Anyone ever been discouraged by family?

Feedback is nice but I learned long ago not to count on it as a motivator. A few months ago a family member asked how much I had lost in 2 months. When I replied "19 lbs." the comment was "that isn't very much". As this person was overweight I put it down to jealousy. My reaction was to try even harder because some want you to fail.
A sad truth is that everyone must learn is that people are jeleous, competitive and will often do anything to make themselves feel better than others. Yes, even your family members can act on these emotions. You have to do this for yourself. When people feel threatened by someone or something they will often try to discourage them/it. Not everyone all the time is like this but just realize that it is a fact of life. You can do this, you will get good reactions from people, maybe not exactly what you want to hear always but you will feel better inside and out and thats the biggest impact you can make on your life and on how other see you.

My situation isnt quite like yours but I have been discouraged many times, and sabotaged as well. My parents have always been after me to lose weight, and make rude comments when I was eating junk food or something.. BUT when I finally started losing a few lbs. (years ago) I told them my goals, which were very realistic, and all they did was discourage me saying that I was 'built too big" to ever weigh "x amount of lbs." and "shouldnt get my hopes up."

It always irritated me and I always gave up, believing they were right. Every time I gave up on a diet, they would have a comment like "oh, I knew that wouldnt last" when the reason it didnt last is because of the discouragment !

Ive also had A LOT of problems with people sabotaging me. Intentionally AND unintentionally. After my parents would encourage me to try to lose weight they would purposely test me and offer me my favorite foods and take me out to lunch to my favorite places, and would even nag me to "eat what they're eating" until I finally gave in just so they'd leave me alone.

SO, I learned not to tell them about it. I dont tell them anymore when Im trying to lose weight. Im much older now so I dont rely on them as much to prepare meals, and I buy some of my own groceries so that I can stick to my own preferences and healthy choices. Im doing well this time, and I really dont care what they think. Im doing this for me, and you need to do this for YOU too, not for your mom. I know we all want some recognition and encouragment, but if you cant get it, then look elsewhere for it. There are many people on this site who are willing to give you a word of support when you most need it.

There are lots of people here who would LOVE to see you succeed and be happy, so dont be discouraged ! Maybe she wishes she had your discipline. ;)

Keep going, never give up.

Oh, and I remember hearing this somewhere before.. I always try to keep it in mind, and you should too !

"Honey, there'll be plenty of people routing for you to fail...
that's what makes this such fun !"

rout·ing (v.)
"To put to disorderly flight or retreat,
To defeat overwhemingly; to drive or force out.

don't let anyone do that ^ to you.
prove em' all wrong. ;)
You can do this.

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