Q. I wanna get cut. I'm thinking of doing a highrep workout to tone my muscles. How many reps should I do?
A. High reps fill the muscle with a fluid which makes them feels tight but quickly deflates. In order to make a muscle permanently more tone you need to employ high tension techniques. This means lifting very heavy weight for reps of 3-5. Doing this almost daily for 1 or 2 sets. Also, why not use the isometrics. They trigger far more tension than you could ever lift and the longer you hold it the more tension is placed on your muscle.
Q. I'm thinking of Bulking, here is my routine. Monday chest:bench, dumbell flies, cable cross over, incline bench, decline bench....etc etc etc
A. I don't think anyone on this board is close to requiring a bodybuilding workout and needs to do specific isolation exercises, whether bulking or cutting. However, if you want to get bigger I suggest you find a few lifts which cover most your body. Squat, Deadlift, Bench should do it. Hit each Squat Monday, Bench wed, and DL friday. Go for sets of 5 reps and try to get 10-20 sets. Use techniques such as the 50% 75% 90% or Delhorme method. This means you do a set at 50% your 5 rep max, then a set at 75% your 5 rep max then 90% your 5 rep max. Be prepared to do this for about 20 sets. So **** off with your isolation exercises, it works for Arnold, but your no arnold.
Q. I wanna get bigger but don't have weights. What do I do?
A. Ladders! Ladder out clap push ups, tactical chin ups and the hindu squat (where you fall backwards onto your back). This means that on monday, you do claps, tues is tacticals, wed is squats, thurs is claps, friday is tactical, sat is squats. To do a ladder you follow this pattern. Your max amount of chin ups is 10. 1 chin up, rest, 2 chin ups, rest (ten seconds), 3 chin ups, rest, 4, rest, 5, rest, 6 rest for a minute, start all over, 1 rest, 2 rest, 3, rest, 4 rest, 5 rest, and now u cant do 6 so u start over. 1 rest, 2 rest, 3 rest and so on and so on. this is the only way you can gain signifcant size without weights or resistence other than your own body.
Q whats the perfect set up for a weekly schedule?
A. Bench monday, squats tuesday, shoulders wed, deadlift thurs, arms and abs friday (notice how the arms get their own day) If you arent going to give arms their own day then do bench press and biceps on one day and deadlift and triceps on another. This way bi's and tri's get their own workout whn they arent already fatiqued.
Q. I want a six pack?
A. First you do need to cut down the fat on your stomache. But you also need to use a high tension technique. Research: jackknife sit up, russian twist, ab pull over (these should be done with a HEAVY WEIGHT, not a dinky 2 lb barbie colored dumbell). Do them 3 times a week for about 3-5 sets of 5.
Q. I don't care about my legs?
A Theres a question mark at the end of this STATEMENT because this clown is obviously clue less. First off, stop being such a whiny premadanna and work your legs because people at the beach who know what they're looking at won't be impressed with arnold on tooth pics. Second, squats and deadlift (DL is the mother of all hamstring and glute exercises not to mention on of the top 2 back exercises) are HUGE compound movements which release more testosterone than Ron Jeromy.
Q. What exercises should I be using?
A. Nothing with a machine, cable or smith rack. Bench, Deadlift, Squat, Close Grip Bench, Wide Grip bench (builds you biceps like you won't believe), russian twist, jacknife push up, ab pull over, Saxon side Bend, tactical chinup, E-z bar Curl. Sometimes you can't squat cuz you got a bad back, then use something like a trap bar for your legs. Stick with free weights...heavy free weights.