Here's the deal - nitric oxide nothing useful. period. end of story.
NO, arginine, AKG....all these do is dilate blood vessels, allowing a little more blood into your muscles (and the erectile tissue in you *****). This does NOT translate to more strength, more muscle mass, more muscle...
Basically its an induced pump in the muscles. The same pump you get from actually working out with weights in a proper manner...except weight training WILL give more strength, mass, and other health benefits.
So, if you have 'soft wood' in the bedroom, NO products can be helpful before you go for Viagra. In the gym, its nothing more than a fake pump. NO Xplode has a bunch of other crap in it too, and a few useful things, but its so damned expensive you're WAY better off buying those couple supps (like pure creatine), which also gives you more dosage control.
...all this in addition to what my peers have already pointed out. Always remember that 60% of the supplement industry is just results. NO products are popular because you can see and feel the pump/hemo-dilation. But no one has proven it does ANYTHING beneficial in terms of training.
And for the record, I have tried L-arginine supplementation ,and felt the added pump. while i was at it, I chisled down a few large rocks with my wood.
Malkore- doesn't that increased blood flow to the muscles allow you to lift heavier? I was all on the NO-Xplode bandwagon until I read your posts today. I thought that because it increased the blood flow, you COULD lift heavier than you would normally. I took it for the first time today and felt a noticeable difference in how much I could lift. Wouldn't you say the heavier you can lift the better? I guess I'm confused.