New member
Soo is there anyone here over 30+ BMI? I need to get down 18.5BMI and I was wondering was how did you become such a large weight? were you ever skinny? Just thought ID add this thread to the bigger peeps 
It was pretty easy, I just followed my instincts and ate as much as I could get my hands on. No need for planning or food tracking.I was wondering was how did you become such a large weight?
No, not really I have been this way all my life, I am fat in all my baby pictures. My mother told me that on her first visit to a doctor after I was born he told her that I needed to lose weight. I am 66, and a couple of times in life I successfully dieted and lost enough weight, to get into the not or not much overweight category, but never skinny. Those times did not last long, I could never keep it up, and just went back to eating. So I would say that out of my 66 years I have probably been overweight at least 65 of them.were you ever skinny?
Yellowducky, can I ask why you are aiming for a BMI of 18.5? For most people that would be considered underweight. BMI definitely isn't the whole picture, so it can be less accurate for some people, but I am curious as to how you chose that goal?
the reason BMI charts start at ~19 is that numbers below that would make anyone dangerously underweight. on good days at 165lbs i'm at a BMI of 23. for me to get to a BMI of 19, i'd have to lose ~30lbs, ... 20% of my body weight. that's pretty crazy... and that's BMI=19..... 16 BMI is my goal kinda.