Sport All sugar diet

Sport Fitness
Oh Damn I get so turned-on & excited when Mreik talks technical!!!! :luxlove::D :D :D

But seriously, that is some darn good schtuff to read & now understand!!!! Thanks! It's all so fascinating.

Could you please evaluate the concept of "Fat burns in a carbohyrate flame"....the notion being that you will burn more fat during your excercise if you consume a bit of carbs before/during the exercise (more calories from fat burned then if you had not eaten any carbs prior/during). Is there any validity to this....or is it another myth or misinterpretted concept? Thanks!

Oh, and being that this is the COL, ROCK ON! :D

One has to get Mreik worked up a bit to get him turned on to write informative posts. Mriek has the power baby......believe me...he is one knowledgeable dude. And, would like him to expand on his post too! :)


Oh.......ROCK ON!

Im not going in my corner.......:(
Fat metab realises upon a constant supply of oxaloacetate which is produced from pyruvate in carb matebolism.

If low carbs, then low pyruvate, low oxaloacetate, and finally low fat metabolism.
Yesterday afternoon I read Lyle MacDonald's "The Ketogenic Diet", and I feel he gives a pretty good explanation of what Mreik is talking about (not that Mreik himself does not) when discussing the reasoning behind keto as opposed to say simple starvation (which is another situation where things are not so black and white due to an inadequate supply of certain essential nutrients).
...But you'll still come out fighting at the sound of the bell! :D

I'm clickin' positive reps on Mreik, I'm gonna turn his rep-power bar green like the color of marinara sauce left in the frig for 2 months! :D

I was just messen', :)

On the more serious side, though, I still stand by my post I made :). Nothing has changed, lol. I will maintain my style of posting, and what I posted is spot on so I ROCK ON! hehhehehe

It wasnt. Its all good though. Persons are entitled to their own personal perceptions. I accept this as a fact of life.

How is going Patriotplayer! Sup? How is life treating you?

How is diet and fitness life treating you?


Thanks for asking! It is fantastic, I feel great. And I always make sure to have a steady supply of nat peanut butter on hand:biggrinsanta:

I tried some Peter Pan the other day, which I used to love, and I just can't imagine going back to it. It tastes too sweet, not nutty enough,natural is the way George Washington Carver intended for it to be
Thanks for asking! It is fantastic, I feel great. And I always make sure to have a steady supply of nat peanut butter on hand:biggrinsanta:

I tried some Peter Pan the other day, which I used to love, and I just can't imagine going back to it. It tastes too sweet, not nutty enough,natural is the way George Washington Carver intended for it to be


It shocks the human stuffing box with healthy fat blocks; therefore, fill your human stuffing box like Fort KNOX!

Through the stomach it provides humanity with sanity, saves verbal profanity and delevers us all from inhumanity!

It saves us ALL! :)

Evil is the person that doesnt like NPB!!! I say! :)

WHOOOOOOSH....... Wholly crap what was that?!


I unleashed my chill-strap, and uncapped NPB in my lap; it may look like runny crap that has been jar-trapped, but I still open my flap; my stomach claps; my body zaps; if anyone doesnt like NPB they wear a fool's cap; I will make them nap when I zap with my chill-strap!!

Muh, ha, ha,..........Hehhehe, LOL

Please Note: Special provisions will be made for those allergic to peanuts. The feelings expressed are not necessarily the opinion of Read with caution.

I do have some heart, ya know. :)

What ever........I eat too much of this runny-crap...HEHHE :)

HEY! I just learned why I act like a NUT, LOL--oh, my wife, kids, and my employees love me......they earn free stuff....from my business fluff!........THIS ROCKS TOO! :)

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Thanks for asking! It is fantastic, I feel great. And I always make sure to have a steady supply of nat peanut butter on hand:biggrinsanta:

I tried some Peter Pan the other day, which I used to love, and I just can't imagine going back to it. It tastes too sweet, not nutty enough,natural is the way George Washington Carver intended for it to be

Just a geek moment here, sorry....

I was surprised to read recently that Carver didn't invent peanut butter. It's a common misconception because of his work with peanuts

It shocks the human stuffing box with healthy fat blocks; therefore, fill your human stuffing box like Fort KNOX!

Through the stomach it provides humanity with sanity, saves verbal profanity and delevers us all from inhumanity!

It saves us ALL! :)

Evil is the person that doesnt like NPB!!! I say! :)

WHOOOOOOSH....... Wholly crap what was that?!


I unleashed my chill-strap, and uncapped NPB in my lap; it may look like runny crap that has been jar-trapped, but I still open my flap; my stomach claps; my body zaps; if anyone doesnt like NPB they wear a fool's cap; I will make them nap when I zap with my chill-strap!!

Muh, ha, ha,..........Hehhehe, LOL

Please Note: Special provisions will be made for those allergic to peanuts. The feelings expressed are not necessarily the opinion of Read with caution.

I do have some heart, ya know. :)

What ever........I eat too much of this runny-crap...HEHHE :)

HEY! I just learned why I act like a NUT, LOL--oh, my wife, kids, and my employees love me......they earn free stuff....from my business fluff!........THIS ROCKS TOO! :)

Haha. Exactly what i was thinking. Cashew butter is no slouch either, I found out yesterday.