Bulking Up Weight Program

I've got a thread in the photo section (HERE) that I'm currently asking whether I should be bulking up or cutting down to lose some fat.

If I decide to work on bulking up, I think I've come up with this program... critique appreciated!

I found that my maintenance calorie level is ~ 3200 calories, so I multiplied that by 1.15 to get 3700 calories a day.

I plan to lift 4 days a week, with a format of "ABxABxx" starting on Monday.

A Day (Torso):

  • Bench Press
  • Pull-Down
  • Pec-Fly
  • Seated Row
  • Military Press
  • Upright Row
  • Rear Lat-Raise
  • Shrug

B Day (Arms and Legs):

  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Lunge
  • Calf Raise
  • Tricep Extension
  • Decline Sit-Up
  • Curl
  • Hanging Leg/Hip Raises
  • Side Bends

My plan was something in the neighborhood of 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps. Any advice on how I should change things around? Thanks again!
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Should I add cardio to this to try and keep the BF down?
Ok, here is my revised routine (done in the same format, e.g. Upper on Monday and Thursday, Lower on Tuesday and Friday):


* Bench Press
* Seated Row
* Pec-Fly
* Pulldown
* Military Press
* Upright Row
* Triceps Extension
* Curl
* Shrug


* Squat
* Straight-Leg Deadlift
* Lunge
* Seated Leg Curl
* Calf Raise
* Decline Sit-Up
* Hanging Leg/Hip Raise
* Side Bend

Any critique on this one?
It seems ok to me... a bit too high volume for me personally but if you can handle that then its ok...

Also... ditch the upright rows... they are very unsafe for the shoulder... even if you feel ok doing them its a risk.
Ah, the good old internet, I could probably find some articles saying squats are dangerous too

IMO do your upright rows but if you get any discomfort then try something else
Lateral Raises instead of Upright Rows ok?