Abuse of Powers

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I can view her public profile
wtf i get this

Fatal error: Call to a member function parse() on a non-object in /var/www/html/training.fitness.com/httpdocs/modules/currentpoll.php on line 93
I just clicked on her name then clicked public profile. Maybe it has something to do with you being a mod or something. You want me to post a link?
Yep gone forever,

Anyway, let's end the negativity please.

What we need is a nice positive forum with minimal negativity and drama.

Whatever just happened with the log and everything is very small in the whole scheme of things. Let's just end the drama and be on our way.

Have a nice evening/morning everyone.

I dunnoh what was going on but it looked like the guy who started this thread was namecalling and got de-repped. In the V.B forums that I've seen, rep is visible under the post and is usually like so's :- (Assuming I have 10 repping power)

- tribal agrees +10 points
- tribal disagrees -10 points

The setup here appears to be different from the standard V.B setup.

In any event namecalling should not be part of the equation. Sure some of us may resort to "tribal antics" but do not end up with personal attacks or insults.
sorry fer only reeeedin the first page,,, but I got bored wooo hoooaa...

I gradiated and i even has college in me- econimis...

but i'vbe always my most of my nony being "advanced in dumb"

can sopmboey please change my title to "advanced in edumb"

it a a great copmpliment on the circles i run in at time....

anybody up for some sundfay skydying! hahahahaha

p.s. I also believe that a number of posts should be irrelevant. Look how many Derdy Girl has and sh should be power-free. But- then SHE HAS SO MUCH POWER! wheeeew I can feel it! yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tony, I'm getting the error on the profile too:
Fatal error: Call to a member function parse() on a non-object in /var/www/html/training.fitness.com/httpdocs/modules/currentpoll.php on line 93
I agree that this is stepping over the line as well. No need for it, there are plenty enough of us to go around, just read the beginning of this post, going to play a little catch up.
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I can't believe no one has addressed phate's post, but people were all over me when I only wrote a simple statement of fact.

I agree, I am surprised nobody has said anything about Phate's post.

The reason people were all over you, though, Derwyddon, is because we all know you don't like Chillen. We've seen you say he's annoying and other things. So if he has a log why would you even visit it?

The people that were all over you thought that you were there just to troll the topic and spread negativity, etc.
To Wrangell:

With the inception of the infraction system, we have the ability to Warn and temporarily ban people for various reasons. The go as follows:
- signature violations
--- these are obvious now, i think to everyone
- offending other members
--- if members are posting only for the reason to offend other members
- using profanity
--- some swearing is ok. It is part of our language, and, to a degree, i do not think it is worth banning
anyway to see the post? or were you joking about the reported psots section.
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