Girls, thanks for chosing me in the team. I hope to be a good team mate although I am not sure if I will be able to lose much since I am near the end. But I will work hard for sure. The challenge is very long and I think it won't be any easier than the privious one. Get mentally prepared! I have a new sport program which includes my usual pilates, Davina High Energy Five DVD, power walk, jogging - every day different thing. I still walk at least 1 hour every day (normal pace) which I do not count as exercise.
I want in, and I want Tyly! (If she has not already found a team, of course!)
I have a question about exercises again. I am now working on an exercise routine for the challenge aiming for 300 min a week. (I really hope that we will not have to do 300 min every week!). My work-out DVD recommends always to start with warm up and finish with cool down. Obviously the warm up and especially the cool down do not raise my heart rate so questions is: shall I count them as a part of my challenge exercise minutes or not? And also after doing 2 pilates blocks I finish with 1 block pilates stretch which doesn't help for the heart rate either so shall I count the pilates stretch or not?
Stretching is still exercise. I don't think yoga raises one's heart rate, but it's still considered exercise.
The amount of exercise will vary each week. However, if you have teammates who will do more than their 1/3 share of it, you may slack off a bit. You're only required to do at least 10% of the weekly exercise. Of course, this would mean your teamies would have to make up your slack. If you agreed to do 2 of the roadblocks, they might let you off easy.
Lol You should've had Omega on your team. Nah nah nah nah.
That's good news for my program!
This system gives the sensation that we would have a lot of freedom but actually it is so much of responsibility. If a team member voluneers to do more then thair share it makes you feel that you have to complete your task at the best possible standard. It's going to be tough.
But let's see who will be the last to say: Nah nah nah nah.
I want in, and I want Tyly! (If she has not already found a team, of course!)
Maybe! I want to see if Tyly says yes first and if she already had someone PM her or not. I don't want to put someone on the team without consulting her. I want to be a good teammate!
I am now working on an exercise routine for the challenge aiming for 300 min a week.
Crap.. did I miss this? I didn't see where the first challenge is listed...
I know it starts March 7th... so I'm assuming you're letting us know ahead of time so we can prepare?
I'm off to go hunt for the thread / post!
I want you too, Amber!
And you are already such a fantastic teammate!
So have you two got a 3rd person yet?
Nope, but I just read in her diary that she would be ok with Jerome if I was... and I am! I know you said he's one that sticks it out until the end, and that's my kind of teammate!
Jerome, Jerome...
Come out to play! I don't know you, and I would like to meet my teammate!