I love how much you plan, but I also love how much you follow that plan!
Well, it feels easy to follow a plan during the summer when you're an early riser. I really do have a silly amount of latitude in the mornings right now. Yesterday I got up an hour later than I wanted to and still had time to go to the gym, weight train for an hour, come home, run, fix breakfast, and eat it--all before 8:15am.
LOL--yeah a good Italian feast with desserts sounds like a pretty hard temptation to observe and not partake in! What do you do for leading the music?
I don't know how you get out of bed so early!! I'm impressed!
Music--I played piano (also play guitar, but this particular time I did piano) and led congregational singing. Just four songs since it was a shorter service than a normal Sunday one.
Early Riser--I've been an early riser since even high school. In college I'd order my schedule so my classes were at 8, 9:30, and 11am..done by lunchtime. The problem comes when I have to stay up later; my body clock just doesn't let me sleep any later than maybe 5:15 or so.
No posts since Monday, but all has been well. Strength training at the gym Tuesday-Friday morning, and ran Tuesday-Thursday. (I basically never run on Fridays, since Saturday is my long run day.) Total run distance Monday-Thursday has been 21.06 miles. I'll probably do something in the 12-14 range tomorrow morning. (I kinda might want to do 14 just to get over 35 for the week.

Hit calorie goals all days so far this week. I may not tomorrow. I have a 3.5 pound standing rib roast in the freezer that has been there a while. I don't want it to lose quality, and it's taking up space, so I've decided that I'm going to throw it on the smoker in the morning. I may well eat 2000-3000 calories just from it. Or I may just eat it in moderation and spread it out over the next few days. We'll see. It's the last one of several that I bought after Christmas when they were on crazy sale. My family doesn't really like them, so it's up to me to eat 'em.
Scale weight this morning was 193.5, another "lowest since May 22nd" weight. (Apparently I seriously overate on 5/22 and in the days shortly afterward. Scale went from 193.2 to 196.1 the next day, and was up over 200 by 5/26.) My resting heart rate is slowly coming down as well.
My mind is all over the place with regard to what my plan will be when school starts on Wednesday. Really struggling with what I want to do vs what is realistically sustainable. I'm even now considering dropping one of my two leg days in the gym since I run hill sprints, which are sort of strength training. So I could even do just three days a week of lifting (2 upper, one lower) and spread that hill day away from long run day and lifting day so it could have some truly hard sprints. I just don't know what's best. grrrrrrrr