Anarexia! I need help!

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Hello, my name is May! I am 14 years old.I've been having ana since I was 11 years old and just came to noticed that I am when I was 13. Recently, I am not fat and I am not thin, I know that but when ever I look at the morror I see COW! However, after my long term diet which is about 300-400 kcal a day and a 2 kg jogging, I lost a lot. After that I came back to my old self and start eatting and noticed that there's sth wried about the way I eat and it's terrible, I binged and binged. I couldn't stop it I am just hungry all the time. Later on , I decided that i'll fast all day log but I end up binging at dinner. I need help how will fix this problem to make myself eat as usual again but I wanna be thin!
Well first off, if there really is a problem here, you will be better at finding answers from doctors. Secondly, anerexics usually see themselves as big, they cant say " im not big or thin". You obviously arent eating correctly though but if you want to fix that, then eat! And workout. But most likely if you have an eating disorder its going to take a lot more than what this site can offer. Get that checked out first and if you are still serious, come back.
Agreed. See a doctor for professional help - much more effective and efficient. Keep posting updates and good luck.
No matter how much you think you can't tell your parents (or someone that could get you help), don't you think they would like you to tell them, so they can get you help? Rather than just continuing to destroy your body? Eating like that can cause serious health problems, and the sooner you can fix it (most likely with a professionals help) the better off you will be in the long run.
As a nutrition major in college, I was around a lot of people who had this problem. Eatng disorders can harm your body. I knew so many who had to be rushed to the hospital and myself faced surgery due to calorie and fat restriction. You can allow yourself to eat and be healthy, chances are, you will still be thin. I highly recommend that you go to your guidance counselor and talk, ask him or her to be someone to talk to.
i Know i need help but i just can't stop I have been to far...I mean I still cry today cause I look fat...I dunno I wanna be like nicole!!
If you want to stop, but can't, then you need to get help (from a doctor, psychiatrist, nutritionist, etc.). If you don't want to stop, then no one can make you.

Just because you start eating again, doesn't mean you can't be thin and healthy, you just have to do it the right way, and it sounds like that means getting some help with it.
You do need help, but this is not the place for it. A bunch of unknown strangers on a website isn't a good support group.
Talk to your parents first, and then seek counseling. There's a big difference between healthy thin, and Nazi concentration camp thin-bordering-on-dead.

people stuck in permament coma's get at least 1,000 calories a day. 400cals is just one meal out of 6 a day for me.

by "Nicole" I assume you mean the new Skeletor, Nicole Richie. She is not cute, and not attractive with that skin and bones look. I know of NO MALE, not even a horny 14 year old boy, who thinks that skank is hot.

Ditch her as a role model. If you want a phyisque to strive for, check out my friend Marianne:

That's the kind of lady 99% of men find attractive...slender, sporty, athletic, but not overly muscle bound.
And in that photo, she's 43 years old, but looks a hell of a lot better than Nicole ever has, or ever will considering her unhealthy thinless and craptastic lifestyle (booze, drugs, no food, no sleep).
I know of NO MALE, not even a horny 14 year old boy, who thinks that skank is hot.

Now isn't that a bit harsh :mad: But yes malkore has a point, Nicole Richie isn't even goodlooking enough to puke on. Eat food, do some running if you really want to, and feel sorry for the girls who look like ghosts.
May, I too believe that you should speak with your family about your anarexia. Family is family for a reason, and that's because they will do ANYTHING to help each other out and keep each other safe. If you WANT to stop, but find that you can't, then you will need professional help.

I think that once you do those steps, this forum will be a great place for your emotional support and trying to get through those hard times. It can teach you how to use food to your advantage when combined with training.

Even diet programs are starting to teach "eating to lose weight" because they realize that Americans are sick of the trendy diets that don't work.

Starving yourself can lead to depression which makes it even harder to think about yourself in a possitive light, whether it be looks, personality, or anything else. I think that once your diet is back in shape, you might realize that you aren't a "cow". Working out definately helps improve your self confidence, but you have to do it right, and remember that everyone has tough times and plateaus in training. Once MAJOR reason I love coming here is because of the possitive support you will get, along with people that help keep me motivated to improve myself.

Good luck May-Cute. :)
Malkore had it right, and no offence, but if you are truly anorexic, and not just wanting attention in some form or fashion, then posting a bulletin and reading peoples responses isnt gonna do a damn thing and you know it... anorexia goes way deeper than just reading/taking advice, its a psychological disorder for which you SHOULD SEEK prof. help (as previously mentioned by EVERYONE) wanted our help/advice..well thats it= go see someone before irrepairable(sp) damage is done
ya to be honest, i think she is on this forum for attention and thats all...which ive heard other forums call them trolls lol anyway, if your 13, you shouldnt be here anyway lol no offense but come on, your still growing!
But don't you think she looks tough? I mean I know she's healthy but she looks so huge....


This woman standing next to me...she qualifies as 'huge'.

extremely muscled...sure. but I wouldn't turn her down if she wanted to buy me a drink, or throw me over her shoulder and take me home.



notice teh similarites between Nicole and a Nazi concentration camp prisoner who hasn't been fed in months?
no im sick of those kind of girls. sorry but this isnt the place for her. this thread might as well be dropped altogether, she cant get attention or if there truly is a problem, she cant get serious help here. call me harsh but im so sick of it.

ew and whats with nicole richie and the nasty boobs! haha if u wanna say boobs. her whole body is disgusting.
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actually, forget i posted that. arguing is pointless. its not worth it.
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