Sport Best foods for height gain

Sport Fitness
hi I'm 17 years old standing at 6'0.5" tall and I want to grow taller.

What would the best foods be to eat to achieve this goal?
Are there any good exercises which could help me grow to be taller.

My dream is to grow to be about 6'5" which I know is probably impossible, so I'm hoping to at least grow to be 6'2" by the time I'm 21.
I HIGHLY doubt there is a food that will help you grow. Its based on genetics. Why do you want to grow taller? sports reason?/ personal? The taller you grow the more weight you need to have. You are already underweight right now.
Solid nutrition is about all you can do food wise. Opinions differ on what "solid nutrition" is..but google John Berardi's articles on the subject, and consider purchasing some of his books, or Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle."

Some quick rules, if you're lazy:

* eat 5-6 times a day
* get lean protein and vegetables/fruit at every feeding
* get around 30% of your calories come from fat, split roughly evenly among satured, monounsatured and polyunsatured
* drink lots of water
* aim for 90% good eating, this means cheating very occasionally
* eat starchy carbs only in the post-workout window (the next 1-2 meals after heavy exercise)
* get proper nutrition around strenuous physical activity
* get enough sleep!

All of that should help to maximize your nutritional effort, the rest is, as they say, genetics. Best wishes. :)
lol, at 6 feet and 146 pounds, that's pretty damn skinny. It's not about BMI, it's about muscle mass compared to body fat.

If BMI truly ruled the world, every "healthy" person would be skinny as a twig with relatively high bodyfat compared to muscle mass.

But if you really want to maximize your potential, get plenty of rest, take up swimming long distances, eat all your green veggies, take your vitamins, drink milk, and cross your fingers.
I can't say if you'd go for it or not but a swimming regime may help. I stopped growing when I was 13 (i'm 20 now) @ 1.70m. I started swimming seriously each day and I managed to grow an extra 10cm in 12 months (6months after i stopped growing). something about the weightlessness effect maybe. Its worth it.
Not to belittle Lei or nowhere's advice, but could someone point me to some references regarding the effect of swimming on maximizing growth potential? I'm honestly curious. Or, in lieu of empirical data, experiential information regarding the reason for the belief that swimming, specifically, was a factor.
lol, at 6 feet and 146 pounds, that's pretty damn skinny.

I must agree, That is rather skinny, Eat more.

No, swimming will not make any one taller.

@at poster

6feet is fine, their is little point in being taller unless you wanted to play Bball and dunk the ball. which by the way can be done at 6feet. Back in the mid-late 90s their was a NBA baller who was 5'8-5'10, who could dunk the ball. Although i no longer remember his name
I can't say if you'd go for it or not but a swimming regime may help. I stopped growing when I was 13 (i'm 20 now) @ 1.70m. I started swimming seriously each day and I managed to grow an extra 10cm in 12 months (6months after i stopped growing). something about the weightlessness effect maybe. Its worth it.

About 3 inches in 6 months ?? Wow! Are you sure??
Hi :)

Firstly your age might be a factor as well as your gender in your growth. Gender wise if your a girl the average age for you to stop growing is 16 but if your a boy it's 18. If your passed that age don't worry at age 23 your bones fuse and you can absolutely not grow anymore the ages before are just the average. Also genes are very important but it's knowing what to do to get the right result.

Step # 1 - Sleep

You should aim to get 9 hours of sleep every night because during the first 8 hours of sleep your body is repairing itself, not growing. Also the best time to get sleep is at 10 o'clock, the more hours before the midnight mark that your sleeping the better your sleep will be.

Step # 2 - Stay Away From Drugs

I'm not saying your doing them but when I say drugs I also mean coffee and alcohal. They can be known for weight gain (which doesn't help you grow at all) and more hard core drugs can actually stunt your growth.

Step# 3 - Relax

Growing is about being healthy and if your stressed you aren't going to feel good so just take like 5 minues turn off everything (tv computer ect) sit alone and just relax!

Step # 4 - Food

Here's the fun bit. You don't need to change the amounts of food your eating as much as people are telling you to eat more. It's about what your eating that's the issue. Our bodies aren't built to take in another animals milk (only mamal on earth who does that eugh!) as much as the milk market wants us to believe. So try to stay away from it.

Also sugars and fats are the worst! Gaining fat doesn't help you grow as much as people will imply. Your body will use extra energy breaking down these fats and sugars that it could be using to help you grow.

Now the vegetable, fruit and animal market use loads of growth hormones in their products to produce larger amounts of food more quickly so shoot for things like lean meats (chicken, fish maybe lean beef once and a while but not too much cause you're trying to keep your normal body weight) Stay away from pork again cause of the bad fats, pork being one of the fatiest meats.

When it comes to grains there's a bit of a grey area because things like bread and pasta produce the insuline in our bodies which is basically sugar. Rice is the one thing where I can definitely put a check on and say it's O-K.

I'm not trying to scare you with what you put in your body but just be aware as to how your body processes things and sugars, fats and such are a difficult thing for your body to process.

Step # 5 - Excercise

Maybe one of the most important things is excercise. Explanation: Whether your trying to lengthen your legs or your spine excercise is the only way to do that and have strong muscles around those bones. # 1 EXCERCISE EVER IS........ running :) It seems basic but running activates all your body parts and keeps them strong and lean. Also things like swimming, walking, jump rope biking are very beneficial.

For extending your legs I recomend taking up kick boxing because it repeatitively extends your legs in vigirous way.

For extending you spine I recomend sit ups, there's a lot of debate on whether they're bad for your back or not but as long as you use a big yoga ball to do them on your back will be fine and you'll also have the strength aroung your spine to support growth

FINALLY the holy grail of excercise (other than running) when it comes to growth is yoga. My uncle tried yoga and well he's a 50 year old man of 6'4, could not touch his toes for the life of him. < funny litte story :p anyways the reason why yoga works is hyper extention it's the extreme version of stretching and basically you are stretching your spine and legs and everything when you do yoga.

Anyways that's the end I'm sorry if it was too long or too much infomation but I really hope it helps :) GOOD LUCK!
Exercise is def important aswell as diet. I found that starting with a good nutritional cleanse and then good sources of protien, and whey protien helps promote lean muscle mass.
My room mate was 6'2 and 160 lbs and never could develope muscles. He has gained about 10 lbs of muscle after about 6-8 mo of being on this system. To say the least. He is very happy :)
There is a fact that your well being promotes height increase through yoga stretching. Being stressed out or depressed and angry can actually make you shorter! You see when stress works on all levels, physically, your body holds in your anger and depression. Your shoulders feel heavy and your back hurts. This is because your spinal fluid has decreased. Thus it makes you shorter. But what about shiny, happy people? Can I still increase my height even if I am happy? Sure you can! A friend of mine who practices yoga noticed that most people had actually gained inches doing this yoga exercises in lengthening the spine. He remarked that low back pain and upper back stress are some of the most common health complaints of adults. The best way to avoid backaches is to take care of your spine on a daily basis. There are no quick fixes for back pain, but this exercise set is an effective maintenance program. www. yogaflooring .com
hi I'm 17 years old standing at 6'0.5" tall and I want to grow taller.

What would the best foods be to eat to achieve this goal?
Are there any good exercises which could help me grow to be taller.

My dream is to grow to be about 6'5" which I know is probably impossible, so I'm hoping to at least grow to be 6'2" by the time I'm 21.

6'1" @ 17 and you want to be 6'5"? You say it is impossible? You should read about Dennis Rodman, He was just 6" when he was 16 and decided to work as a janitor until he decided to go back to College at age 28 - This was when he grew to 6'8". You should research on how it was for him.

You just have to get a lot of food, and get active. There are a lot of multivitamins and supplements that offer growth enhancing, have you ever tried them out?
shorter people live longer than taller ones

6'1" @ 17 and you want to be 6'5"? You say it is impossible? You should read about Dennis Rodman, He was just 6" when he was 16 and decided to work as a janitor until he decided to go back to College at age 28 - This was when he grew to 6'8". You should research on how it was for him.

You just have to get a lot of food, and get active. There are a lot of multivitamins and supplements that offer growth enhancing, have you ever tried them out?

shorter people live longer than taller ones.growing tall decreases life span beware it was recently discovered by scientists
Some experts claim that being tall and having more cells in your body causes you more exposure to carcinogens and free radicals, which they believe shortens your lifespan...

I wonder if those scientists that came up with this are short..
LOL. You want to grow taller by eating something? That’s awesome! The only thing I can think of is maybe some mushrooms. I mean I guess it won’t actually make you taller but you can feel taller or you may appear to be taller to yourself.

Everyone who says swimming will make you taller is hilarious. Hey, I heard that if you hang from a chin up bar for 10 minutes/day, that’ll make you taller too!

And yeah, 146 is pretty thin for someone of your height. I don’t think it’s a problem if your healthy, just that your weight shouldn’t be of any concern. BMI is silly, that’s a ridiculous measure.

Eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest. That’s it, there is no magic food.

And yes, yoga can stretch the spine and help you stand up straighter. You can also try prancing around the house with a book atop your head.

Yeah, listen to the guy who talks about Rodman, that’s great advice – go be a janitor and you’ll gain a whopping 8”! And then be a pro basketball star. There’s not much to it, it’s easy.

Shorter people live longer. That’s so awesome…I can’t stop laughing. I totally should give that guy rep. Yup, all dwarves live well into their 100’s, didn’t you know that? There are dwarf centenarian parties going on all the time. OP, your going about this all wrong! I think I’ll feed my son nothing but Doritos and soda so he won’t grow too much – ya know I want him to live a long time.

OP, I don’t mean anything harsh towards you. It’s a fair question. The answer is that you can’t do anything to get taller. You can only do things that’ll derail you from the maximum height you can achieve through genetics. Things that can hurt are too many of the wrong types of drugs, poor nutrition, lots of alcohol, a deep lack of rest, etc. Poor nutrition would probably rank as the #1 reason for stunting growth.

Best of luck.
Maybe try pilates? Also, check your posture. Height is mainly down to genetics but eating well and resting enough is important too.