Anarexia! I need help!

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This woman standing next to me...she qualifies as 'huge'.

extremely muscled...sure. but I wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to buy me a drink, or throw me over her shoulder and take me home.

Uh, malkore you feeling alright?
well if you look back i was the first one to respond and i did give advice, i just think now this gotten too far, and it almost doesnt seem like the girl is on here anymore. I think people are wasting their time saying the same things over and over, about getting help. she knows it, we know it. i wasnt disrespecting her, but i really do think shes on her on for attention and nothing else. trust me, im majoring in this stuff, its not that i dont care especially if there really is a problem. anyway this is once again like i said pointless. but i do have the freedom of speech so dont tell me what i should and shouldnt say.
This is a SUPPORTIVE environment based around health. If you dont' have anymore supportive advice to offer...then you shouldn't make any more comments.

hmmm thats not telling me what i shouldnt say? wow thats interesting. SHE CANT GET HELP HERE! this isnt a shrink website. i told her that once she fixed the problem, she should come back if she was serious about being fit and healthy.
tonymars - I think you may have misunderstood her "shouldn't be here" comment the same way i did at first. I believe she meant that MayCute shouldn't be here with her particular problem, because we're not doctors.

lilsarry - that did come across pretty rude, i hope that's not what you were implying :confused:

anyway, i'm just trying to mediate! :cool:

MayCute (if you're still on here) - If you're problem truely is anorexia, there isn't anyone on this site that will be able to "fix" that. The best we can do is try to provide support and information on healthy eating and lifestyles. It seems to me that you're problem isn't really anorexia, but rather just lack of knowledge on how you can lose weight and keep it off in a healthy way. If this is the case, this site has TONS of information to you help you...
Um, I'm not an expert, but anybody think that this girl might just be looking for a laugh? Saying Nicole Richie is huge isn't normally done. This girl at school is anarexic and she says that Nicole Richie is too small and she has had all sorts of problems. But anyway. As people have said, if the problem is as bad as it sounds then the internet won't help.
damn that nicole women is looking nasty, whats up with her shes been on the pukers or something? i think many women have unhealty view on whats good looking and not, i cant imagine someone think ppl looking starved is sexy??? :confused:
Um, I'm not an expert, but anybody think that this girl might just be looking for a laugh? Saying Nicole Richie is huge isn't normally done. This girl at school is anarexic and she says that Nicole Richie is too small and she has had all sorts of problems. But anyway. As people have said, if the problem is as bad as it sounds then the internet won't help.

exactly what i was trying to say! shes doing it for attention or like u said a laugh. but im not trying to restart things...just agreeing with you!
damn that nicole women is looking nasty, whats up with her shes been on the pukers or something? i think many women have unhealty view on whats good looking and not, i cant imagine someone think ppl looking starved is sexy??? :confused:

yeah they dont start off with that goal tho. they just want to be "thin" and once they start losing the lbs and get used to eating less, it turns into something much bigger and its kind of like an addiction. then they just dont realize that the skeleton bodies they have are not healthy because they always see fat.
lets look at this way, she obviously didnt care too much because she hasnt been back responding. so probably was a little joke of hers. and oh well, i think we should all move on! lol if she comes back then we will see.
Sry, about what ever I did and that's offened to some people. I am really an ana and I am here because I need attention but I am thinking of recovery. However, I dunno...I am sry. I think it will be my last post here I guess.
well the first step to recovery would be admitting you have a problem which u did so that is good but now you have to be willing to tell someone other than the people on this forum because we cant help with the disorder. i hope that you have a good recovery.
I think this has gotten off target and we need to move onto the next topic.
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