Am I doing it right?

I wanna lose weight, some 5 kilos, no hard time limit but within 2 months would be nice... And develop nice chest, back, shoulders, abs... dont really want biceps and triceps... want core muscles to be strong...

I goto gym 5 times a week,
My gym instructor forces me to do cardio first then weight training... Though I read that the reverse would be better as glycogen would get depleted and fat would start burning by the time I went to cardios.

So 10mins cycling at like 15kmph, 2 mins rest, 10mins elliptical at 20kmph, 2 mins rest, 10mins treadmill at 8 incline and 5kmph speed...

Then 2 mins rest;

Day 1: :ironing:
Chest exercises : Bench press (machine) 30kg 3 sets x 15 times; Incline bench press (machine) 20kg 3 x 15; 10kg decline press ( I cant get the form right in the manual) 3 x 15
Flys 30kg 3x12
Another kind of press in a machine/lever donno its name 20kg 3 x 12
Back exercise on machine 40kg 3 x 15
Abs on machine 15kg 3 x 15

Day 2: :confused4:
Shoulder exercise: Lever back 20, 25, 30 kg set 15 times each; Lever front 15kg 3 x 15;
Dumbell raising overhead: 3 kg 3 x 15 last set alone i might increase weight to 6kg
Arnold press: 3 kg 3 x 15
Lateral raise, Front raise 3 kg with 3 x 15 for each
Trapezius exercise some 9 kg 3 sets x 15 times
Abs machine 15kg 3 x 15

I alternate this workout throughout the week, and if i have time just throw in one exercise for biceps and triceps... :jump1:

Diet donno what to do about it, since I'm indian (not red indian, but resident of a country called india) and hence cant get the calorie values for local foodstuffs that accurately... But i have tried my best to avoid junk food, giving into temptation once a week... Meals have it 3 times a day with one preworkout meal of munching on a few carrots...
Btw, i have been to gym for 1.5 months and did some other routine but somewhat same or slightly lower intensity... and though I have lost just some 1kg... My waist size has gone down by 2 inches and can run up stairs without getting very breathless
Sounds like great progress so far to lose 2 inches on your waist in 1.5 months, congrats! You must be adding muscle at the same time as you're reducing fat, which is a good thing.

As you mentioned, common wisdom is doing cardio after weights is better for weight loss, so you may want to push that with your PT. Also, if you have been doing the same or similar weight routine for 1.5 months, now is the time to start mixing it up and trying different things. Over time your body will adjust to whatever you have been doing repeatedly and progress will slow.
No squats, coz I want very slim legs... Wanna fit nicely into all those jeans and pants.
Pull-ups are they really necessary?
And what is a dead weight?
Haha yes I can, but most likely because I am very light not becuase im stronger. My friend who can bench double what I do can only do 20 pushups.
And to stay reletive, good progress!
No squats, coz I want very slim legs... Wanna fit nicely into all those jeans and pants.
Pull-ups are they really necessary?
And what is a dead weight?

No squats? Do you know squats are probably the most rated lift ever. What makes you think your going to get huge legs?

Because if your eating like the average person you will hardly see any change anyway. You say you want core strength, then get squatting and deadlifting.

Also if your wanting more strength, reduce the machine work, and increase the weight ;)
Promise I wont get a big gluteus maximus muscle? then I will definitely do the squats...

But am scared about deadlifts coz no one in my gym does it... And I seriously dont trust the gym owner in his advice... Also after seeing this YouTube - Ronnie Coleman - Deadlift 800lbs, i'm more scared than ever...

I do some machine exercise for my back at 40kg, I think thats enough...

Also do I necessarily have to do all that exercise for my chest/shoulder and in that order?
You will not necessarily get large glutes lol, that would all depend on your eating, training frequency, intensity, and weight your lifting.

And is that your full workout in the first post?

I dont see any leg work or any pulling.
I'm dead scared of doing anything for my thighs coz, I dont want them to be big at all, want it to be real slim so I can fit into jeans etc... (I'm a guy, btw, and my bums and thighs were big, fat, 2 months ago, so looked real funny while wearing any kind of pant, now reduced somewhat)

Pulling: sometimes I squeeze in some cable exercise for biceps... at 20kg

One thing I notice is its easier to use heavy weights while not using a dumbell or barbell, why is that?
Definitely do squats, dead lifts, lunges, etc... for your legs. If you stick to higher reps and lighter weights you'll be less likely to add a lot of mass. But if you skip your legs, you are missing out exercising the largest muscle groups in your body.

On your last question, if you mean using machines instead of barbells and dumbells, the machines don't require the use of as many stabilizer and core muscles as the free weights do, so it generally means you can lift more.
Gonna incorporate 1 squat exercise, but definitely no deadlift coz need proper technique and I dont trust my gym owner that much...

How about my cardio routine? Is it good?
Try to do full squats if you can and Squats are called the KING of working out... you will find out why if you do it with good form.

Most workout should be structured like this:
warm-up ---> weight training ---> Cardio.
There may be reasons to go cardio before weight but if you are a novice to somewhat knowledgeable about working out, stick to that general formula.

100 pushups is no issue here, unless I am exhausted from working out yesterday or earlier in the day. As for the cardio, why rest for 2 minutes? Try to cut rest period down less if you can; just jump from one machine to another or keep the body motion warm by going at a slower rate. 30 minutes total is a good start, especially since you have been going to the gym for only 1.5 months. That is respectable but if you want to extend it longer, more power to you and will probably help you out in the long run.
But I'm burned out after 10 min session on the cycle, can never do elliptical at >20kmph speeds and that too at almost max difficulty setting if I were to do it continuously... Can I reduce intensity ? then i can do it continuously... but dont wanna reduce it g=coz am sweating nicely by the time cycling is over

Moreover I have to get out of gym within 1hr 30 mins... So warm up etc 10 mins cardios with rest 36 mins and 5 mins rest... Then weight traininng for some 40 mins...