actors losing weight for roles

actors are very dedicated to their roles. well if you are paid that much then who wouldn't right? like us, we do anything... well almost anything to stay in shape... and yeah... that lemon diet is not a good idea... my friend tried it and she fainted and was rushed to the hospital and could have died in a few hours... don't do it...
It's the actor's choice I guess, though I'm not sure it's entirely ethical for the directors to ask them to lose weight for a role - should they really be putting their lives and well-being in danger when they could easily hire another actor? Sure it may have an impact on the success of the movie, but surely you'd think a person's health is more important than that!
I suppose it's just down to personal morals! :p
Actors Losing Weight For Roles is Not Glamorous, It's Dangerous
Although Hollywood actors who undergo these transformations are — or often are — monitored every step of the way by medical experts, the process should not be celebrated any further. Even if the weight loss is done out of the sheer volition of the actor or actress, he/she should know that they have a loyal fan base who may believe that this is the only way to succeed in Hollywood — the ultimate mark of a brilliant performance. If stars wish to continue this trend and solidify is as the sign of "true dedication," they need to come out and state that there are other ways to display acting talent. Otherwise, such dramatic and dangerous stunts may evolve from a fad and a trend into norm.
You are totally right. they just earn money. There are too many professions all over the world that are dangerous for health but people risk all the time just to earn money. so, why not... this is their choice...
As an artist, I can REALLY appreciate the sacrifice these actors are willing to do for their art.
I think they mostly do this for money. Don't they?