Weight-Loss Apple Cider Vinegar


Hmmmmmmmmmmm interesting.

If it is so beneficial in many ways, has no side effects and is not harmful to you (according to the article), I wonder why everyone is not taking it?

I might give the capsules a try as I oftentimes have digestion problems - just as a pilot to see what happens.
im also trying the apple cider vinegar, i have a friend who swears by it. not sure if its doing any good yet but its ment to speed up the motabalisum so you burn fat quicker, cayeene pepper is also ment to do the same...i decided i might as well try it as vinegar on a salad is a lot more healthy than dressing or mayo, and the pepper though hot if you use too much, is nice to add flavour to veg and meat that you would normally have gravey with.
if it helps me lose more weight then thats a bonus... please let me know if it helps you at all.
I heard that it speeds up your metabolism too. Not sure how true that is but I use red wine vinegar instead of butter and salt on a lot of green vegies like broccoli, and brussels sprouts. Tastes pretty good too :)
Wikipedia is your friend. It should be noted these results are from non-clinical trials, results aren't set in stone. Also be aware that even if it is effective, it's not a magic bullet for weight loss and you will still have to diet and exercise sensibly.

Blood glucose control and diabetic management
Small amounts of vinegar (approx. 20 mls or two tablespoons of domestic vinegar) added to food, or taken along with a meal, have been shown by a number of medical trials to reduce the glycemic index of carbohydrate food in both healthy and diabetic recipients. This has also been expressed as lower glycemic index ratings in the region of 30%.

Diet control
Multiple trials indicate that taking vinegar with food increases satiety (the feeling of fullness) and so reduces the amount of food consumed. Even a single application of vinegar can lead to reduced food intake for a whole day.
Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

i am not some type of scam person, but after hearing that the apple cider vinegar diet was a scam, i decided to try it, I lost 5 pounds the first week, I read this microsoft word book and it inspired me and everything is on it, i recommend you try it and we can make a chat here. Just put your email address here so I can send you the book, its 3 paged with so much detail , its an easy read. so if you wanna read it, just reply with your email, if you think its still a scam, then so be it.
If you're not actually a spammer, which you very well could be, then all you're doing is promoting yet another BS fad diet.

All these BS diets operate on the same principle -- isolate some "magic food" with "secret properties" and you will "magically" lose weight.

Then you find the fine print.

Oh, yeah, the diet only works in conjunction with sensible portions and exercise.

Say, have you read about my fabulous wonder diet? It's called the "Lose 10 pounds by eating Snickers for lunch and dinner Diet". You eat a Snickers bar for breakfast, a Snickers bar for lunch, and a healthy, sensible meal for dinner. You exercise at least 5 days a week, for an hour a day. You will lose 10 pounds in the first month, if you are at least 50 pounds overweight. Guaranteed!
Fine, but this diet is just another fad diet, all the same. If you lost weight on it, it has everything to do with the fact that you watched your portion sizes and probably exercised a bit more, and little or nothing to do with taking a swig of apple cider vinegar before every meal.
i said i wasnt a scammer, im trying to prove people wrong when they say it is a scam. im not promoting anything!!

Well, actually - you are - especially in trying to solicit email addresses.

The discussion of any given type of diet - even an isolationist type diet is more then welcome. You're free to give the merits and how it's benefitted you. Others are also free to disagree.

Please do not try and solicit email addresses or the thread will be considered SPAM
Apple Cider Vinegar is indeed good for many things. My mom has taken it for years and so have many older people I know. I took this out of one of my health books:

Apple cider vinegar is extracted by crushing apples and squeezing the liquid. Yeast and sugar are added to this mixture to start the fermentation process. Acetic-acid forming bacteria convert the alcohol into sour-tasting vinegar. It has been noticed that apple cider vinegar contains a substantial amount of pectin, which may be responsible for offering relief from many an ailment.

Apple cider vinegar is prepared by a two-stage fermentation process. In the first stage, the natural sugars contained within the apple cider are converted into alcohol by yeast. Later the alcohol is converted into acid. Apple cider vinegar is used as a preservative and in many recipes.

Use of apple cider vinegar for weight loss can be traced to ancient Egyptians. It was believed that apple cider vinegar propelled the body metabolism to burn fat faster. Its cholesterol reducing properties might be the secret behind its ability to burn fat too. The combination of acetic vinegar and fruit pectin may be effective in weight loss. While proponents of the apple cider vinegar diet claim that a few teaspoons of apple vinegar before a meal can help you shed weight, others call it a fad diet.

There is no scientific evidence showing that apple cider vinegar can aid in weight loss. Followers of the apple cider vinegar diet claim that it is effective against weight loss when complemented by a sensible diet and exercise program. Apple cider vinegar diet involves consumption of 2-3 teaspoons of apple vinegar before every meal. It may be difficult at first due to the strong acidic nature of the vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is used to detoxify various organs in the body together with the blood stream. It aids in blood oxidization thereby keeping it from becoming thick. The health benefits of apple cider vinegar extend to healing wounds and skin lesions. Poultices of cider vinegar can be applied to a stubborn open wound.

Apple cider vinegar also promotes digestion and neutralizes any toxic substance taken into the body. Regular intake of cider vinegar and honey is said to provide relief to those suffering from arthritis and painful joints. Consumption of about 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water can restore natural clotting properties of blood.

Apple cider vinegar benefits those suffering from ear discharge and eczema. Apple cider vinegar is said to have miraculous effects on those suffering from hair loss by taking care of tissue salt deficiency. Apple cider vinegar has a potent supply of potassium that can help in remedying teeth decay and splitting of fingernails.

Due to the eliminative nature of cider vinegar, the kidneys and bladder can benefit from consumption of two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water about 5 times a day. Apple Cider Vinegar offers health benefits against food poisoning and digestive upsets. It is also effective for urinary tract infections and lowering high blood pressure.

Such were the curative properties of cider vinegar that it was lauded as a wonder healer by Hippocrates. In fact vinegar has been used to cure ailments for thousands of years, from ancient Babylonians to Samurai warriors and army soldiers.

Organic apple cider vinegar is made from fresh and organically grown apples that are allowed to mature in wooden barrels. A web-like substance is noticed once the fermentation takes place. This 'mother' is used to hasten fermentation of other barrels of apple vinegar.

Organic apple cider vinegar is rich with potassium and calcium and enzymes. It is a natural stimulant for vitality by supplying amino acids, minerals and vitamins and propionic acid. This steps up the immune system.