Being a smoker whilst being fit

I'd love to visit England and Scotland one day.
Its going to be illegal indoors everywhere here soon too. New York and California have already banned smoking inside just about everywhere.

New Jersey too.
New Jersey too.

Any place would be a "Lilly" where you live, young lady.


All you have to do, is show your face.

Best wishes

I'd love to visit England and Scotland one day.
Its going to be illegal indoors everywhere here soon too. New York and California have already banned smoking inside just about everywhere.

Yeah smoking has been banned indoors in California since before I was born, I think. I've never known it any other way, and it's nice. I remember going to Nevada and eating in a restaurant and the people at the table right next to us were smoking. It was horrible, especially when trying to eat.

I really can't imagine it any other way. If smokers have the right to damage their lungs if they so choose, non-smokers should have the right to be free from the damaging smoke. I think they need to tighten the outdoor restrictions too. It would be nice to step out for some fresh air and actually get fresh air instead of a cloud of smoke.
There's a smoking ban here in Ohio too. I think people are going overboard when they complain about catching a whiff of smoke outdoors every once in awhile. Okay, so you breathed in a whiff of smoke...that happens what, like once every few weeks?

I'm no smoker, and I think the ban is nice. Let those who wanna smoke do it outside and now there's no problems.
At my school, it's nearly impossible to walk around campus without being enveloped in a cloud of smoke. I would guess that 30 to 40 percent of the student body smokes and most of them don't keep it in the designated area. There are areas where there is literally no fresh air at all. It's definitely a problem.
easy thing to do..throw your cigerettes away and don't smoke them anymore or buy them anymore.

1. Waste of money (look how much money you wasted spending it on cigerettes)
2. slowly kills you (that you will not know or believe until you actually start having problems
3. look at others around you. Do they want to be smelling smoke?

I am really against smoking and I believe that anyone who smokes in anyones face or around anybody walking by and especially around kids, are considered very rude. No one wants the wind blowing the smoke in their face. If someone is just standing around smoking, then thats fine because people can walk around them. But if someone is walking and smoking, thats not good. Wind blows smoke; therefore, it gets all over things and in other peoples lungs.

I don't know how far smoke travels after each drag though. I am going to be even more perinoid if I find out that even if you dont smell it, it can still be getting in your lungs. I hope thats not the case.
There's a smoking ban here in Ohio too. I think people are going overboard when they complain about catching a whiff of smoke outdoors every once in awhile. Okay, so you breathed in a whiff of smoke...that happens what, like once every few weeks?

I'm no smoker, and I think the ban is nice. Let those who wanna smoke do it outside and now there's no problems.

yes outside, but not near people unless they ask for permission first. Otherwise, its considered rude and disrespectful.
Come to Calgary. We shoot all smokers on sight :) Well, I'm actually working on that by-law ...

Seriously, smoking is really socially unacceptable here. Mostly because smoking is a filthy, smelly, disgusting habit that pollutes my air and I shouldn't have to be subjected to it. My lungs are important to me. I don't want them damaged by people who don't give a flying f**k about their health.

If a person gets on an elevator and smells of smoke, I will exit the elevator and take another one because the thought of smelling them in an enclosed space makes me gag.

I also frequently ask smokers if they are functionally illiterate, because they seem to all like smoking outside of buildings directly underneath signs that say "NO SMOKING", which is right by the doors to get into the building. To add insult to injury, they toss their filthy cigarette butts on the sidewalk and street instead of where they are supposed to go -- in the garbage cans supplied for them about 10 feet away from where they're smoking, but they're too freaking lazy to walk over there.

Furthermore, a majority of smokers continually toss their lit butts out of their cars, thereby starting grass fires (we're a pretty parched city).

In my world, smokers would all smoke in one large room and have to breathe in their second-hand smoke, thereby killing them quicker.

Sorry about my brutal post, but I just have zero sympathy/compassion for people who smoke.
If you smoke, you smoke, and you have your reasons for smoking. It's not like you didn't know what they'd do to you, and it's not like you weren't given fair warning about it, yet for your own reasons you decided to do it anyways. People who don't smoke obviously don't share their mindset or motivations.

You can't exactly criticize someone else for being self destructive out of their own choice without being arrogant.

Those "No Smoking" signs are bull, most of them aren't enforced.

Most of those "No Smoking" signs have seating around them, and are sheltered from wind or rain. We're not going to smoke out in the rain. It's not like they're following you around with the cigarette, so just move away from them, or ask them to keep it downwind of you. It's the pollution from industry and cars that's damaging your lungs 24/7 regardless of where you go, not the occasional wiff of second hand smoke on the street. If you're that concerned about your lungs, there's bigger issues you could be tackling which you aren't, so why target us?

Furthermore, we can't throw our butts into the garbage, because that starts garbage fires.

Provide more buttstops on the sidewalks IMO. Until then, there aren't many other places we can put them.

Or better yet, complain and get them outlawed from being sold in stores. I say that being a smoker. Tobacco these days is horrible. Most of the rush you get is thanks to all the cyanide. The tobacco plants they use are of poor quality, and they just use the whole plant, stem and all. Basically meaning that the smoke has less active nicotine for more damaging air impurities. The cyanide basically transports the nicotine to the brain faster, meaning that the rush comes on quicker, more intensively, and fades out sooner, meaning you crave it again quicker, and you crave a faster/more intense rush than nicotine naturally would provide.

Look at cultures who aren't exposed to the same chemical ****tail (lol at censorship) brands of cigarettes, but instead smoke pure tobacco from quality plant leaf. They don't have nearly as much risk of becoming habitual users. Cultures have used tobacco as medicine for centuries without ever facing an addiction epidemic like we have now. I'm not saying tobacco itself isn't addictive, I'm just saying that when you rush the addictive chemical into the brain like that all at once, the impact is multiplied. Anyone who's ever grown their own tobacco has probably realized that it's not the same as smoking a cigarette, and you can still crave a cigarette right after smoking the pure leaf.

Market-quality tobacco should definitely be illegal, and the companies should be held accountable for purposely making their products more damaging and dependency forming than necessary.

Nicotine patches/gums are a joke, they only make sure you stay addicted as you try to quit, and prolong the withdrawal period. Cigarette cravings will not decrease until you've been 100% nicotine free for some time. Putting nicotine into your system will only reinforce the biochemistry that's causing the cravings. Studies have repeatedly shown a significantly higher quit rate in people who use no aids and stop cold turkey. Manufacturers of these products should be held accountable for false (and disproven) advertisement claims leading people to ignorantly keep their addictions alive while they psychologically feel as if they're actually doing something to quit. Patches are just a step backwards.

So, if you smoke, good for you, your body's actually in horrible condition despite how good or athletically fit you may feel, but you already know that. Just take deep breaths as you exercise and remember that you're exhausted because you smoke, and if you're going to smoke, you have to deal with the consequences, so accept responsibility for your actions and use it to motivate you to work that much harder at your exercise until such time as you decide to quit for good. Until that time, anyone who gives you crap is just being self-righteous and hypocritical because I can guarantee, they do things that piss other people off to.

So, that's my 2 cents.
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