 30 Minutes Cycling- Steady 70 RPM - 180sh Calories Burned - Tension Levels: 1-8 First 15 Minutes. 8-12 Last 15 Minutes.
  • 30 Minutes of Power Walking on 5.0 Incline. 240ish calories burned.
  • 1 Minute of Running at Max Speed - 5 Calories Burned.
  • A fewTricep/Bicep weight exercises

Thanks for the tip about the steady cycling and Power Walking. Burned alot more in less time then I used to. Guess I didnt pace myself well...

Does anyone know how many calories are burned not being in the gym. Just doing everyday things like Going to work etc... I work at Togo's Sandwichs. I serve costumers and do dish's.
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You don't use much calories doing that sort of work

Removers & builders & other sorts of tradesman is good depending on what sort of job you're doing for the day. I use to work installing air conditioning, we did a lot of moving around lifting, pretty much lifting and pulling stretching pipes , moving through roofs or underneath houses for hours on end without eating...then having a quick lunch (if we had time) then going straight back to it. Not to mention the hotter it is here the more work we had...so we'd be going up n down on a roof, inside and out, lifting things ontop, bringing them down, bending pipes, wielding pipes in 40+ degree aussie heat for hours & hours without break, besides for lunch for a few minutes if we had time as I said earlier.

Not to mention 98% of the air conditioning units we installed had to be manually lifted and installed into complex area's so we couldn't use any machines to the out-door units which weighed upto 200kilo's...usually 2 or 3 of us at the most would be doing it, it may sound light, but when you're spending 30-45minutes putting it in place holding that weight yah..lol
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What about during the day, all that walking to and from places, standing around? Does that burn anything?

My guess is if your heart rate is normal and you're not huffing n puffing after "all that walking to and from places" & "standing around" , then no you're not burning...if that was true that you burnt anything that would actually take an effect on your body doing those things..then why is there always thousands of overweight people in the city all day moving around continuously lol.

Pretty sure that "standing around" & "walking to and from places" which i presume you mean from the kitchen sink to the place where the dishes are stacked...then its just part of the normal amount of calories you body burns doing normal things...and it's not like overweight people don't work or do dishes :p lol.
I mean walking to and from work, several miles per day. So all my calories should be burned from exercising? I mean it took me an hour to burn 400-500 calories today
Yeah that walking several miles per day to work and back does help keep you healthy & you have less of a chance of getting heart diseases etc, but by no means will it make you fit or thin and fit.
Go on a exercise bike at atleast half tension & stay at 65-73RPM's , do that for 90KM a day and there you go, 2000 calories burnt. I just finished my workout , 107minutes total, 44KM, 1003 calories burnt. Going to do another 22km+ after dinner tonight which should put me around 1500 calories total burnt for the day.

Edit: Mind you I split my workout up 22KM after breakfast, 22k after lunch, and 22km after dinner...so it's not all in one...thats 1,500 calories right there.
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Im headed off to gym right now...

I dont have the oppertunity to split it up lol... so 2k calories in one sitting is impossible???

Im giong to do 30-50 minutes of bike, 30-50 minutes of powerwalking, and try to go as long as possible with Rowing... I wanna do 2000 today.

I gotta split it up going to gym 3 times a day?
I work from home & I have my own equipment here. I am able to split it up...you could buy your own exercise bike, do 500 calories worth in the morning after breakfast...then when you come home from work do another 500, then when you finish dinner have another 500 calories on it. It's really hard to do 2k at a gym unless ure putting 1000000% in for like 1.5hours lol.
how much is a good bike?