This woman standing next to me...she qualifies as 'huge'.
extremely muscled...sure. but I wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to buy me a drink, or throw me over her shoulder and take me home.
Uh, malkore you feeling alright?
This woman standing next to me...she qualifies as 'huge'.
extremely muscled...sure. but I wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to buy me a drink, or throw me over her shoulder and take me home.
This is a SUPPORTIVE environment based around health. If you dont' have anymore supportive advice to offer...then you shouldn't make any more comments.
Um, I'm not an expert, but anybody think that this girl might just be looking for a laugh? Saying Nicole Richie is huge isn't normally done. This girl at school is anarexic and she says that Nicole Richie is too small and she has had all sorts of problems. But anyway. As people have said, if the problem is as bad as it sounds then the internet won't help.
damn that nicole women is looking nasty, whats up with her shes been on the pukers or something? i think many women have unhealty view on whats good looking and not, i cant imagine someone think ppl looking starved is sexy???
Way to go guys!!!! Good job