American Idol Fans!


This thread is long overdue if you ask me....

But lets weigh in on American Idol! Whats your thoughts??

I thought Melinda Doolittle was GREAT as always, and that cute girl w/ the red streaks in her hair, she rocked! But that Sanjayah (sp) guy HAS TO GO!!!
Ohhh man, I can't stand that guy.

But I digged his hair. hahha
That hair was ridiculous... half of those pple just don't have much passion, quite boring. And although blake was boring tonight, I love how he sings, i really hope he does well. I think Chris Sligh can be a great artist, but he's just not showing it or needs to develop his voice more. I don't think he will last in this competition. Lakisha and Melinda are excellent singers, but just not my style.. I hope they go a bit more contemporary sometimes just for a change.
yea, i'm sorry, but that hair was just UNREAL! I mean, come on! It was a HUGE distraction to his terriable singing! What I want to know is, how the HECK did he get this far???

Chris didn't do so hot this week, and although he's a nice guy, definately not AI material. LOL, my hubby thought I was crazy, but I LOVE the song Blake sang! Maybe not his version so much, but love the song!

Oh, and I"m gonna download some NoDoubt songs tonight, love her early stuff!
Apparently there is an underground movement to vote for the worst and keep them on the show. I stumbled across the website by accident but apparently it is working because Sangya has no business being on there still.
dont even get me started on sanjaya...all I can say it it was supposed to be a singing competition:eek: whats up with that guy?
I heard there was some girl on myspace that was refusing to eat till he gets kicked off the show!

Lets hope, for everyone's sake, its tonight!
What night is American Idol on? We get to see it on Friday night here in the UK, and again at least once or twice over the weekend.
the singing portion was last night (tuesday) and the vote off is tonight!

Who do you guys think will get voted off this week?? I think it'll be sanjaya (sp) or chris or that justin timerlake wanna be, lol
That guy couldn't carry a tune or hairstyle if he tried!
I like the one chick she reminds me of PINK I am bad with
names but she has the black hair with the red streaks I love
her voice and style,and the 1 dude that makes the crazy noises
he has a nice voice there are quite a few ladies that sound the
My friend told me that Howard Stern is telling people to vote for Sanjaya so that American Idol can be turned into a joke. Just to throw that theory out there lol.

I am a big fan of Blake, Gina, and Melinda.

How many seasons has everyone been watching AI? What season was your favorite? My favorite was actually the season with Ruben and Clay. I went to the American Idol concert with some friends and got to see Clay lol. I'm not as big of a Clay fan now, but I have to admit back then I was pretty pathetic. I pretty much swooned every time he came on stage.
Yea, i've heard that too. On headline news they were saying that theres a group of "anti-american idols" that vote for the worst must be working! Simon has said if Sanjayah wins, he will quit the show!

UGh, dont' get me started about Clay! my sis in law is OBSESSED w/ him! Yes, still.

I have only watched this season,last season and just the very last few episodes of the 1st.
That usually happens to me with AI as well, I'll watch the beginning and the finale... but middle usually gets either boring or they start voting off pple I like. I think my favourite season was the Ruben/Clay season as well. But it was b/c the show itself was fun to watch. I don't really enjoy Ruben nor Clay.

I really want BBB to win (beat-boxing blake)

And does anyone remember the whole Kelly Ripa/Clay/ Rosie drama. lol...