about democracy

I agree with this.

Lets talk about the word "Idiot". Is everyone an idiot? If so, then who would be fit to run the nation. Only a select few? What constitites an "Idiot". Is it a certain type of person? Someone of a certain age, class, race, gender?

What sane person would lack the ability to pick the best canditate for thier own interests? True, we basically have a two party system, but generally one party will better suit one's interests over the other. Who, then, cannot make that decision for themselves?

If you look back at the founding of the USA, it was really an aristocracy. The only ones allowed to vote were land owning males (the rich) who voted for other land owning males, and the only people who could afford an education were these same rich males. So the best educated elected their own kind and ran the coutry, more or less, for the best interests of the rich, educated, land owning aristocracy.
If you look back at the founding of the USA, it was really an aristocracy. The only ones allowed to vote were land owning males (the rich) who voted for other land owning males, and the only people who could afford an education were these same rich males. So the best educated elected their own kind and ran the coutry, more or less, for the best interests of the rich, educated, land owning aristocracy.

Reminds me how during the great depression, the rich of america who were benefiting from all the distress from the poor created a poll tax so that the poor couldn't vote and change the policies. And only the rich could afford to vote, while the people who were truly affected by the corrupt policies couldn't afford it.
One of the things I usually hate about internet debates are the people who use other peoples quotes out of context to fit their point of view but on this occasion I couldn't resist because of these gems I've always loved from Winston Chirchill;

“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”

I often think this when I read newspaper polls that show people think they pay too much tax but want to see more money spent on public services

“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”

I also agree with this though, democracy has some deep flaws but it's still the best system we've ever had.

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.”

This one has nothing to do with the topic, it just made me chuckle :D