Sport All sugar diet

Sport Fitness
me and my stepdad got in an argument...
he said you have to eat healthy or gain weight.
I say you can eat anything you want,as long as you dont go over your calories you wont gain a lb....
I told him I can go on an all donut diet,as long as I dont go over my calories I wont gain an ounce...
who do you think is right ?

Now keep in mind im NOT saying donuts are healthy.
Im saying you wont gain a lb no matter what you eat as long as you dont go over your the end of the day your bmr is still the same and you didnt go over it,so you wont gain weight...

The reason its better to eat healthy is because healthy foods have vitamins,nutrients,and unhealthy foods can give you diabetes,cholesterol problems etc... but the point im making is if calories in = calories out you wont gain weight no matter what you eat.
you're right.
Yes you are right. You could eat about 10 donuts in a day to equal around 2000 calories and have acid reflux all night, or you could eat a large variety of healthy foods and have energy and feel great. He intended well, for unhealthy foods are often calorie-dense thus making it easy to go overboard, I probably would have gone along with it, would have been good for him.
Yes you are right. You could eat about 10 donuts in a day to equal around 2000 calories and have acid reflux all night, or you could eat a large variety of healthy foods and have energy and feel great. He intended well, for unhealthy foods are often calorie-dense thus making it easy to go overboard, I probably would have gone along with it, would have been good for him.'s hard enough for blended families to get along. Next time let him have his victory, especially if he gives you money. Besides, while you may not gain weight under the circumstances you described, I promise you would lose LM and gain BF proportionally, so it's kind of down to nit-picky stuff anyway.
A girl I work with is on the 'CCC' diet: she only eats Chocolate, Cheese, and Chips. She's a vegetarian that doesn't like vegetables or fruit :p. She's skinny as a rail and looks sickly.
Hate to go against the grain but no you can gain fat from eating "unhealthy" if unhealthy means a lack of needed essentials. Eating like that would eventually lead you to have health problems we agree? Well there are lots of medical reasons why you can't lose fat especially having to do with hormones, so I have to vote that nutrients and balance does infact matter in the LONG TERM. In the short term a diet of 10 days all healthy veg or 10 days all donuts isn't going to make much of a difference no.
You are right. You would not gain weight. I'd actually be willing to bet that you'd lose weight since you're filling your body with so many empty calories. On an all donut diet, you'd muscles would be toast in a matter of weeks.
me and my stepdad got in an argument...
he said you have to eat healthy or gain weight.
I say you can eat anything you want,as long as you dont go over your calories you wont gain a lb....
I told him I can go on an all donut diet,as long as I dont go over my calories I wont gain an ounce...
who do you think is right ?

Now keep in mind im NOT saying donuts are healthy.
Im saying you wont gain a lb no matter what you eat as long as you dont go over your the end of the day your bmr is still the same and you didnt go over it,so you wont gain weight...

The reason its better to eat healthy is because healthy foods have vitamins,nutrients,and unhealthy foods can give you diabetes,cholesterol problems etc... but the point im making is if calories in = calories out you wont gain weight no matter what you eat.

You are correct.

One cannot and will not defy the almighty energy balance. The calorie is the king of kings without an equal.

When speaking in terms of simple tissue loss, it is not "necessarily" what you eat, but more of a function of how much of what you eat that matters the most. Having an understanding of this rather basic "requirement" can be helpful and beneficial, and can prevent hurtful and sometimes guilt feelings associated with dieting. Though some foods may not be optimal, it doesnt "necessarily" make your fat loss progress suboptimal.

Of course (for those that know me on the forum), I advocate eating healthy when dieting. However, its not an "absolute" requirement when speaking in terms of simple tissue loss.

For example, if a person's MT Line is 2300c, and they have set a deficit range of 1800c, and they ate 1200c up to say about 6PM, but got hungry and gave in to a sweet craving and ate a few Oreo's, that amounted to about 500c. There calorie intake is now about 1700c and still maintaining a energy deficit.

This person may have some heavy guilt issues toward eating the Oreo's, and think that they blew their diet.

Knowledge is king: if this person had knowledge of the laws of energy balance, this person would in fact know this ISNT the case, and would know they managed a deficit and are still on track for tissue loss.

Now, this isnt saying that this person doesnt have a craving issue to be appropriately dealt with or an issue to try to eat better.

What this is emphasising is the importance of having knowledge of your calories during the course of a given day; it can give one peace of mind, and tools to work with in one's personal weaknesses to stay on track.

It can give breathing space until the persons benefits from working on improving the reaction to their body's biological and psychological feedback.

Perception----We can build this thing TOGETHER and stand this storm forever, and nothing is gonna stop us:

Working with and manipulating the almighty calorie along with manipulating fitness activities are one of the most grossly misunderstood tools within ones personal diet and fitness tool box. If one works with these two aforementioned items instead of against them, they will have the tools that will never fail them and will meet and exceed thier personal weaknesses and enhance strengths to their personal goal advantage.

Stay on track and never look back!

ROCK ON! my dear friend! Acquire all the knowlede of dieting and fitness, open up your perception--correctly, and use what you learn--properly for your personal goal advantage! This ROCKS! If an aging old man with many more natural biological factors going against him can do it (I lost over 30 pounds), and meet and exceed goals, YOU CAN TO! :)

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me and my stepdad got in an argument...
he said you have to eat healthy or gain weight.
I say you can eat anything you want,as long as you dont go over your calories you wont gain a lb....
I told him I can go on an all donut diet,as long as I dont go over my calories I wont gain an ounce...
who do you think is right ?

Now keep in mind im NOT saying donuts are healthy.
Im saying you wont gain a lb no matter what you eat as long as you dont go over your the end of the day your bmr is still the same and you didnt go over it,so you wont gain weight...

The reason its better to eat healthy is because healthy foods have vitamins,nutrients,and unhealthy foods can give you diabetes,cholesterol problems etc... but the point im making is if calories in = calories out you wont gain weight no matter what you eat.

Ninja, what are your personal goals, may I ask?

Wish you well in life. I wish you well with all of your personal pursuites. I wish health, peace, and happiness.

You are correct.

One cannot and will not defy the almighty energy balance. The calorie is the king of kings without an equal.

They can if they aren't in the category of "unhealthy with a metabolic disorder"

It has been proven that malnutrition can lead to multiple metabolic disorders. Since most metabolic disorders lead to ability to gain fat regardless of expenditure and intake, i would say eating the doughnuts all day long would eventually lead to this problem.

To a degree, don't care how you slice it, nothing it that black and white and yes WHAT you take in does matter. How long it take to effect you, how long you would have to eat just those doughnuts is up for argument but eventually if that was just your diet stuff will go wrong.
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What I typed in that post is correct. It was assumming a healthy person. And you can rant all you want, day and night, 24 hours, 7 days a week, month and month, year after year, and it doesnt change this truth. And, in the end, I still will not care if YOU disagree. One healthy WILL lose weight if energy balance is in deficit, and there is no way around this perspective--when assuming a healthy person. Who would thunk I had to say that, lol.
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I am not upset. What is to get upset over?

Perception is king of the hill. Thanks for the negative rep (Der), it just enhances your stained glass perspective you possess. :)

Have a very happy day!

Best wishes you young lady! :)

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What I typed is correct. It was assumming a healthy person. And you can rant all you want, day and night, 24 hours, 7 days a week, month and month, year after year, and it doesnt change this truth. And, in the end, I still will not care if YOU disagree. One healthy WILL lose weight if energy balance is in deficit, and there is no way around this perspective--when assuming a healthy person. Who would thunk I had to say that, lol.

My point chillen is that you wont be healthy for long, there for it will no longer apply to you. I wasn't attacking you fpr the record, I was merely stating that the laws of energy can be defied when that energy system malfunctions. I am very scientific and because of that I know how easy it is to throw a wrench in a moving gear.

Eating an ass load of krispy kremes can do this.

Please note however the term "ass load" is not a term of scientific measure.
My point chillen is that you wont be healthy for long, there for it will no longer apply to you.

I never took it as attacking, lol. No I wasnt upset (LOL), this is someone elses thoughts--not my own.

I stand completely by the post I made 100% when referring to a healthy individual. I advocate eating healthy, and in the post it mentions this very thing. Read between the lines Lie it can open up your perspective. I dont think you fully grasped the actual "point" in the post I was making.

Of course (for those that know me on the forum), I advocate eating healthy when dieting. However, its not an "absolute" requirement when speaking in terms of simple tissue loss.

(Taken from my previous post). In speaking in "simple" tissue loss, need I say any more than this? You are the one adding in more than there needs to be. What I posted was indeed a valuable post, if not to the OP, another member reading. I am 100% correct and spot on.

Most persons (not all) that join the forum new, are not all that scientific minded. And BASICS and ADVANCED BASICS are what get them going. Its simplicity that they need and not over complication, and my post was relevent and simple for this purpose. One has to taylor a post to its audience it is intended for.

I wish you the best in life and within fitness,

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No need to bicker or get your panties in a bunch.

I have it on good authority that Chillen rolls he's the last person to get his panties in a bunch. ;)

Sara wasn't ranting....just exercising her right, like anyone else, to express her opinion.

But OMG, let's not over-think the issue. Calories are pretty much calories: the acids in our tummy break down what we put in it and nutrients are extracted through the digestion process. Donuts are a bunch of sugar and some nasty fats (the deep-frying process). No real minerals, vitamins or much of a well-rounded nutritious substance...but sugar/fat nonetheless. Consuming a deficiit of calories results in weight-loss.

You can eat 30 apples and 5 cans of light tuna and gain weight, or 2 donuts and lose weight. It's about math, the nutrition is another issue. We all know this....moving on......
There was actually a kid who appeared on a current affair who lost weight through eating purely KFC alone. You heard his side of the story but luckily people who actually knew a thing helped to explain why this isnt such a good idea even though the one variable (weight) improved.
There was actually a kid who appeared on a current affair who lost weight through eating purely KFC alone. You heard his side of the story but luckily people who actually knew a thing helped to explain why this isnt such a good idea even though the one variable (weight) improved.

One can in fact lose weight eating Mcdonalds, KFC, and other fast food places if there is an edequate calorie deficit over time on a healthy individual. Is this healthy, probably not (lol). Reccommended no. Meets the laws of energy balance necessary to lose tissue, yes. Energy balance cannot be beat and will never be beat assuming a healthy person (LOL).

Best wishes,
