Being Lazy

How can I stop myself from being lazy and get motivated?

I want to start working out and getting rid of my anterior pelvic tilt. I was excited that the fitness center at my JC was going to be open for the winter semester and started going the 2nd week when I found out, then like a week later they decided to close it for the remainder of the semester until spring starts in Feb (like 3 weeks from now), so now I have to my workouts at home. I have dumbbells, a barbell, plates, medicine ball, high cable, stability ball at home, but I get lazy doing things at home.

I need to get myself motivated to start working out and fixing my posture and flexibility (upper trapz tightness, cannot touch toes, anterior pelvic tilt, big butt from sitting at home being lazy at the comp and stuff, tight hip flexors... and no I am not fat. Just have a little fat butt from sitting at the computer all the time. I am not taking any winter semester classes and I start up again in the spring going to school. The only thing I have been doing this winter break is softball (my hitting is lacking probably due to my strength and pelvic tilt probably and butt) or sitting at the computer at home or watching football/basketball/american idol on TV.
the first couple weeks is tough but once you get in a routine you will feel great and love working out. At least thats what happened to me.

Its all about discipline and making yourself do it until that routine is established.

Just keep thinking about how much better you'll feel and look.

JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Through motivation, you try new things. Through discipline and obedience, you achieve consistency and development.

Motivation alone is not the factor here. When you have to "motivate" yourself to do something, it means one of two things: (1) you don't like doing it, or (2) you are trying to break a habit. Whenever I find myself "motivating" myself, I stop and think about it for a second. I ask myself whether or not if this is truly what I want or if it is what I believe I want. It sounds like you're bored, and you have every right to be. Lifting at home can be boring and it's easy to get lazy. I say wait it out until your gym opens or look for the rec center or some other cheap place. Just enjoy your break. Remember, no matter how long you've been out of the gym, you can always go back. Even a lifetime of being out of the gym, you can still go back. Gym's nothing more than a "biodome" so to speak because it's man made, and like any man made thing, the real thing is far better. Just go outside run (or play softball as you stated), lift common things, try to find a better way of doing stuff instead of letting a machine do it for you is all you really need. Just have fun. That's the key point.
I dont use machines (mostly free weights and cable), but I am lazy when it comes to doing anything at home and even homework. I have to do that at school too.
I think if anyone could tell someone online how to not be lazy and unmotivated, they wouldn't be wasting their time giving away their advice ... they'd be selling infomercials.

Motivation comes from your upbringing and from within yourself, not from a forum board.
Read g8r80's journal postings and you'll see some motivation!

For me, the greatest motivation is the changes that occur once you get started for real. Don't let up, don't be lazy, just do it every day. Like said above, make it a habit, and do other things that support what your goals are...and if you haven't gotten to the point where you are going to make nutrition a top priority, you need to make it so. Nothing you do on the excercise front will work unless you have the nutritional foundation.

I understand you are admitting laziness...and I think you're right. Do you really want improvement, or do you just wish it would happen without the work? Get a plan together...including emphasis on nutrition, and go for it. Once you see your body and health improving, you will just want more and more, and you will see and feel what works, and start dialing in on the things that work. You are young...the changes will come quickly!
Personally, I think that a combination of routine and accountability are pretty much the best way to go. First, get a good, simple, realistic plan together. Then, get a friend or two to at least help you along, even if they're not participating with you. For me, my roommate has been helpful, even though she's not working out with me or anything.
Until I go back to school in the middle of feb, I will just stick to bodyweight exercises right now and working on posture and fixing my anterior tilt at home. I gotta get rid of my flat butt! I am more comofrtable to doing bodyweight than using weight right now.
So is it a "fat butt" or "flat butt"?

Not that it matters that much I guess. Nutrition and cardio to work on the BF, and nutrition and weights to work on the other issues. I know that some years ago when I "went on a diet" that was both extreme, and included no weight training, I lost a lot of pounds, but got weak, and my rear end went flat as a pancake and basically dissapeared and looked silly.
This go 'round, where I am eating correctly, doing cardio, and hitting the weights in the right way, my almost-40-year-old butt looks like a 20 yr old male fitness model (okay, I'm exaggerating here, but my BF is below anything I would have dreamed, and my rear is firm and shapely, or so says my wife!)
As part of any good resistance training routine, don't forget the hamstrings, lower back, and GLUTES. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc. will do wonders for those cheeks.
Motivation comes from your upbringing and from within yourself, not from a forum board.

True, motivation comes from within, there is no doubt. However, it is NOT TRUE that motivation comes from ones "upbringing" (I can be a possible source, however. My upbringing is an example, by the way: my mother RIPPED my heart and spirit out and stomped on it from birth to 18 years old, and ISNT a source of positive motivation). In addition, a forum board can "lead" some one in the direction of motivation and therefore can be a source and/or an ingredient in the recipe that leads and/or assists one in finding their self motivation: There are too many different types of individuals in this world that join forums and its not correct to provide a "blanket effect" or a "one size fits all", and say forums can not be a source and/or lead one to motivation.
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Here's some reading for you


Yeah I've read that already quite a few times and I am going to work with more sets for the posterior chain (hamstrings, lower back, glutes, rectus abdom) and less sets/more reps for the quads and other muscles until my anterior tilt is gone. Example could be...

RDL - 4x6-8
Squat - 2x10-15

More reps, less weight. I don't want the muscles that are not apart of the posterior chain to get weak and lose its strength.

I know I defiantly have an imbalance between my right side and left side because when I stand on my right leg to do single leg squats or king deadlifts or RDL, my balance goes all over the place and it takes like 3-4 times to get the rep right. I do not count it as a rep until its right. My left side needs more muscle so I can be balanced on both sides of my body. Also - when I stand naturally, my torso shifts more to my left side. That also tells me the right side of my upper body is stronger too.

I really need to find someone on here that is willing to help me create the right workouts for me to fix these imbalances. If I am doing the wrong exercises and sets/reps/weight, then imbalances in areas will get worse.

That's why right now I want to focus on just bodyweight work and balance. I think in order to be able to balance better on my right leg, I need to strengthen my left side using weight. Doing 2 legged work may make it even worse even though I am using light weight. If I am standing with a slight tilt to my left side with my torso, then that tells me that during a squat or anything, I will shift to the right side because of the imbalances on my left side. Whenever I do squats (with dumbbells is how I have noticed it), my body shifts more to the right leg. This is all weird. Also, when I hold a dumbbell in my left hand standing up, I am standing up nice and straight. When I am holding a dumbbell in my left hand, I am leaning to the right instead of standing striaght up. It's like a scale telling me the left side needs to get balanced with my right and that my right side is heavier than my left side.
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I think if anyone could tell someone online how to not be lazy and unmotivated, they wouldn't be wasting their time giving away their advice ... they'd be selling infomercials.

Motivation comes from your upbringing and from within yourself, not from a forum board.

Well said.

I agree 110%.
Well said.

I agree 110%.

I do not agree, and you both are in error. My previous post says it all. All spin off's on thought on how I feel on the subject matter comes from this foundation. It cannot be beat. Nothing else will be said.
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I do not agree, and you both are in error.

My previous post says it all. All spin off's on thought on how I feel on the subject matter comes from this foundation. It cannot be beat. Nothing else will be said.

That's're certainly entitled to your opinion.

And I'm not in ' error ' thank you very much ......I just don't happen to agree with you.:)
" Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." --Stephen Covey

That's all i can say :D
" Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." --Stephen Covey

If it's a fire from within, how does it start? I mean, I don't think the statistics can support spontaneous combustion on a mass scale.

I like to think of motivation as a candle flame in a vast, windy darkness. It will light up your next step, and maybe the one after that, flickering all the while. Keeping it lit will require a great deal of diligence, but you will eventually get where you're going. While a candle can be given to you, you still have to do all the work of keeping it lit. And most of the time, you have to make your own.

A lantern, though... well, nobody can give you that.
I subscribe to the belief that if you prove yourself to be without fear, a little green ring will come find you and you will inherit a lantern. A green lantern.


I also like your metaphor.