Weight-Loss Are STIR FRYs OK? Does it count as frying food?



New member
Hello all,

My partner loves to eat food stir-fried pretty much every day and I have been wondering whether these are good or not? I know that frying is v bad but does this light type of frying count as ok? He always tells me that Asians tend to eat this way and they're not an overweight nation so it should be ok.

Please let me know what you think?

Stir-frys can be fine depending on how you cook the food. Using some spray oil or a small amount of good quality oil or even dry-frying can be fine. The problem is when you start adding lots of fat to the rest of the food. Stir-frys are a good way of getting lots of veggies into your diet too! Be careful about what you serve your stir-fry with....some brown rice would be way preferable to an egg fried rice for example.
As far as I can see its just about being aware of how you do it!
I had a stir fry last night. My boyfriend poured lots of oil into the wok, and I squealed and frantically poured it back out! I used about two table spoons of oil and it was plenty! There was vegies in it (we added onions), egg noodles, some spicy sauce and spicy peanuts, and it all came to 400 calories. It was shared between three people and came to around 133 each, so it wasnt that bad. Just for the taste really.
Tell me about it. I am forever hovering over my Bf's shoulder as he pours the oil into the wok! lol

Im glad it is not totally bad then! Was getting paranoid that it was a thing I was not allowed at all! Its v convenient as it only takes minutes to cook!

I'm sure its not bad if you don't use much oil, or you try and get some low calorie spray stuff. It is veggies after all. As long as you don't add things to it that are fatty it should be fine! You should try mixing up the routine a bit though, don't have it every night or it'll lose its greatness :D Have a look for recipes on other ways to eat junk food but in a healthier way.

Such as making your own mini pizzas (not so much cheese of course) with lots of veggies on them!

Good luck and enjoy :D xx
I use only a small spoonful of extra virgin olive oil for my stirfrys, I find a little goes a long way :)
Hi yeah,

I have started making home made pizza recently and sharing them with a few ppl!

We do eat things like spaghetti bolognese but only occasionally and never add any cheese on it.

This has got me thinking of what new dishes I could make! I also love salmon fillets just roasted with pepper and lemon in the oven!

Another qn I have is it is real bad for me to have jasmine thai rice...I love the flavour of it! We have a massive bag of it with kilos worth of it. I have got some brown rice but it just doesnt have the same kick.

Do you think I can still eat this and still lose weight?

FYI Here are my stats:

I exercise six times a week for 1.5 hrs each time. I burn 500 kcals on the epplitical doing HIIT every other day of these six and the others I spend doing whole body musculation (free weight, squats, lunges, abs).

I am 21 years old, 1m69 (5ft5) and 180 pounds (82kg). I am looking to lose 40 pounds and be at around 65kg. (sorry I am not v familar with pounds as such!).

I just wonder as I am pretty active and as I am 21, may be my metabolism may be able to handle eating white rice and opposed to brown?

What do you think? man I feel so silly asking but its been bugging me for a while!
I eat stir fry all the time

I've been losing weight like crazy and I eat stir fry atleast three times a week. I use extra virgin olive oil and pour maybe 1 to 2 tablespoons in the pan. I normally buy fresh mushrooms, onions, water chestnuts, exc. I rarely use rice but if I do I use 1/2 cup of white rice just to add some flavor. If fills me up and it tastes very good.
I use only a small spoonful of extra virgin olive oil for my stirfrys, I find a little goes a long way :)

The problem with that is that stir frying is traditionally done at very high temperatures, yet olive oil has a low burning point. You can't get it as hot as other oils such as canola without it smoking and becoming more cancerous than others.

But no, there's nothing inherently wrong with stir fry. For those of you who like white rice, try to substitute Basmati rice for the plain stuff. It's still white, but easier to cook and alot better for you. When you get used to cooking it, you can control how much oil the food absorbs and stuff too, so you don't get a meal that feels like it's packed full of oil. Stir frying is FAR from the same thing as frying in lard or trans-fats.
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