best replacement for ephedra

The FDA doesn't like effective supplements. They hurt the drug industry, which they make massive amounts of money from.
bump on that. wonder what they're gonna set their sights on next. :(
What I love is far more deaths result from asprin use over ephedra use and it's still on the market. I don't buy that b.s., Austaph, that the FDA is out to save us. And, by the way guys, you can buy Ma Huang seeds and grow it.

Mreik, after taking the Hot Rox for a bit, I do recommend it. I think part of why I've progressed so nicely with the weight loss is due to reduced calories, Hot Rox, fish oil, and high dosages of CLA.
abear said:
bump on that. wonder what they're gonna set their sights on next. :(
This is the next big thing:

Codex is trying to make any amount of any nutrient greater than the US RDA levels prescription only. They also want to start requiring centralized product testing - basically, they're turning themselves into an FDA for supplements (which means the cost of supplements will increase tenfold).
i might have asked before, but the search forum wont let me look it up because its too few characters. What is CLA? Sorry for asking again =)
Conjugated Lineolic Acid. It's a non-stimulant "fat burner". They're not quite sure how it works, just that it does in fact increase metabolism in the body.
evolution said:
Mreik, after taking the Hot Rox for a bit, I do recommend it. I think part of why I've progressed so nicely with the weight loss is due to reduced calories, Hot Rox, fish oil, and high dosages of CLA.

I just found 3 bottles of ripped fuel with ephedra, so im good to go. anyways im gonna get some CLA to go along with that. but thanks for the info
CLA is found in some foods but usually in very limited dosages. I'll see if I can't scan the compliation of articles I have about CLA and the research done about it and throw it up on here.

Mreik, Twinlab has the non-ephedra stuff that has the bitter orange in it. It's supposed to act as a "mild ephedra".
yeah ive seen bitter orange on just about every thermogenic around now-a days... i dunt even know what that is, i assume it just an extract from an orange
is it okay to take bitter orange with ephedra.. and i heard a rumor that ephedra with a lot of caffine will raise blood pressure even higher than just ephedra, is this true??
It's always best to err on the side of safety -- I wouldn't take ephedra with other stimulants.