
I'd love to have nice abs and a low body fat precentage, can this be achieved without changing my diet much?
Will swimming be a good excercise to achieve that?

You may have to eat more as you ramp up the exercise.

Swimming is a good whole body workout, but swimmers tend to have a slightly higher body fat percentage than other athletes (probably insulation against cold water and floatation; this might make it more difficult to see the six-pack abs). Swimming is also not weight bearing, so it does not increase your bone density (which can be a problem for those who have previously starved themselves through anorexia). Weight bearing exercise, along with good intake of calcium and vitamin D, is the usual means of increasing bone density.

So, while swimming is good exercise, you may want to add some other exercises, including weight training, in order to bulk up the muscle. And eat more while you are bulking up the muscle, especially since you are 16.

Dark chocolate is another high calorie food that is generally considered to be good for you. You may want to add it to your snacks to add calories.
Ok, here are some pics of me now, to throw in for some measure :)



I'm happy with what I look like now, sure as hell better than when I had anorexia. But I'd like to look a bit "lean"-er and have a bit more tone in my body.
How can this be achieved simply?

Thanks :)

Oh by the way, here is a picture of when I WAS anorexic.. I think its a shot of me when I was in my worst state.

Holy crap that last picture is scary.

I'm happy with what I look like now, sure as hell better than when I had anorexia. But I'd like to look a bit "lean"-er and have a bit more tone in my body.
How can this be achieved simply?

You need to start weight training, and slowly start eating more.
Holy crap that last picture is scary.

You need to start weight training, and slowly start eating more.

Indeed... indeed it is = /

I was a lucky one, I got away before it killed me or did me any permanent damage.

I had less than a week to live if they had let me home from hospital, since I had absolutely no reserves left for my body to feed off and the only thing it could've used is major organs.

On the bright side of things, at least I can say I've been there and conquered it, and being the person I am I'd like to help others who have "caught" that horrible horrible disease.

Anyone with an "education" on eating and gaining muscle, etc, care to add me on msn?
Please add:

Thank you :)
18.5 is my target, I'm currently at about 17.5.

Currently my diet isin't healthy, here is my meal plan:

Breakfast: Cereal (Can't be a bran or other low calorie cereal)
2 Slices of toast with butter

Try adding a fruit you like (i.e. apple, orange, or cantaloupe). And instead of just cereal maybe once in a while pancakes. and try replacing the toast with a bagel. and replace that tea with hot chocolate or something.

10AM Break: Fortijuice (A 300 calorie energy supplement) and a scone with butter

Lunch: Portion of protein (I.E Beef, chicken, turkey, or whatever)
2 Mashed Potatos
Portion of Veg
Full desert (I.E Cake and custard, whip, semolina and canned fruit, or something else along those lines)

Lunch looks good, but maybe a bit more vegs

3PM Break: Fortijuice (Supplement)
2 Biscuits or Chocolate bar, or crisps

Dinner: Chips, waffles or wedges
Something with protein in it, e.g breaded chicken, fish fingers, etc.

Supper: Toast and water

So yeah, quite a lot to be taking in a day I think..

Not nearly enough. and you may want to back off the tea, and drink more juice. You really don't need to be drinking tea as thin as you are.

But I reckon all the muscle I've been rebuilding has stopped and now the weight that is going on is just body fat, could this be true?
I mean, I don't see any part of my body that doesn't look "normal" now.

My face, which used to be gaunt has become filled out and normal looking enough, hell even my ass isin't anywhere near as bony now.

It's not annoying me that much, because I'll have time to work on it when I'm better..


You need to understand It doesn't matter what you are gaining at this point, just that YOU ARE GAINING. I realize that you are still trying to
cope with anorexia, and part of the big issue is not seeing yourself as you really are and having a "distorted" image of your body, but from an outsiders point of view, it is apparent from your pictures that you need to make a concerted effort to just gain weight.

Working out is great, but the guys who build muscle eat a whole lot more than you are listing here and if that is your intent, then you are gong to have to focus on consciously eating more. What you are eating is fine, and if you couple that with working out (i.e. weightlifting) then you can build muscle. But remember: you cannot do one without the other. It won't work.

anyway, you may want to work on improving your diet BEFORE you start looking at working out. Once you get a diet plan, THEN you can shift your focus to weightlifting.

This is just my opinion, but after seeing your pictures, I felt compelled to post.

Good luck,
I am actually severely disappointed in anyone who is giving diet advice to you, and let me try to tell you why without upsetting you.

you need to be talking to a counsiler and a doctor, NOT people on the internet. Recovering from anorexia is a serious thing, and gaining too fast can make you die. Dead. Gone. Doesn't matter what you look like.

I would not take any of the diet advise posted by anyone on the internet. I would take advise only from a doctor and your mental health professional.

I say this with no judgement, only care and concern. No one on this site is a doctor, and only a doctor can help you determine a healthy rate of gain and what kind of nutrients you need to be trying to bring in.

Absolutely right.

Having support from people who have experienced what you are going through is a good thing, don't get me wrong on that. The advice to be active and eat more (and eat healthy) is not bad either.

It's just not appropriate for anyone other than a E.D. specialist or doctor to give that advice to someone with a very serious medical condition, especially online, no matter how well intentioned. Especially considering all of the factors that can influence what may or may not be appropriate for you and your specific situation that no one but your doctor would be aware of.

It is not within the acceptable scope of practice even for certified personal trainers to give advice to a person with an eating disorder - even if that person is trying to gain in a healthy manner.

I truly wish you the best in your recovery, and please, do not concern yourself with anything other than what your doctor says you should do.

Oh man, I'm about to sound like such a mom, but ----- do your parents know you are on a fitness website asking about how to be "toned" as you recover?
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Well the good news is, I went over my target weight a bit (I think it was 50.5kg's was my target, and I was 52.4 :) ) Thing is I had eaten and drank liquid when I got weighed, but its still over a fair bit.
All thanks to the hard work I put in, not to mention my mother's cooking :p

It doesn't bother me much, 1. Because I don't look much different, and 2. Because its another huge step in getting back to normallity (I'm almost there :D)

I know I will have to eat more, and eating was not as big an issue for me as it is for a lot of people.
I seem to be able to be disciplined with myself and know whats doing me good and whats going to do me more harm.

A professional dietician is giving me advice about when I get back into doing activity like weights (I'm already swimming a fair bit) I will see where that takes me.

I think its just a matter of getting my metabolism back to normallity and getting it settled again so that I can't drop a lot of weight off again.
Oh man, I'm about to sound like such a mom, but ----- do your parents know you are on a fitness website asking about how to be "toned" as you recover?

I doubt they'd mind much, its not like all the hype about health, dieting and excercise can be avoided..

Anyway, why would they need to know?
I'm not looking to be "toned" as I recover, I want to know what form of excercise I should do to build a bit of muscle and stay fairly lean (which is actually what I wanted to be when I set out to lose weight in the first place).
I see my anorexia as just a blip in that process. :)
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Hey I'm back again.

Found this page on the net, and its unbelievable how comparable this girl's tale of anorexia compares with mine:
It really shows you how the whole thing can really sneak up on you!

I mean, I remember being in school and eating nothing but an apple and half a tuna sandwhich for lunch and walking the halls thinking how I was burning it off while my friends stood around eating fatty foods and how I'd come out on top.

Anyway - I guess I'd really love to know how I can balance out being fit, and not be anorexic.

I'd say being fit is doing excercise 4 or 5 times a week (i.e running, swimming, weights and whatever else) and eating plenty of healthy foods, while still splurging out now and again when out with friends, generally being happy..
While anorexia is out running every day 2 or 3 times, excessive amounts of excercise, studying labels for even 1 calorie's difference, elimenating most foods and eating hardly anything, and just really not having a happy nor healthy lifestyle..

Does that sound about right?
Hey I'm back again.

Found this page on the net, and its unbelievable how comparable this girl's tale of anorexia compares with mine:
It really shows you how the whole thing can really sneak up on you!

I mean, I remember being in school and eating nothing but an apple and half a tuna sandwhich for lunch and walking the halls thinking how I was burning it off while my friends stood around eating fatty foods and how I'd come out on top.

Anyway - I guess I'd really love to know how I can balance out being fit, and not be anorexic.

I'd say being fit is doing excercise 4 or 5 times a week (i.e running, swimming, weights and whatever else) and eating plenty of healthy foods, while still splurging out now and again when out with friends, generally being happy..
While anorexia is out running every day 2 or 3 times, excessive amounts of excercise, studying labels for even 1 calorie's difference, elimenating most foods and eating hardly anything, and just really not having a happy nor healthy lifestyle..

Does that sound about right?

Yes, that's right. Congrats on the weight gain, also.

I am also a recovering anorexic and I turned to bodybuilding during my recovery. I don't regret it at all even though I went against the advice of a doctor and some of my family.

I started off at 5 10 140lbs and "skinny-fat." I wasn't happy with the stomach I had and turned to a sample food guide. I followed it religiously for 3 months. Little did I know it was designed for a sedentary person. It only provided 2000 calories and I required about 3500 or more from the activity I was doing. Most of the time, I didn't follow the guide and ate even less than it prescribed! I didn't care though and called my self a "weak fat ass" for being so hungry and tired. That's where the anorexic mentality took over my mind.

I lost over 20lbs and would have continued to lose had people not been screaming in my face that I had to stop. Creepy how it sneaks up on you.

Well, I'm now 160lbs and mostly solid. I'm bulking to 180 and then doing a bit of a cut down. I'm now eating over 3000 healthy calories a day and enjoying life a lot more. I run and lift weights 6 days every week and love the way I look now.

Recovering is so much better. I used to be so impatient with people due to lack of nutrition but now I am more enjoyable to talk to. I used to isolate myself from my young siblings because I hated loud noises. I now enjoy my family. Work and and school are so much more rewarding now because I am not so damned tired all the time!

Good luck, man. Get out there and enjoy life while you can! We don't live forever! :)
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I'd really love to know what the best thing for me to do that'll make me look good and be happy with myself is.

I mean, since around this time last year thats what I set out to do..
...What should I do??
What you should do is keep working hard with your professionals. Please stop coming here asking for advice on anorexia, not because we don't want you (we do, you're welcome here for support!) but you should be listening to your professionals and NOT someone on the internet. Anyone here who helps you will be irresponsible. You are recovering from something very serious.

Please don't go to the internet for help on this issue, you may end up just hurting yourself worse. You don't need to be thinking like this until you've been in recovery for a long while. If you feel this way talk to your doctor about starting an exercise program and get a complete physical.

Its not that I'm seeking advise or trying to stop myself from recovering.
Its more to hear suggestions on what others would do in my position.

I'm long down the road of recovery now, to the stage where full trust has been placed in my hands again. :)
And I can say its all going well.

Anyway, yeah.. the reason I'm asking is just for some good pointers on what I could do, and I wouldn't be doing any of it without permission anyway so no worries about that.

I was considering picking up weight-lifting, as I just reckon I need a bit more muscle on my frame.
I understand a lot of recovering anorexic's do that, and have ended up happy and healthy doing it.
I'd really love to know what the best thing for me to do that'll make me look good and be happy with myself is.

I mean, since around this time last year thats what I set out to do..
...What should I do??

" Looking good " means different things to different people - so, from a fitness context at least, you'd have to provide the specific goals of what you want to achieve in terms of your body composition ( i.e muscle mass, body fat ) diet, fitness etc. ...then forum members can provide opinions as to different ways you can get there.

As far as " being happy with yourself ", apart from cognitive distortions associated with some clinical mental health issues, that is largely under your control....we can't make you happy with yourself...only you can do that.

If you can't, as Derwyddon said, you need to consult with professionals to examine your issues pertaining to what your perception / definition of happiness is and your overall state of mind.
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Well I suppose what would make me happy would be knowing I'm at the peak of health and fitness.
I dont consider myself as obsessed with apperance as I used to be, and sitting down to eat a meal is not an issue at all for me now (actually I quite enjoy my food :) )
I think I have pretty much recovered, and my parents would agree too.

My outpatient meetings are starting to get more orientated towards what I wanted in the first place and talking about what caused things to go so badly in the first place.
I'm a bit scared now.
I've had huge hunger pangs/a huge appetite since yesterday afternoon.
My weight has been what is considered "healthy" and has been going up and down a bit but since yesterday I've been getting really hungry and even eating when I'm "satisifed" but not full.
I don't know why this is, I am not too worried about it because I know being the teenager I am that the weight could drop off if it is even put on just as quick.
It's probably just a normal case of the munchies that all teenagers get. Eat if you're hungry, and ask your doctor about it on Monday--don't worry about gaining weight, it might give you a few extra pounds that you'll need before you can start adding the activities you've been wanting to do without putting you in danger of losing too fast again.

My guess is that your metabolism might be changing as your body regains its health; I think the hunger will be temporary.

Ask your doctor!
The good thing is I'm already doing acitivty (i.e walking, jogging, swimming.. any other thing that pops up)
I doubt I'd gain weight.. I get weighed again on Wedensday so i'm hoping there isin't much change - and I doubt there will or can be.
Don't worry about it. If you're hungry, eat! Listen to your body and it will reward you with great results. We're growing kids, you know. My only caution is to make sure it is your body talking to you and not your mind. It's a very tricky thing as you and I well know. However, if you're having physical hunger pangs, eat away.

Best of luck and let us know if you need any help or advice :)

I'm happy because I know as fast as I put it on, I can burn it off just as quick again. :)

When I was at my worst with anorexia I was more like "If I gain weight it will stay on and I'll look horrible" but that idea has completely changed. ^^