Blair Witch project.

I suggest you go watch the Japanese movies. Those movies dont make you jump by using a loud sound. You actually need to pay attention to the screen.
The exorcist and Omen are child's play. movies with possessed people are farking lame.

Any one who has not seen blair witch i highly recommend that you watch it if you want a scary flick. You must watch it in the dark though and don't have any distractions while watching it to take away from the experience.

That's exactly what I did--in the dark, no distractions, surround sound on. Blair Witch just didn't do it for me. Bunch of kids with a cam to make a movie with little budget for a class. I yawned and laughed through part of it and was bored with it off and on.

Blair Witch was fake. The Exorcist is actually based on events that really happened.

Again, good scary movies-
Hell Raiser (original), The Exorcist, Poltergeist, Psycho, The Shining, Amityville Horror, Jangwha.

Not a really scary movie, but I have to give it up to the original Jaws in the theater and in 3D. I think I was like 7 or 8 when I saw this and when the shark comes at you, you duck, move, and rip your glasses off.
I saw Cloverfield over the weekend. That was a sweet movie.
its filmed with the same premise as Blair Witch. One guy is carrying around a video camera taping as its happening.
Cloverfield is the only movie I actually walked out of in the theater. Thats how much it sucked. Lamest **** ever.

Made my top 5 worst movies.
I think blair witch was awesome and may not scare everyone but the fact that it was so cheap and looked real added a touch of class. M night shamalan or however it goes makes great movies as well. Hes got a new one called "The coming" its apparently about the end of the world through mankind's fear of the end of the world...don't know how hes gonna pull this one off. Its not about aliens to as hes already made signs and i watched a interview with one of the actors and he sead its not to do with aliens.
One of the scariest movies I have ever seen, no the SCARIEST thing I've ever seen would be that Rob Schinter or however you spell his name in that movie where he swapped out with that chick. I mean WTF! That's not a question either. It's like, What the heck is going on around here.
He watched his own movie, realized how bad his acting was and quit. I hear he's a pig farmer in Kentucky.

I just checked him out on IDMB and he's got some movies coming out next year

including The next chronicles of rid**** and another fast and the furious!

Vin Diesel was awesome in Saving Private Ryan and okay in Boiler Room, but I'll pass on his action movies and comedy (Pacifier).
The only part I remember anybody being scared was when the alien dude was reflected in teh tv.