Weight-Loss "admit those big sins" challenge

We were a little bit naughty earlier in that we had a little chocolate bar. Less than 100 calories - but wasted calories just the same.
Thankfully I didn't follow it up with more chocolate... Sometimes - once I start I don't want to stop
We were a little bit naughty earlier in that we had a little chocolate bar. Less than 100 calories - but wasted calories just the same.
Depends: if you genuinely enjoyed them that can be worth 100 calories.
Wasted calories again on Saturday. A Bon Mamon chocolate dessert. There are more of them in the fridge too... I know I'm going to eat them... Hopefully not all at once...….
Well today is Sunday and I've just had another Bon Mamon chocolate dessert... I've told Rod not to buy more... We still have more of them sitting in the fridge...
Interesting thread. My sin yesterday was some of my home made peach wine. I have pretty much given up drinking, I used to drink some alcohol almost every day but when I started this diet and counting the calories I stopped. Have not really missed it too much, but some wine with fireworks last night was good, though a bit of a sin.

I don't think a small portion of high protein ice cream is too sinful. Were you able to stay under your calorie goal for the day?
I'm of the opinion that we all have empty calories from time to time - but admitting them helps me stop at one before any real damage is done...

Your home made peach wine sounds absolutely lovely... I can say that as someone who drinks only very rarely too... I can certainly see why it would be a nice treat on a special day for you.

Once I start I'm not good at stopping... I know that I could have 6 of these desserts just as easily as one - and then there would be serious repercussions.

My calories were fine yesterday... But it was all healthy stuff...
Breakfast: Weetabix, skimmed milk, sweetener
Lunch: Weetabix, skimmed milk, sweetener
Main meal: 2 burgers @180 each, 1 tbsp salad cream @ 31 plus 2 large tomatoes, 2 lettuce leaves, 1/4 cucumber, 1 small piece beetroot, slice red onion
otherwise I allow myself s/f sweets and diet cola
PLUS this dessert

The only thing where there was really pause for thought was the dessert - which I've done again today...

Today's food so far is otherwise ok. It is 2:25 here. So far I've had
4 low fat yoghurts
1 portion steamed salmon @162
90g slow roasted tomatoes @114
PLUS this dessert

The only wasted calories has been the chocolate dessert...
There are more in the fridge... I wish there wasnt - but I'm not good at wasting food and I'm not the only person in the house...