Thanks everyone. Today starts my one month trek to not look at the scale. Eeeh. I'm nervous! I've decided to do away with my ticker as well. At least for this one month span....Whatever my weight is a month from now will be my new ticker weight towards my ultimate goal of 110. Eek! I can do it.
I'm going to make some goals for myself this month. It's going to hopefully be a hardcore month for me and I will be here a lot more than I have been lately I think. So this is what I'd like to accomplish:
-See scale movement...lose SOME weight!
-Drink my water everyday....I really understand now that I'm usually walking around feeling bloated due to not drinking my water regularly.
-Count calories....1200/day.
-Do three miles daily if not more.
-Don't give in to temptations...whether it be the scale, food, or whatever. Just don't. There's no reason to.
Non-Health Related:
-Get a lot farther with school work.
-Get a job....
-Go to church.
-Keep myself organized.
-Practice more.
-Write more.
Lots of goals. It will be interesting to look back at this post a month from now to see what I've accomplished...
I think I can do it!