Weight-Loss Big Money Challenge 4/1-4/30

I Just Started The 2 Week Challenge Because Some Newbies Couldnt Get In On The Money Challenge And They Asked Me If I Would Start One For Them! I Passed It To Elizab3th To Keep Her Out Of Trouble With All Her Energy Lol It's All Up To You Guys! I Will Support All Of You No Matter What You Decide! Its All Up To You Newbride Cause This Is Your Challenge!
You know, once you said that I went back and looked. There are alot more people that joined up than I remembered. Lets go ahead and keep it on.....that providing everyone else still wants in!

Heres the list so far


Thats a $40 pot so far!
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I Say They Do That Is All They Are Talking About Lol So You Guys Rock On And Wohooo That Is Some Good Money!
PHEW!!! Had me worried there for a minute, Korrie!!! :D This is one of the kicks in the pants i just may need to get this weight movin' again! hehehehe (the other is the BL dvd challenge :D )
I think you made a mistake which is okay...but Im not in this challenge...I dont ever remember saying I would be in it and I dont want to be so if you can take me off that list that would be great. thanks sara
Hi there, getting a little confused. Am I too late for this challenge. It says start April 1st but you have weigh in at March 1st. Is it just a typo? or is it too late. Because if its not too late I would love to sign up for it, great motivation to keep the ball rolling. It is a great idea.
I do have the weigh in on march 1st??? i can't believe I didn't catch that. I'll go back and look, but no, its not too late! It doesn't start till april 1st-the 30th. But please, only sign up if you can give the $5 at the end of the challenge :D
I went back and looked, I did write april 1st, but what I meant for the final weigh in, so it was supposed to be MAY 1st.

Remember everyone, weigh in is on may 1st not the 2nd or 3rd.
yep I can send the $5 at the end no proplem. Would like to sign up. Hey just wondering how do we deal with the currency difference. Do I send $5 my money or what it equates to what ever the currency of the country. Does that make sense?
ah, I guess that does make a difference. I guess I dont' know. We can't spend foreign money here..I dont' think so....

but I just dont' know...

I guess its your call?
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I think a good thing to do is to reset our weight loss chart on this site (is everyone familiar w/ that?) and then make sure we update it every week.

what do you think?
I'm thinking not as I'm not sure when we are going back to Canada. DH writes his exams 24-26th of April. Once we move, not internet access.
posted by: newbride02

I think a good thing to do is to reset our weight loss chart on this site (is everyone familiar w/ that?) and then make sure we update it every week.

how do i do that? do you mean update the ticker??
Ok, sara, i'll take you off the list.

No, i mean the weight loss table. When you go to the forum. On the home page, it'll say "weight table" and click on that. I noticed not many of us have been using it, and its a great asset.