Weight-Loss Are my diet and exercise routine good?

legolug- that's more or less what I do, and it works for me :) Three square meals (although I tend to have a heavier evening meal, it's just what I'm used to) and make up for hunger/ blood sugar issues (if I don't eat reasonably regularly I get all giddy and faint) with fruit and vegetables. And quite often dessert (usually natural yoghurt with steamed fruit), if I have the calories for it.

Try some things out. If your calories and nutrition are in order you shouldn't do anything noticeable to your weight loss by playing around with number of meals or that sort of thing. It's all about what you can manage.
Thanks again!
One more question though:
Now that summer is coming I'm gonna go at least three days weekly to have a drink with my friends or attend to parties. And I was wondering what are your thoughts on alcohol (diet wise of course).
I mean, it's not like I'm gonna drink until I faint but I may have a beer or two.
And a beer has about 150 calories.
That's even lower than a big glass of Cola but some people say beer can fatten you up.
Why is that?
Beer is second only to fat in calories. 7calories/gram. Fat is 9calories/gram.

The problem with alcohol is it's empty calories. Take that 2 beers (300 calories) off your daily limit and add in to the fact that it's gave you no nutrients, no carbs, no protein and you'll still be hungry.

It's a choice but i tend to just substitute beer for a diet coke when i'm in a pub or at the beach and i rest in the knowledge knowing i've limited the harm. If you are only having 2 is it worth it??
Yeah... if you want to get hammered I'd say go for the alcohol with the least amount of surplus calories like sugary stuff etc. Just throw down enough vodka to feel right ;) then you won't get all the surplus calories found in breezers, beers and what not.

I don't think there is any booze that has a higher drunkenness / calories ratio than vodka. Well hospital spirits but that isn't readily available to most people.
Yeah... if you want to get hammered I'd say go for the alcohol with the least amount of surplus calories like sugary stuff etc. Just throw down enough vodka to feel right ;) then you won't get all the surplus calories found in breezers, beers and what not.

I don't think there is any booze that has a higher drunkenness / calories ratio than vodka. Well hospital spirits but that isn't readily available to most people.

I disagree - Tequila is much more bang for your buck :p And lemon and salt have very little calories! :D

I think if you're going to drink, have some kind of spirit mixed with a diet drink, like rum and diet coke, gin and tonic, vodka and diet lemonade etc. This will limit the calories to around 65 per drink (measure the nip though - 30ml is all you need). So two drinks = 130 cals as opposed to 300cals. Much less damage. Just be aware that when you drink and go to parties there are also other temptations around, like party foods which when you drink can be a lot more tempting and your willpower can likely go out the window.
legolug, I think you'll just need to find what works for you. You've made a plan (3 meals + fruit for snacks), so start with that. After you've stuck with this for a few weeks, you can start making some minor changes here and there so that you're eating healthier options more often and cutting out the processed and high fat stuff.

As for the alcohol... it's a matter of moderation. Alcohol itself it 7 calories per gram, plus whatever else is mixed in with it. Vodka is the closest to pure alcohol as it has almost no added sugar, so straight vodka or vodka soda are your lowest calorie options (as others have pointed out :)). You just have to be sure to limit yourself on how many you drink and try not to give in to eating the less than ideal foods that most people eat while out with friends :)
Alrighty, so it passed a week and I experimented with different types of diets and I've come to the conclusion that I don't need more than 1600 calories daily. I feel great and in the past three days I ate this:

Breakfast (500 calories): 2 hard-boiled eggs: 150 calories
1 glass of milk: 100 calories
1 slice of bread with jam: 150 calories
1 banana: 100 calories

Launch (600 calories): varies a lot: meat, vegetables, soup,
corn, potatoes, melons, salads, etc.

Dinner: anything that doesn't reach 300 calories

And in between the meals, I'll use the 200 calories left for a fast treat (fruit, a small chocolate bar, etc.)

So... what do you think?
Is it a good idea (at least for the summer) ?