Barefoot Running

Awesome. Research shows that barefoot training stimulates the muscles of the foot and enhances proprioception (knowing your "space"). Don't believe me? Nike has caught on to the research adn 2 years ago developed teh sneaker line "Nike Free"--which has no cushioned heel and feels like a slipper. ask anyone who owns a pair and they swear by it. also, most of teh early 60's and 70s bodybuilders (Arnold, Franco, Draper), all used to workout barefoot and they had tremendous calf development.
I used to play soccer (and still coach sessions in this way) barefoot in the summer.

The improvements to the control of a football are incredible.
i tried it, the asfalt tore up my feet so i stopped but i liked the way i ran, not so much on heels but more the ball of the feet, felt better, kinda natural i heard some afrcian dude won maraton or something running bare4feet
i tried it, the asfalt tore up my feet so i stopped but i liked the way i ran, not so much on heels but more the ball of the feet, felt better, kinda natural i heard some afrcian dude won maraton or something running bare4feet

I don't think you're supposed to run on asphalt, but grass.
Actually, almost any surface is good for barefoot.

I just started last night. 1:00 am. Raining. I was reading about it in my room, and felt I just had to try.

Ran around the block, on the asphalt. Yeah, lost a tiny bit of skin. So what? Check out this guy!

Barefoot MARATHONS! This has given me another crazy idea, which will take a decent chunk of my life to train for and accomplish: run the Great Wall of China Barefoot... training starts now! Thats almost 4,000 miles of running. Wow....
Yeah, that is fun! Up in Canada, a beach is hard to come by.

I'll bet you have all sorts of fun at the beach in Sunny California!

and yes, there seems to be more resistance because of the sand, so it requires more energy. it's nice splashing in the water afterwards too.
It's awsome. Trainers drag you down. On holiday I am always barefoot, if you keep going barefooted, you skin can take the gravel ect. and you don't need shoes. Problems only occur when you face glass on the street. Then your screwed.
why not on asphault?
1: High impact
2: Takes time to build up the calouses needed to run barefoot on the asphault
3: That would get really hot on your feet on a hot day
4: African dudes are crazy in general...haha...j/k
Check this out dudes and dudette.

Running barefoot marathons is more than possible. You don't need to be crazy or African. My workout buddy is a crazy African, and even he doesn't run barefoot.

As for the high-impact problem, running barefoot has none of that, because it requires a different running technique. You don't strike the ground with your heel. Rather, you're padding along on the ball of your foot. Your heel will barely touch the ground at all. It feels pretty good! Also, its works your calves BIG time. Mine are still sore from 5 minutes of barefoot running I did 2 days ago.
Running barefoot sprints on the football field=teh win.