Anyone vote today?

I'm quite politically minded. Then again I work in a Courthouse so I get it thrown in my face everyday. After awhile you form opinions and start getting into polotics. I'm waiting for our local results right now.

Anyone else into politics or voted today?

As soon as I get home, I'll head to the booths.
apparently a change of address form doesn't change your voting location...

basically i left work (4 blocks away from where i was SUPPOSED to vote), drove home and went to the polls... to get told that i was supposed to vote in the other county...

ARGH!!! I'm dumb...
I didn't vote. :D

Deval Patrick won over here for Gov. Ugh. If people really knew things about him (self-admited racist, wants to give licenses to illegals and let illegals go to college on tax payer's money) then they wouldn't have elected him. Just thought I'd add. :)
They didn't have any running for the communist party this year, so I went with another choice. I realllly hate having to choose the lesser of two evils.
Personally I filled him in for Governer of California. At this point, I'm sure he could out tire-throw Arnold.

No really though, all the candiates are relatively the same...the thing that really counts are the measure and propositions wanting to be passed.
Just out of interest, what are you all voting for?

I'm a Republican by heart. I voted republican. Other issues on the ballot included:

Stem cell research added to MO constitution(voted against, constitution is not the right place for this)

Huge tax on tobacco products(voted against, people shouldn't smoke but using a tax to form a better society isn't right)

Raising the minimum wage: (I voted for this, $5.15 an hour is not enough)

My two main reasons for voting republican is Economy (its doing great right now, better than before 9/11) and gun rights.
Umm, no it's not...


Profound and thorough rebuttal...

Actually clipse is correct...
-Unemployment is at a 5.5 year low. (4.7 in 2001, 4.4 current)
-Wages and benefits are at a 2 year high. (avg hourly earnings: $14.53 in 2001, $16.41 current)
-Most interest rates are down. (mortgage rates: 7.00% in 2001, 6.39% current (maybe lower?))
-Common Markets are up. (DJIA: $10,190 in 2001, $12,120 current)

These were just a few economic indicators i had a chance to check... So, as opposed to what the media may want you to think, our economy is not on the brink of recession. I can't wait to see what the tax hikes will do to it though! :confused:
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Lmao. It's strange how no mention of the economy made it to the news prior to these elections.

I voted mainly Republican candidates out of spite for Californian representatives like Diane Feinstein.

My voting record for the various proposals that came up were conservative. No new taxes, for instance. I have weighed in on the controversal Prop 85, but the end result is it didn't pass, which is ****ing stupid. Most voters are teh suck.
Profound and thorough rebuttal...

Actually clipse is correct...
-Unemployment is at a 5.5 year low. (4.7 in 2001, 4.4 current)
-Wages and benefits are at a 2 year high. (avg hourly earnings: $14.53 in 2001, $16.41 current)
-Most interest rates are down. (mortgage rates: 7.00% in 2001, 6.39% current (maybe lower?))
-Common Markets are up. (DJIA: $10,190 in 2001, $12,120 current)

These were just a few economic indicators i had a chance to check... So, as opposed to what the media may want you to think, our economy is not on the brink of recession. I can't wait to see what the tax hikes will do to it though! :confused:

Oh thank the Lord in heaven!!!! Numbers! Actual numbers!!

How very refreshing to see a political opinion backed by fact, not popular media hype.
Profound and thorough rebuttal...

Actually clipse is correct...
-Unemployment is at a 5.5 year low. (4.7 in 2001, 4.4 current)
-Wages and benefits are at a 2 year high. (avg hourly earnings: $14.53 in 2001, $16.41 current)
-Most interest rates are down. (mortgage rates: 7.00% in 2001, 6.39% current (maybe lower?))
-Common Markets are up. (DJIA: $10,190 in 2001, $12,120 current)

These were just a few economic indicators i had a chance to check... So, as opposed to what the media may want you to think, our economy is not on the brink of recession. I can't wait to see what the tax hikes will do to it though! :confused:

I am not getting into any republican this, democrat that argument as I feel this isn't the place for it or any need really. This point out is merely because I just hate seeing misunderstood "facts" no matter what side they are on.

Granted in the past two years there has been a rise but this is only because there was really no where to go but up. Now you can blame this fact on whom you choose I don't care as really economics and jobs in general has such large scale with determining why they are low. I have my opinions and facts but again no need to go "I know you are but what am I?'' here.

The fact is that jobs and benefits have been so bad from 2000 to 2004 that they could only go up. So giving anyone some credit and saying "hey thanks for not being so ****ed up lately" is a little silly in my mind.

Also if look for unbiased facts on labor statistics go here. Just remember to go back some, even before Bush. Its all very interesting and says alot about how our country changes and trends in that.

and here for economics...
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I would love to know how many people voted because the "economy is bad", or they wanted a "change"...

I get so frusterated with how many blank slate campaigns win elections because the general public imposes their ideals onto the candidate.

I guess you can't say anything stupid if you don't say anything at all...

Ninja Edit: I forgot about good ole' John Kerry...