Bar Etiquette

Jersey in the summer, nope, never been able to do that, but it can't be any worse than VA heat. who knows, I might stop in on my way back down from RI this summer and spend a few dollars in the casino...

I don't know about VA but here, it isn't the heat is it the freaking humidity...

I am sure the casinos will be very happy to have your dollars :)

At least they are smoke free now (or they are supposed to be)
here in VA we have that 'drive with your window down and your whole left side gets wet' humidity. it sucks...
here in VA we have that 'drive with your window down and your whole left side gets wet' humidity. it sucks...

Well, I just have one thing to say to that...ewwwwwwwww

Jersey is bad but I don't know that I could ever describe it like that.
New Update on another bar personality...

Saturday night, two women came to the bar. Both of them were barely 21, but their IDs were real, so I had to let them in. One looked like a natural redhead, but the other looked like she had dyed her hair with kool-aid, and both had on super skanky outfits that would be more fitting for a dance club, not the pub that I work at. BOTH of them had on so much $0.25 perfume that I had to move where I normally stand after they sat down outside, just so I could not be downwind. The BEST part of their appearance, though, is seconds after I started laughing at them mentally, one of them looks at the other one, and goes "oh... my... god... we haven't even gotten into the baaar yet, and we are aaaaalready getting checked out..." I died a little inside.
what were you in chicago for the weekend? you've just described the entire female clientelle of Duffys... :D but their delusions will take them far no doubt :)
Holy crap Maleficient- I used to go to Duffys all the time! I moved out of Chicago 3 years ago but went there in my early 20s.
Small frickin world.
Before the fix:
As my travels south are limited to the great state of Florida, I will take your word on it but without the comparison, summer in Jersey sucks

After I edited out the stuff you didn't need, to get to the REAL point of what you were trying to say, we are left with one of the most true two word sentences in the english language:

Jersey sucks
I might live in chicago now... but I'm the girl that Tom Waits sang about -or wished he sang about -jersey girl born and bred... and wil be a jersey girl when I'm dead - as has been said often - jersey is overcrowded and expensive -but it's like the mother ship -y ou can't insult it around me :)