✨angel's diary✨

I agree with cate, the yellow is very hard to read.

BMI is a terrible and mostly meaningless measure, a lot of people chasing the numbers on the scales to hit a BMI target are making it harder to achieve realistic goals in the long term.

Are you taking key body part measurements ? Do you know what your bodyfat % is ?

How are you tracking ?

Food ?
Exercise ?
Hi, Angel. You are only just on the border of being overweight according to a BMI of 25. What food (not counting what you are binging on) are you eating these days? You need healthy, well-balanced food that meets your body's needs.
BTW. I can barely read your last post, even on my laptop. The purple used to be a bit of a struggle, but the yellow is even worse.
i actually eat a lot of healthy food. like mainly a lot of fruits, diet yoghurts, premade sandwhiches, salads, a bit of cheese, diet microwave meals and protein bars
I agree with cate, the yellow is very hard to read.

BMI is a terrible and mostly meaningless measure, a lot of people chasing the numbers on the scales to hit a BMI target are making it harder to achieve realistic goals in the long term.

Are you taking key body part measurements ? Do you know what your bodyfat % is ?

How are you tracking ?

Food ?
Exercise ?

got no idea of my measurements or what my bod fat % is. i just count all my cals everyday, though i dont save it anywhere anymore. dont track what i eat specifically or how much i exercise (i do work out almost everyday though vigorously)
little update. havent binged or ate over maintenance in 4 days :) could have binged hard today but i didnt. since i last posted my weight hasnt changed also
Thanks for changing the colour of the font, Angel. :)
I'm glad you have a healthy diet. Well done not binging or going over maintenance the last 4 days 👏
havent binged or ate over maintenance in 4 days :) could have binged hard today but i didnt.
Good for you! Not bingeing is hard to do, but important.
since i last posted my weight hasnt changed also
Good also!