BODY SHAVE!! oh gawwd

i personally like a clean chest and hairy legs on guys...and yeah, the armpit hair is kind of a turn on. i guess i like 'em manly but not too chest hairy. haha...

i shave everything from the neck down (minus my arms, fingers and toes - i don't really have hair on those places). was that too much information? :D
I'm not shaving any more than I already shave (legs, underarms and feet) and that's not changing. There are some parts of my body that I will never let a razor near, like my arms.
I will never stop shaving my pits FF! It's the only place besides my face I would shave even if I didn't compete. It was weird at first, but it's much cleaner and hygienic lol :D
I'm afraid to take a razor to my pits. I just don't have the skills, because I use an electric razor for my face.

I sometimes trim my pits to small stubbs when they get annoying or I get too smelly for my own tastes...using the electric.

Over the summer when I taught lessons and was in the water for six hours a day, my leg hair either fell out or turned white. It was relation to the pain of those damn kids. Lawlz. Nah, kids are (usually) great.
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What does Mrs FF think about this?

I know my girlfriend likes more of a caveman look, she'd hate it if I had silky smooth legs
Now..........theres a Chick

Ready for the Iron-Chickathon!

(Also has a bad case of razor burn....LOL)

That chicken is actually one that's been genetically engineered to be featherless. It's supposed to be more envorinmentally freindly or something. They can use more of the protein they eat to make eggs or grow meat because they don't have to grow feathers.
LOL!! What is this world coming to? Featherless chickens LOL.

Well here's my TMI. I shave everything from my neck down, including my arms :eek2: But the funny thing is my BF didn't even notice when I went from unshaved arms to shaved so I guess you can't really tell.

I like the smooth feeling and honestly you don't even have to do it everyday but I do. It's part of my shower routine. It only takes like 5 minutes to shave everything.

I'm not sure how I would like my guy with shaved legs and arms???? I'd have to think about that one. He trims his underarms but I think I'd prefer caveman style. I think men are supposed to be hairier than me LOL:yelrotflmao:

Good for you though FF...nice body btw...

Mrs FF does not like it. I like the way i feel! I feel strong, lean, and sleek. The armpits I endeed up doing Mreik, and I hope they settle in a bit in the next few days- Ironman Eswardo says they will.

it's funny how many lil spots i missed.

Caveman style i think is nasty. i am trypically well groomed. Not smooth but far from "nappy." I am very hairy without grooming, and now I am smooth as a "woman" and that's how it looks and feels to the touch-- Hair is coming back after the event - I think. depends on how many events i do annually with the new sponsor and all that.

I'm going ot play full sponsored athlete fund raiser for at least all of 08, until Ironman in August- so we'll see.

thanks for the compliment Moon! this body is better than I would have ever gotten has I been focused on "the body." triple discipline, 2.5- 3.5 hours 6 days a weekd for a couple months will really do wonders when combined with some dietary discipline.

posting more pics to the FF headed ot ironman for you Sparrow, and all

Oh No

I think you should try a "nair" bath....I think that will stop the patches....:yelrotflmao: