Bella's diary

Hi, Bella. I usually have some yoghurt with my fruit or some cheese & often add some almond meal. I hope you find a wholefoods place. I try hard to avoid packaging, especially plastic, so love taking my own containers into the shop in my old-fashioned basket. I was brought up in an old fashioned grocers store, where my parents used to bag things up for their customers (& deliver them). It has taken us such a long time to realise that so many of the old ways were actually good ways.
Thanks for that link, Amy :)
I wondered that too, Bella! - that is, I wondered what fruits there were that had some respectable amount of protein. :) So I've just been and looked on the internet, and found this:
Top 10 Fruits Highest in Protein
which has avocado as second on the list, so go, you, for having them with oatmeal!
Hiii dear Aiminglow. Thank you for searching and sending the link =) It's really interesting that one avocado can provide 8% of the DV for protein! Kiwi is also very interesting, I should add it to my diet.
Hi FoodC :seeya:Thank you for your message. I've started doing the breathing exercise this morning. I feel actually better today =)
Try to do this every day :) I bet your dizzy will go away
It is everything about to make your body more oxygenate and make your diaphragm work better
January 2nd, 2020

dizziness is worse than ever. I really miss those days when I felt well.

I don't feel happy and it's not good for starting the year. The changes I wanna make:
1- sleep on time every night and get enough deep sleep.
2- jog every morning
3- meditate every morning and every night
January 2nd, 2020:

dark chocolate, a little: ~100
banana, one medium: ~100
avocado, 1/2 small: ~70
pineapple, cooked, 1/4 small: ~100
shrimp, cooked, 50 grams: ~50
apple, two large: ~220
bell pepper, one medium: ~30
cheese, a little: ~60
boiled eggs, two medium: ~140
boiled lentils: ~100
lots of tea and hot water
Sorry to read about the dizziness continuing. Did you keep on with the breathing exercises suggested by FoodC?
Wishing you very well indeed for 2020. :)
did your move involve a change in elevation?
did your move involve a change to a more urban area?

when i first started IF, i did have some dizziness occasionally, but it was usually toward the end of my fasting time. i haven't seen this effect in nearly a year now, though. i take BP medication, so i'm careful to sit up for a while before i stand up first thing in the morning, though at times there is an urgency to stand (combined with a bit of fast walking) earlier than i'd like... :)
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Thank you all for your comments, my beautiful friends. Thank god I am feeling better these days.

March 2nd, 2020:

boiled eggs, two medium: ~140
banana, one medium: ~200
boiled lentils: ~300
apple, 1 small: ~78
pear, 1 medium: ~102
meat: ~131
oatmeal: ~200
one zinc tablet
lots of water
I feel blessed today. Although Living in this cold quiet town seemed bad at first, I am looking at it differently now. I get to appreciate small joys more than before and I realize how incredibly blessed I have been throughout my life.
Oh lovely! It's a hugely important realisation, to appreciate small joys - I'm glad you have them around you. :)
How is your sleeping these days? And you say "cold, quiet town" - how cold? i.e. what's the weather like around you?
Hi dear Aiminglow. How are you?
I am not sleeping as much as I wish. I think part of it is because I am not used to being away from my family and I end up calling them instead of sleeping : ))) One of my goals in March (starting today!) is to get enough sleep and to keep the same sleep schedule for the next 24 nights!
Here it snows most of the days. Back home we had sun almost every day, but here I didn't really experience a warm sunny day where you would want to go outside. Of course the locals feel it has been a very warm winter this year : ))) lucky me!
Hi, Bella. I'm trying to concentrate on getting some good sleep too. It's so important for our wellbeing. Will the weather start to get warm where you are soon?
...some good sleep... so important for our wellbeing.
Absolutely, totally YES! Sleep does so much, to keep us healthy in so many ways, which aren't (I believe) completely unravelled yet.

Additionally, there's a link to weight control, as @LaMaria was explaining over on Petal's diary:
Lack of sleep raises your cortisol levels, which raises your risk of obesity. I think it could just be through making you more hungry but that's just because I personally get so hungry when I don't sleep well/enough. Raised cortisol levels also make you more likely to grow your fat deposits on your belly rather than elsewhere.

I really hope that your sleeping improves this month - Cate's diary has recently had some pointers about methods she's been using to aid in good sleeping, including making sure that bedtime follows the same gentle winding-down ritual every night, which sounds like an excellent tactic to me!

I'm fine, by the way! Thank you for asking! :) I much prefer cold weather to hot myself, but then I have never had much experience of snow, and never have been anywhere cold enough to have pipes freeze.
I really hope that your sleeping improves this month
Thank you dear Aiminglow. I am still having the same problem. Being stuck in a small room and having little physical activity has made my sleeping worse. I have to get back to meditating.

Hi, Bella. I'm trying to concentrate on getting some good sleep too. It's so important for our wellbeing. Will the weather start to get warm where you are soon?
Hi dear Cate. It is about 15 degrees here now and cloudy. I hope you are having success with getting good sleep :)

May 11th, 2020

Discovered a new rule for myself. If there is any food, drink, activity, fruit,... that I can't get enough of it, for example coffee, I'm just gonna avoid it 100%. I believe it is different for each person, I mean some people don't feel addicted to coffee in a sense that they'd drink it nonstop, but they might be addicted to smoking. so for me, I simply stopped buying coffee. It is difficult of course. even late at night I feel the urge to go out and buy some instant coffee. But I'm curious to find out how long it takes for me to become free from coffee (two weeks so far).

Another thing I have decided to try is avoiding packaged food. It's because I felt even the milk or cheese I buy here doesn't taste anything like the fresh milk and cheese that I could get back home. simply can't believe these were real food that I'm buying so I'm gonna continue with lentils, beans, chickpeas, vegetables, eggs and fruits for a while and see how my body feels.
Hey there! It feels like ages since we've seen you around here - great to have you back! :)
Not so great to read that your sleeping is worse. You say you're
... stuck in a small room and having little physical activity
I guess that's related to COVID-19 restrictions? How stuck are you - I mean, is there a balcony or a landing or a courtyard where you could do some slow balance-style exercises? Is there someone who could do them with you?

I like the idea of foregoing all packaged food, though it would make things a good deal more complicated, I expect. Don't make things too hard for yourself! (By the way - has the dizziness improved at all?)