An Ode to Chillen

Thank you Lei

Lei may you maintain "Lei's Big Huge Log" like a Hound Dog and keep leeping like a jumpen' Frog and move through all the mental Fog to prevent from being personally Clogged

Thank you, Lei.

ok so i was early and late.. sorry 'bout that.

the whole weekend is now a blur.
I Concur that this weekend was a Blur but please Transfer this into a growling Pur we all Prefer.


Thank you TWICE! LOL :)
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No rhymes cuz I got no times just some happy birthday chimes

Thank you Philsaigon.

Phils Spills:

I Chill in Phils Happy Birthday Skill, and you have Fulfilled Goodwill comparable to a instilled pep Pill, and now I must Chill by my own FreeWill, and Chillout with a Shout, and there is no Doubt I Spout Phils free Hand-Out.

Thank you!
Who cares about the numbes when you look like he does! (that is you in your Avatar right?)


Yes, its me.


is the sugar Spoon every Afternoon because she stays in Tune with her mental animated Cartoon and therefore brings her own personal Monsoon!

Im still not awake yet, LOL.......I tried though......

Thanks MoonBeam!
Happy B-day man!

Thank you LV

I dont know if I can rhyme LV.......LOL.


LV is on a personal shopping Spree while earning is diet and training Degree and this maintains his Jubilee, and keeps him free from hitting a Tree and creating bumps on the Knee

Ahh, Chillen. He always takes the time to come up with the perfect rhyme which often brings a smile to my face--unlike a mime-- but I must confess my attempt is a crime....

That's awful!
Ahh, Chillen. He always takes the time to come up with the perfect rhyme which often brings a smile to my face--unlike a mime-- but I must confess my attempt is a crime....

That's awful!

I want to spread Goodwill and Fortune to everyone. I want no Ill-Will or misfortune for no one.

Im glad I made you smile.

Best regards,
