Body Temperature and Weight Loss?


New member
I wasn't sure where to ask this, so I thought I'd ask here first.

I've lost fifty pounds over the past year doing lots of cardio and tracking what I eat carefully, and everything seems like it's perfectly fine. However, today it's around 65 degrees, there's no air on in my house and I'm freezing. Is this because of my weight loss, and if so- when will my body start to adjust to being smaller?
I think that there is something to what you say about being cold. A friend of mine said that when she lost 100 pounds she was freezing all the time. Even in the summer.
As far as how long will it take your body to adjust. Who know's? It may take an entire season before you adjust.
I work in a freezer and after about a year I no longer get cold as easily. Now if I am in the heat of the summer, I feel like I am going to die 'cuz it feels TOO hot.
Just give yourself time.
65 degrees is cold. You will feel colder because your body has less insulation (sounds dumb and cliche, but true). 65 is cold, I'm 45 pounds overweight and that is a range where I need to wear a fleece jacket or my leather jacket (even inside with no breeze).

Congrats on the weight loss :)
since my weight loss (95 pounds), i have had the cold feeling that others have. Everywhere i go im freezing, especially since winter is upon us. Good thing i live in Texas and winter to us is 65 degrees!
I'm glad you posted this Q ... I've lost about 50 pounds too and was wondering about this as well. I used to aaalways be hot, and now I'm literally shivering when it's like 68-72 in our house. craziness ... but I think being cold all the time is much better than being hot all the time :D

dunno if the body will "adjust" .. I think we were just used to how an overweight body feels in certain temperatures ... it's probably healthy to be cold in these temperature ... I know a lot of "small" people who have always been small and are always cold.
After reading all of these posts I am starting to think that it's pretty normal. I always used to be the hot and sweaty one of the group who wanted the ac on. Now, after losing 50 pounds, I'm always ice cold and wanting the heat turned up. It's been almost a year since I started to lose the weight, so I am clueless about how long it takes to adjust.
It's probably your decrease in size like everyone else said, but some other possible reasons:

You may be anemic?
You may have lost muscle? Muscle generates heat.
You may have more estrogen in your body? Losing fat decreases a woman's testosterone level and boost her estrogen level.
It could be your menstruation? Menstruation causes anemia and hormonal changes.

I don't think you should worry about it though.
For all you folks who are now cold a lot, try to avoid shivering. Shivering is mostly mental (as in, you decide when to shiver) and they proved on a PBS program that shivering vs non-shivering causes the body to lose heat MUCH more quickly.
For all you folks who are now cold a lot, try to avoid shivering. Shivering is mostly mental (as in, you decide when to shiver) and they proved on a PBS program that shivering vs non-shivering causes the body to lose heat MUCH more quickly.

where did you hear that shivering is mostly mental? ... I went to NY two months ago and when the wind blew there I couldn't get myself to stop shivering, it was completely involuntary. I think it's only mental when your body is not actually that cold... oh, and just curious, I thought we shiver because moving warms our body? like, when you exercise it warms you up .. so if you shiver, it would warm you up ... that's wrong?

on a side note though .. shivering burns calories :D
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I have noticed that since I have lost almost 50 pounds that I have been quite cold too. I was always complaining of hot it was before the weight loss. I'd sweat a lot. Now I'm always complaining of how cold it is and I barely sweat at all.
yay, i hope that happens to me, i have always been one to suffer in the heat and be wearing thongs (flip flop shoes no gstring underwear) in winter.
Would be nice to wear a nice warm jacket in winter1
The only area where I've noticed this is when I'm downstairs on the computer (barefoot) and my feet get really cold. Also, in bed, I have my AC on at the same temperature that I did 30 lbs ago (I used to get really hot at night) and recently I've had to start using a blanket. It kind of makes me happy because I hated waking up sweaty in the middle of the night. I'd rather deal with cold feet and have comfortable nights in bed, than have warm feet and horrible hot nights in bed. I can't imagine how cold I'll be when I reach my goal!
:p A burden I'll have to bear, I guess. :)
I went from 179 and being just comfortable all the 111 and IM ALWAYS FREEZING. ALWAYS. I love to be out in the sun becuase of how warm it is.. .. It sucks now that its going to be fall soon!!
But I think thats a normal thing.. really..and it's going to get worse sorry..i guess with the good you gotta take the bad too hahaha. I coudl tell progressively that I would get more and more cold with the weight coming off.

I remmebre sitting in school shivering and everyone was its perfect in here.

But good luck with your weight loss nonetheless.!!
since my weight loss (95 pounds), i have had the cold feeling that others have. Everywhere i go im freezing, especially since winter is upon us. Good thing i live in Texas and winter to us is 65 degrees!

MUST BE NICE! hahah..Geez..PA definately gets too cold for me.. especially with windchill its below zero sometimes.. blah!!
It's already 47 degrees here this morning hahah thankfully it's up to I think..almost 70..which is still too cold!