Weight-Loss Biggest Loser Show Watch along Challenge Starting 01/19/10

245.6 this week. If the weigh in was 2 days ago it wouldve been 244 . Don't know what happened :S Think it might have been all the salty food the last 2 days.
Ok so I weighed 180.6 this a.m. up a little...but not as bad as I thought. Working on a better number for next week. Good luck everyone!
Yeah you haven't posted the results and I lost 0.8 pounds this week (144.6) !!! So pumped - getting closer to 140. The show was really good last night and I was so glad Pink made it to final four - I'm cheering for her to win!! How'd you make you counting points this week MJ?
Yeah you haven't posted the results and I lost 0.8 pounds this week (144.6) !!! So pumped - getting closer to 140. The show was really good last night and I was so glad Pink made it to final four - I'm cheering for her to win!! How'd you make you counting points this week MJ?

Well done on the loss! You're on fire!

As far as BL I'm still on the Daris train. He KILLED that last challenge. He's also the only person on the show that I have any respect for. He's been doing SO well, and I hope he blows up the finale!
Hey Everyone!!

Sorry I am lagging on posting the scores! Was waiting for some last weigh ins, and got too busy today.

Going to a baseball game in a bit, so won't have time until tomorrow to post the scores. Stay tuned!

2 weeks left of this challenge? Can you believe it?
Okay I'm running very late with my weigh-in but the scores haven't been posted yet so I hope that's okay. I'm at 130 today! Only about 2lbs to go, can definitely do this before the finale, yay.
Hey Teams!

Still missing some weigh ins.

1. lilbrat40 (2nd missed weigh in- Eliminated)
2. glenns angel
3. 20to10

I know the white team said they were not going to be able to log in and might have to drop out. Glenns angel is still in 1st place. Since this is technically the 1st missed weigh in for her, I will give her till next week to show back up before I eliminate her. That would put 1st place up for grabs again!!
Here are the stats as of Week 16 (05/11/10) for the Individual Biggest Loser Challenge.

See your ranking below!

(Individual) (Weight Loss) (% Weight Loss)
1 glenns angel -54.0 -15.65%
2 Andy -40.8 -14.32%
4 Isabel -19.0 -13.36%
3 Mands -24.1 -13.04%
5 Chubbygirl -20.0 -12.80%
7 mizzie -23.8 -11.75%
6 20to10 -20.3 -10.15%
8 MissJellyBelly -13.8 -6.31%
9 lostnfound -11.2 -5.10%
10 Jericho -18.2 -4.89%
13 Boslo -6.0 -4.48%
11 *Chantelle -8.0 -3.53%
16 Smurf -7.4 -2.95%
14 Jess393 -7.0 -2.62%
15 Monique01 -4.4 -2.34%
17 Alta -3.0 -1.81%

Yay! And then there were 17 of us! Amazing work everyone!
Here are the stats as of Week 16 (05/11/10) for the Individual Biggest Loser Challenge.

See your ranking below!

(Individual) (Weight Loss) (% Weight Loss)
1 glenns angel -54.0 -15.65%
2 Andy -40.8 -14.32%
4 Isabel -19.0 -13.36%
3 Mands -24.1 -13.04%
5 Chubbygirl -20.0 -12.80%
7 mizzie -23.8 -11.75%
6 20to10 -20.3 -10.15%
8 MissJellyBelly -13.8 -6.31%
9 lostnfound -11.2 -5.10%
10 Jericho -18.2 -4.89%
13 Boslo -6.0 -4.48%
11 *Chantelle -8.0 -3.53%
16 Smurf -7.4 -2.95%
14 Jess393 -7.0 -2.62%
15 Monique01 -4.4 -2.34%
17 Alta -3.0 -1.81%

TEAM CHALLENGE WEEKLY RESULTS (Condensed to the top 5 Teams to save space.)

Teams (Pounds Lost) (% Weight Loss)

WEEK 1 RESULTS (1/26/10 Weigh In)
01. Blue Team (-11.0 lbs) (-1.957%)
02. Purple Team (-7.4 lbs) (-1.955%)
03. White Team (-12.0 lbs) (-1.690%)
04. Grey Team (-7.2 lbs) (-1.666%)
05. Orange Team (-8.6 lbs) (-1.397%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 1 (-64.0 lbs)

WEEK 2 RESULTS (2/2/10 Weigh In)
01. Brown Team (-6.8 lbs) (-1.89%)
02. White Team (-12.0 lbs) (-1.72%)
03. Red Team (-6.8 lbs) (-1.54%)
04. Grey Team (-6.4 lbs) (-1.51%)
05. Orange Team (-7.2 lbs) (-1.19%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 2 (-58.6.0 lbs)

WEEK 3 RESULTS (2/9/10 Weigh In)
01. Purple Team (-6.3 lbs) (-1.72%)
02. Orange Team (-4.8 lbs) (-1.62%)
03. Blue Team (-7.0 lbs) (-1.28%)
04. Black Team (-4.1 lbs) (-0.84%)
05. White Team (-4.0 lbs) (-0.58%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 3 (-29.3 lbs)

WEEK 4 RESULTS!!! (02/16/10 Weigh In)
01. Pink Team (-5.0 lbs) (1.34%)
02. Brown Team (-4.2 lbs) (-1.20%)
03. Orange Team (-2.2 lbs) (-0.76%)
04. Black Team (-2.5 lbs) (-0.52%)
05. White Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.29%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 4 (-17.8 lbs)

WEEK 5 RESULTS!!! (02/23/10 Weigh In)
01. Brown Team (-3.8 lbs) (-1.09%)
02. Purple Team (-3.6 lbs) (-1.00%)
03. Orange Team (-2.8 lbs) (-0.97%)
04. White Team (-6.0 lbs) (-0.88%)
05. Grey Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.48%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 5 (-24.4 lbs)

WEEK 6 RESULTS!!! (03/02/10 Weigh In)
01. Green Team (-13.1 lbs) (-2.08%)
02. Yellow Team (-7.2 lbs) (-2.07%)
03. Silver Team (-6.2 lbs) (-1.66%)
04. Blue Team (-4.4 lbs) (-0.94%)
05. Gold Team (-3.8 lbs) (-0.82%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 6 (-44.1 lbs)

WEEK 7 RESULTS!!! (03/09/10 Weigh In)
01. Black Team (-6.5 lbs) (-1.357%)
02. Orange Team (-5.7 lbs) (-1.356%)
03. Silver Team (-4.7 lbs) (-1.28%)
04. Purple Team (-3.0 lbs) (-0.84%)
05. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.78%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 7 (-36.7 lbs)

WEEK 8 RESULTS!!! (03/16/10 Weigh In)
01. Yellow Team (-4.6 lbs) (-1.36%)
02. Orange Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.87%)
03. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.79%)
04. Bronze Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.74%)
05. Pink Team (-2.8lbs) (-0.73%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 8 (-22.7 lbs)

WEEK 9 RESULTS!!! (03/23/10 Weigh In)
01. White Team (-8.0 lbs) (-1.19%)
02. Brown Team (-3.3 lbs) (-0.98%)
03. Grey Team (-4.0 lbs) (-0.97%)
04. Orange Team (-3.4 lbs) (-0.83%)
05. Pink Team (-2.9lbs) (-0.78%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 9 (-31.0 lbs)

WEEK 10 RESULTS!!! (03/30/10 Weigh In)
01. Bronze Team (-2.0 lbs) (-1.48%)
02. Silver Team (-5.0lbs) (-1.37%)
03. Purple Team (-4.0 lbs) (-1.12%)
04. Brown Team (-3.7 lbs) (-1.11%)
05. Gold Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.78%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 10 (-25.2 lbs)

WEEK 11 RESULTS!!! (04/06/10 Weigh In)
01. White Team (-8.0 lbs) (-1.21%)
02. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.80%)
03. Brown Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.60%)
04. Purple Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.58%)
05. Yellow Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.35%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 11 (-18.3 lbs)

WEEK 12 RESULTS!!! (04/13/10 Weigh In)
01. Orange Team (-3.0 lbs) (-1.11%)
02. White Team (-7.0 lbs) (-1.07%)
03. Black Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.75%)
04. Yellow Team (-1.9 lbs) (-0.67%)
05. Brown Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.30%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 12 (-17.8 lbs)

WEEK 13 RESULTS!!! (04/20/10 Weigh In)
01. Brown Team (-5.5 lbs) (-1.68%)
02. Gold Team (-2.6 lbs) (-1.16%)
03. Pink Team (-4.2 lbs) (-1.14%)
04. Yellow Team (-2.1 lbs) (-0.75%)
05. Red Team (-1.6 lbs) (-0.74%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 13 (-19.0 lbs)

WEEK 14 RESULTS!!! (04/27/10 Weigh In)
01. Blue Team (-3.0 lbs) (-0.67%)
02. Silver Team (-1.2lbs) (-0.66%)
03. Brown Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.62%)
04. Red Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.47%)
05. Orange Team (-1.2 lbs) (-0.45%)
06. Black Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.38%)
07. White Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.15%)
08. Green Team (-0.4 lbs) (-0.11%)
09. Gold Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
10. Yellow Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
11. Purple Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
12. Grey Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
13. Pink Team (+1.0 lbs) (-0.27%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 14 (-10.8 lbs)

WEEK 15 RESULTS!!! (05/04/10 Weigh In)
01. Gold Team (-2.2 lbs) (-0.99%)
02. Blue Team (-4.3 lbs) (-0.97%)
03. Green Team (-3.2 lbs) (-0.88%)
04. Orange Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.38%)
05. White Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.31%)
06. Yellow Team (-0.8 lbs) (-0.29%)
07. Red Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
08. Black Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
09. Purple Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
10. Silver Team (+0.4 lbs) (+0.22%)
11. Pink Team (+1.2 lbs) (+0.33%)
12. Brown Team (+1.1 lbs) (+0.34%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 15 (-13.5 lbs)

WEEK 16 RESULTS!!! (05/11/10 Weigh In)
01. Blue Team (-6.4 lbs) (-1.45%)
02. Yellow Team (-2.8 lbs) (-1.01%)
03. Orange Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.75%)
04. Pink Team (-2.2 lbs) (-0.60%)
05. Brown Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.31%)
06. Red Team (-0.6 lbs) (-0.28%)
07. Green Team (-0.4 lbs) (-0.11%)
08. White Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
09. Black Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
10. Purple Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
11. Silver Team (+0.4 lbs) (+0.22%)
12. Gold Team (+1.2 lbs) (+0.55%)

Total Pounds Lost Week 16 (-15.4 lbs)

Total Pounds Lost To Date (-449.1 lbs)

Feel free to double check the math!

Wow! Can you all believe how long we've been at this?

Thanks for all the kind words everyone that you've posted! I appreciate it.

I am going to miss the challenge also each week. I think it's been great for us all to set a consistent weekly goal to weigh in and lose weight. I hope it stays with all of us after this is over.
I am so excited for the finale!!!

Who does everyone thing will be the winner?

I am hoping for Ashley! She's my favorite. Mike has really grown on me too, I hope he can bust it out at home.

For the at home contestants, I hope it's Sam or Stephanie that win.

Whoo hoo!

2 weeks left!!

I am so excited to see Jillian's new show too this summer.
OMG...can you imaine if JILLIAN moved in with you!?!?! Fuck. Talk about LIFE CHANGING!! hahah...and I hope that KOLI wins the show!

I hope that Sam wins the at home challenge too!!!
No loss for me. I have a few medical issues going on now so I'm sorry but I'll have to sign off. I should be more settled next week and I have a very serious test on Thursday. The outcome will be really tough if it's what I think it is but I'll know more next week. I've been advised to not do any exercise and take a lot of rest.

Sorry, Isabel and MJB for bailing but it was truly unavoidable. :(
Sorry to hear that, 20to10. I really hope it isn't as bad as you think. I'll be thinking of you :(

No Loss for me this week...