Weight-Loss Alternative to water?

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I used to feel the exact same way - never thought I'd drink much straight water. Now, I love it! Weird huh? Here's what I did: After I gave up soda, I started drinking Crystal light like mad (any product like it would work). I whipped it up in Vitamin Water bottles (bf drinks it, so I get a steady supply) - each bottle is 32 oz, so one of those tubs (which makes 8 glasses) makes two bottles. I made it a goal to go through 3-4 bottles (96-128 oz) a day. No problem, tasted good! Then, after a few weeks, I started watering it down a bit. And then a bit more. And then a bit more. Every time I did that, after a few days, the earlier (sweeter) version would taste toooooo sweet! At some point I just made a bottle of plain water before I headed to the gym - honestly because I didn't have time to make the Crystal Light. Wasn't so bad, this plain water thing... odd... got home, decided to go with it... now, I drink just as much PLAIN WATER as I was drinking Crystal Light! And I have NEVER liked the taste of plain water in my LIFE!!

Try something like this, I bet it'll work for you too!:D
Thats pretty much how I did it also. Soda was my downfall for years - hated water . I knew I had to give it up so I started with propel for a few weeks until eventually I switched to one propel after working out and the rest all water. Sometimes now I crave my water which just seems unreal :)
It's all matter of coping, who are you to say what or who is "stupid". It's not the bluntness that is in question, it's the name calling. Are we not all adults?? Your attitude toward Sprite just isn't necessary. Many people have the same problem. And no one said that she should just drink sodas. The bottom line is yes, we all should drink water, no there is no alternative.

All of these suggestions are to help make water drinking bearable. Aeris had a great idea - cutting back on the amount of additive until it's just straight water.
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have you tried sparkling water? I LOVE it.

I can only drink large amounts of regular water if I'm really thirsty or it is with a meal.
ok guys, I did some house cleaning, thank you to the member that let me know this was going on.

Exclamatio was acting inappropriately and if it happends again, he will be banned. Let me know.
To be honest the diet I made for myself revolves around water. I drink only water. Only other drink I have is milk sometimes. But usually about 3-4 bottles of water a day. Usually luke warm too. I've been doing that for like 7 months now though I'm used to it :p Haven't had a Soda since as well D:

Water is the best
Thanks all.

I think I had a breakthrough last night... I was so thirsty after doing my excercise that I picked up a glass of water and gulped loads of it down, and was surprised to find that I just didnt get the usual *bleurgh!* feeling from drinking it... lol.

I will try making the additives weaker, I've just been having glasses of water with the tiniest ammount of sugar-free squash at the moment -literally enough only to taste it.

Oh and thanks to newbride for dealing with the rude post. :)

Water isn't that bad. To be honest I really only drink bottled water, not so much tap/well. I don't refill :p I even get water at resturaunts. I've gotten so used to it. Drinking water is good for you for many reasons. Me who used to be a habitual soda drinker (2-3 a day) Thats about 300 or so calories, theres no calories in water :D And your teeth with thank you for stop staining them with high fructose corn syrup. Also water is a great suppresant of hunger. Sometimes when I feel hungry or feel like I need a snack. I grab water instead. And after a couple sips I usually don't feel hungry anymore. Only con I know of drinking water instead of other drinks is, you pee alot. Just a forewarning
Oh man, I really love water. Its one of those things (as in excersize) that I'm like "ugh, thats the "diet" stuff we are supposed to do" but when I do it, man, i love it, nothing tastes better than water!
Water with boosters

I add some citrus booster to my water. It has all of those vitamin B's, C and a little hoodia and other herbs and stuff. It kind of tastes like a citrus/lemon tea. Maybe you can find something like that.
a few points i'd like to add before closing this thread (because it's getting out of hand).

1) there is no alternative to water
2) adding additives is only recommended if you make an effort to get down to straight water
3) the regulations on bottled water is the same as tap water, so only waste your money if it's a taste thing (besides, the plastic from these bottles are destroying our planet)

4) if someone makes a rude comment, make your point and move on. By continually addressing someones comments, you turn a good thread into a battle ... we ARE all adults and the best thing to do is just let it go
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